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A Freelancer Parody *COMPLETED 7/9/06!*
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
Alright, here's the full chapter! I forgot how long mission 11 is though, so it won't cover the whole mission and Get Rid Of Slimy NomadS will be the next chapter. Don't worry, this is still one of the longest chapters yet!
(Playing Allegiance) Eat mines n00bs! BWAHAHAHAHA!!
Guard: (Whips me, causing me to crash into an asteroid and die) Get back to work!
Owie! OK, I’ll finish the chapter! (Closes the game)
Guard: Much better.
Hey, is that a giant spider back there?
Oh, it just went around that corner over there. Hurry or it’ll get away!
Guard: (Charges off around the corner) DIE SPIDERS!!
(Puts on MSN messenger, where Trent is online)
Held at mob fortress near Chernobyl. Get over here in 48 hours to bail me out.
Trent: Got it.
(Closes MSN, just as the guard comes back)
Guard: Crap, it got away! Now it could be anywhere. I hate spiders!
You don’t say.
Guard: Anyway, get back to work!
(A few minutes later) The chapter is finished. Here it is. (Hands him a sheet of paper)
Guard: Yay! But you still took too long to make it. (Whips me again)
Ow! What’s the point of even doing these then?
Guard: Because if you stop doing them, we’ll execute you by throwing you in the furby pit.
Good point.
Chapter 13: (Back to my old tradition) Of Sabres and Tradelane Rage
Trent: (Looking around the corners) Where’s Juni? Must avoid Juni.
Juni: Hello.
Trent: Aw, nuts.
Juni: Come on, Hakkera is waiting in the bar.
Trent: Um, shouldn’t you be trying to kill me now for that comment I made?
Juni: Oh, that. Don’t worry, I’ve forgotten all about it.
Trent: Riiight.
Hakkera: (Walks up) Trent, I have a mission for you. All you have to do is go into Rheinland, rescue an agent called von Claussen, destroy a fleet of nomad battleships, and meet me in Hamburg. Sound good?
Trent: Ok, so I just fly into Rheinland, rescue-Wait, I fly into Rheinland? Are you insane? I’ll go all paranoid again!
Hakkera: Do you know about the ship I’m using?
Trent: Yes, that crappy Dagger you’ve got.
Hakkera: No, not that one! My other ship, a Sabre. It has 2 class 9 and 4 class 10 guns, 10800 armor, and-stop drooling, you’ll mess up the floor!
Trent: (Still drooling) Me want Sabre now.
Hakkera: I’ll give you a free one if you’ll stop asking questions about the missions I give you.
Trent: Argh, the things I do for ships… (Walks off, along with Hakkera)
Juni: Soon, I shall have my revenge! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
Hakkera: Change of plans Trent, we’re heading to the Sigma-13 jumphole.
Trent: (Scanning their ships) Why does everyone but me have either a Sabre or an uber Dragon? IT’S NOT FAIR!! *Sob*
Hakkera: If it’s of any comfort to you, we only have class 6 guns right now.
Trent: Why would you use those? It would be so much easier to just use uber guns!
Hakkera: Because the game designers are evil and thought it would be too easy if you could just sit back and let us rip everything apart.
Hakkera: But anyway, Rheinland has invaded the Sigma systems. (Dun dun duuuunnnnnnn) So we have to go to the New Berlin jumphole in Sigma-13 which is not being guarded.
Trent: Shouldn’t we do that anyway?
Hakkera: Good point.
Cobo: We’re at the jumphole.
Trent: (Goes to fly in)
Hakkera: Go in first, Cobo. Trent, you follow.
Trent: Wait, did I just hear that correctly? I don’t have to go in first?
Hakkera: Yes.
Hakkera: We have to be careful, there is a *&$#^&(%#(*ing HUGE Rheinland Fleet Mk.II amassing in this system.
Trent: Oh crap, not again!
Hakkera: Don’t worry, they won’t see us in this nebula.
Cobo: Hey, it’s a *&$#^&(%#(*ing HUGE Rheinland Fleet Mk.II! And they’ve spotted us!
Trent: O_O Not again…
Hakkera: It just told us to kill the fighters, what’s all that about?
Trent: Mine said to destroy the whole fleet!
Hakkera: Hmmm, must be something wrong with the computer. Or someone could have messed with it.
Trent: Hmmmm, I wonder who could’ve done that?
Meanwhile, back on Kyoto, Juni was watching the events from a camera on one of the Dragons’ ships and laughing hysterically. The battle went well after that initial incident, thanks to Hakkera and Cobo obliterating everything with their Sabres which, even if they only had class 6 guns, still had tons of armor and bots/bats, allowing them to not bother with dodging and just shoot everything.
Trent: Yes, that was the last one!
Hakkera: Um, Trent, to your left…
Trent looked left and a Big Rheinland Fleet consisting of a battleship and a lot of fighters was flying straight at him. He barely managed to escape a collision by hitting the thrusters.
Hakkera: Now’s not the time for tradelane rage, Trent. We’ve got to get going.
Tradelane rage is a relatively common occurrence nowadays. It’s very similar to the condition known as “road rage” on ancient Earth back in the time of primitive wheel-driven vehicles, except more violent since all the ships have guns now. It happens generally when someone’s tradelane gets disrupted or someone else flies right in front of him on the way in or out of the tradelane. This usually leads to the offending ship being shot at and destroyed, no matter the attacker’s reputation with that ship’s faction, what ship it is, or how many there are. Tradelane rage is responsible for a number of deaths among not only the victims, but also attackers, most recently when a freelancer in a Starflier mindlessly attacked a patrol of Outcasts in Sabres that had happened to enter New York. He survived approximately 0.00001 seconds, which by a strange coincidence, was also the amount of time on ancient Earth from when the traffic light turns green to the person behind you honking.
Trent: DIE YOU #$@&*%$ES!!
Rheinlanders: (Shoot a big barrage of Lancer missiles at Trent)
Trent: AHHHHHHHH!!! (Starts dodging like a maniac while trying to get away)
Cobo: Alright, they’ve finally stopped following us. They have bigger fish to catch than us.
Trent: I would think that killing 8 Valkyries and 2 Cruisers would make us pretty big fish.
Cobo: True, but what about a Rather Large Kusari Fleet™?
Trent: Now that’s one matchup I’d like to see, a Rather Large Kusari Fleet™ vs. a *&$#^&(%#(*ing HUGE Rheinland Fleet Mk.II. Personally, my money’s on the Kusari, since they nearly killed me without having the whole fleet attack. Although they can’t do an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression like the Rheinlanders can!
Cobo: That’s kind of a given though, since they are all clones of him in the first place.
Hakkera: I hate to interrupt this discussion about the governor of California, but we’re at the jumphole now. We can’t come with you into New Berlin.
Trent: Please?
Hakkera: No.
Trent: Please?
Hakkera: NO!
Trent: Please?
Hakkera: (Rams Trent through the jumphole) OK, now go, go, go! (Flies off at top speed)
Trent: (Flying to the tradelane) Don’t go all paranoid, don’t go all paranoid…
You know, talking to yourself is a sign of insanity.
Trent: Argh!
(There are 6 gunboats, a battleship, and 2 cruisers sitting there)
Trent: Please don’t hurt me…Anyway, all I have to do is find von Claussen. Shouldn’t be too hard.
Hakkera: Trent, von Claussen is on the run now. You’ll have to look for him.
Trent: D’OH!
(In the bar)
Fortune teller guy (I don’t know his name): Would you like Mr. Blix here to help you find what the future may hold? Help you contact the dead, find nuclear weapons?
Trent: No.
FTG: He’s never wrong, he uses an alien artifact to see the future.
Arnold Clone: What? Artifacts? Hand over ze artifacts and you will be spared.
Blix: One second, I just need to talk to this guy.
AC: I’ll be back. (Walks over to the bar table)
Blix: (Starts the artifact up) Woooooooo! I know the man you seek is in Frankfurt on Planet Holstein! One more second and I’ll also tell you where all the wrecked ships are-
AC: (Pulls out a big shotgun, shoots the artifact, and drags Blix off)
Trent: WHY?!
Fischer: I’m going to accompany you to Holstein. Let’s get in the tradelane to the Frankfurt gate.
(Here, there are 2 battleships and a whopping 12 cruisers)
Trent: O_O That’s a lot of capships.
Battleship Freya: Identify yourselves immediately or you will be terminated.
Trent: Oh please let it be easy, just this once, I beg of you Console…
Fischer: I am a Daumann freighter transporting supplies to Holstein.
Freya: Alright, you’re free to go. I’m going to completely ignore the fact that you’re in a light fighter.
Trent: YES!
Freya: What?
Trent: Ummmmm, I’ve just beat the final boss on Final Fantasy MCDXLVIII.
Freya: And why would you be playing a video game in space?
Trent: Oh, look at the time, see you later!
I’m just going to skip by the next few parts since they’re pretty boring, just flying through Frankfurt and ogling at the huge fleets of capships. Now Trent and von Claussen are flying to Bruchsal Base.
Von Claussen: Trent, we’ve found a secret base in this system with this new battleship being built by the Rheinland government. The design is alien. (Dun dun duuuunnnnnnn)
Bruchsal Base: Help, we’re under attack!
Unlike the last one, this fight went rather badly, since the Bundschuh couldn’t hit the broadside of a Kusari battleship and only served as cannon fodder. They were even worse than Juni, who only couldn’t hit a Liberty battleship. At least von Claussen was a good shot.
Von Claussen: Trent, this is Botzler, the leader of the Bundschuh.
Botzler: Von Claussen, nice to see you. And this must be your way out.
Von Claussen: Yes, this is Trent. Anyway, what about that secret installation.
Botzler: We’ll have a wing of fighters ready to help you soon.
Von Claussen: Good. In the meantime, why don’t you go look around?
Trent: Alright, I’ll go to the equipment dealer.
(In the equipment dealer)
Trent: Hey, these Luger Type A’s look pretty good! Hey dealer, can I get 4 Luger Type A’s?
Equipment dealer: (Looks confused) Was?
Trent: 4 Lugers, hmmm, what’s German for 4, oh yeah, vier Luger.
ED: Oh, ja, ja, ich verstehe. (Goes in the back, and comes out with 4 pistols)
Trent: No, no, ship guns.
ED: Was?
Trent: Oh never mind. Hey, I wonder what that torpedo launcher in the glass there is. Alright, Sunslayer Torpedo Launcher, Hull damage 11736, shield damage-11736? HOLY CRAP I WANT ONE OF THOSE! (Presses his face on the glass)
Von Claussen (Walks in) I love the effect that has on people.
Mob leader: Yes, the chapter’s finally done! And it’s one of the longest yet!
So can I go free now?
Mob leader: No. We’ll assemble for the Reading, then you’ll be free for a week, then you will get back to work immediately!
And sorry everyone, but I have exams coming up so don't expect the next chapter to be out very soon. Unless I find some time during break to do it, in which case it could be out as early as the 10th, it probably won't be done until March.
Want to get the chapters of A Freelancer Parody before anyone else? Click here for more info.
Do a barrel roll!
Edited by - Starman Omega on 1/30/2006 11:19:18 AM
(Playing Allegiance) Eat mines n00bs! BWAHAHAHAHA!!
Guard: (Whips me, causing me to crash into an asteroid and die) Get back to work!
Owie! OK, I’ll finish the chapter! (Closes the game)
Guard: Much better.
Hey, is that a giant spider back there?
Oh, it just went around that corner over there. Hurry or it’ll get away!
Guard: (Charges off around the corner) DIE SPIDERS!!
(Puts on MSN messenger, where Trent is online)
Held at mob fortress near Chernobyl. Get over here in 48 hours to bail me out.
Trent: Got it.
(Closes MSN, just as the guard comes back)
Guard: Crap, it got away! Now it could be anywhere. I hate spiders!
You don’t say.
Guard: Anyway, get back to work!
(A few minutes later) The chapter is finished. Here it is. (Hands him a sheet of paper)
Guard: Yay! But you still took too long to make it. (Whips me again)
Ow! What’s the point of even doing these then?
Guard: Because if you stop doing them, we’ll execute you by throwing you in the furby pit.
Good point.
Chapter 13: (Back to my old tradition) Of Sabres and Tradelane Rage
Trent: (Looking around the corners) Where’s Juni? Must avoid Juni.
Juni: Hello.
Trent: Aw, nuts.
Juni: Come on, Hakkera is waiting in the bar.
Trent: Um, shouldn’t you be trying to kill me now for that comment I made?
Juni: Oh, that. Don’t worry, I’ve forgotten all about it.
Trent: Riiight.
Hakkera: (Walks up) Trent, I have a mission for you. All you have to do is go into Rheinland, rescue an agent called von Claussen, destroy a fleet of nomad battleships, and meet me in Hamburg. Sound good?
Trent: Ok, so I just fly into Rheinland, rescue-Wait, I fly into Rheinland? Are you insane? I’ll go all paranoid again!
Hakkera: Do you know about the ship I’m using?
Trent: Yes, that crappy Dagger you’ve got.
Hakkera: No, not that one! My other ship, a Sabre. It has 2 class 9 and 4 class 10 guns, 10800 armor, and-stop drooling, you’ll mess up the floor!
Trent: (Still drooling) Me want Sabre now.
Hakkera: I’ll give you a free one if you’ll stop asking questions about the missions I give you.
Trent: Argh, the things I do for ships… (Walks off, along with Hakkera)
Juni: Soon, I shall have my revenge! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
Hakkera: Change of plans Trent, we’re heading to the Sigma-13 jumphole.
Trent: (Scanning their ships) Why does everyone but me have either a Sabre or an uber Dragon? IT’S NOT FAIR!! *Sob*
Hakkera: If it’s of any comfort to you, we only have class 6 guns right now.
Trent: Why would you use those? It would be so much easier to just use uber guns!
Hakkera: Because the game designers are evil and thought it would be too easy if you could just sit back and let us rip everything apart.
Hakkera: But anyway, Rheinland has invaded the Sigma systems. (Dun dun duuuunnnnnnn) So we have to go to the New Berlin jumphole in Sigma-13 which is not being guarded.
Trent: Shouldn’t we do that anyway?
Hakkera: Good point.
Cobo: We’re at the jumphole.
Trent: (Goes to fly in)
Hakkera: Go in first, Cobo. Trent, you follow.
Trent: Wait, did I just hear that correctly? I don’t have to go in first?
Hakkera: Yes.
Hakkera: We have to be careful, there is a *&$#^&(%#(*ing HUGE Rheinland Fleet Mk.II amassing in this system.
Trent: Oh crap, not again!
Hakkera: Don’t worry, they won’t see us in this nebula.
Cobo: Hey, it’s a *&$#^&(%#(*ing HUGE Rheinland Fleet Mk.II! And they’ve spotted us!
Trent: O_O Not again…
Hakkera: It just told us to kill the fighters, what’s all that about?
Trent: Mine said to destroy the whole fleet!
Hakkera: Hmmm, must be something wrong with the computer. Or someone could have messed with it.
Trent: Hmmmm, I wonder who could’ve done that?
Meanwhile, back on Kyoto, Juni was watching the events from a camera on one of the Dragons’ ships and laughing hysterically. The battle went well after that initial incident, thanks to Hakkera and Cobo obliterating everything with their Sabres which, even if they only had class 6 guns, still had tons of armor and bots/bats, allowing them to not bother with dodging and just shoot everything.
Trent: Yes, that was the last one!
Hakkera: Um, Trent, to your left…
Trent looked left and a Big Rheinland Fleet consisting of a battleship and a lot of fighters was flying straight at him. He barely managed to escape a collision by hitting the thrusters.
Hakkera: Now’s not the time for tradelane rage, Trent. We’ve got to get going.
Tradelane rage is a relatively common occurrence nowadays. It’s very similar to the condition known as “road rage” on ancient Earth back in the time of primitive wheel-driven vehicles, except more violent since all the ships have guns now. It happens generally when someone’s tradelane gets disrupted or someone else flies right in front of him on the way in or out of the tradelane. This usually leads to the offending ship being shot at and destroyed, no matter the attacker’s reputation with that ship’s faction, what ship it is, or how many there are. Tradelane rage is responsible for a number of deaths among not only the victims, but also attackers, most recently when a freelancer in a Starflier mindlessly attacked a patrol of Outcasts in Sabres that had happened to enter New York. He survived approximately 0.00001 seconds, which by a strange coincidence, was also the amount of time on ancient Earth from when the traffic light turns green to the person behind you honking.
Trent: DIE YOU #$@&*%$ES!!
Rheinlanders: (Shoot a big barrage of Lancer missiles at Trent)
Trent: AHHHHHHHH!!! (Starts dodging like a maniac while trying to get away)
Cobo: Alright, they’ve finally stopped following us. They have bigger fish to catch than us.
Trent: I would think that killing 8 Valkyries and 2 Cruisers would make us pretty big fish.
Cobo: True, but what about a Rather Large Kusari Fleet™?
Trent: Now that’s one matchup I’d like to see, a Rather Large Kusari Fleet™ vs. a *&$#^&(%#(*ing HUGE Rheinland Fleet Mk.II. Personally, my money’s on the Kusari, since they nearly killed me without having the whole fleet attack. Although they can’t do an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression like the Rheinlanders can!
Cobo: That’s kind of a given though, since they are all clones of him in the first place.
Hakkera: I hate to interrupt this discussion about the governor of California, but we’re at the jumphole now. We can’t come with you into New Berlin.
Trent: Please?
Hakkera: No.
Trent: Please?
Hakkera: NO!
Trent: Please?
Hakkera: (Rams Trent through the jumphole) OK, now go, go, go! (Flies off at top speed)
Trent: (Flying to the tradelane) Don’t go all paranoid, don’t go all paranoid…
You know, talking to yourself is a sign of insanity.
Trent: Argh!
(There are 6 gunboats, a battleship, and 2 cruisers sitting there)
Trent: Please don’t hurt me…Anyway, all I have to do is find von Claussen. Shouldn’t be too hard.
Hakkera: Trent, von Claussen is on the run now. You’ll have to look for him.
Trent: D’OH!
(In the bar)
Fortune teller guy (I don’t know his name): Would you like Mr. Blix here to help you find what the future may hold? Help you contact the dead, find nuclear weapons?
Trent: No.
FTG: He’s never wrong, he uses an alien artifact to see the future.
Arnold Clone: What? Artifacts? Hand over ze artifacts and you will be spared.
Blix: One second, I just need to talk to this guy.
AC: I’ll be back. (Walks over to the bar table)
Blix: (Starts the artifact up) Woooooooo! I know the man you seek is in Frankfurt on Planet Holstein! One more second and I’ll also tell you where all the wrecked ships are-
AC: (Pulls out a big shotgun, shoots the artifact, and drags Blix off)
Trent: WHY?!
Fischer: I’m going to accompany you to Holstein. Let’s get in the tradelane to the Frankfurt gate.
(Here, there are 2 battleships and a whopping 12 cruisers)
Trent: O_O That’s a lot of capships.
Battleship Freya: Identify yourselves immediately or you will be terminated.
Trent: Oh please let it be easy, just this once, I beg of you Console…
Fischer: I am a Daumann freighter transporting supplies to Holstein.
Freya: Alright, you’re free to go. I’m going to completely ignore the fact that you’re in a light fighter.
Trent: YES!
Freya: What?
Trent: Ummmmm, I’ve just beat the final boss on Final Fantasy MCDXLVIII.
Freya: And why would you be playing a video game in space?
Trent: Oh, look at the time, see you later!
I’m just going to skip by the next few parts since they’re pretty boring, just flying through Frankfurt and ogling at the huge fleets of capships. Now Trent and von Claussen are flying to Bruchsal Base.
Von Claussen: Trent, we’ve found a secret base in this system with this new battleship being built by the Rheinland government. The design is alien. (Dun dun duuuunnnnnnn)
Bruchsal Base: Help, we’re under attack!
Unlike the last one, this fight went rather badly, since the Bundschuh couldn’t hit the broadside of a Kusari battleship and only served as cannon fodder. They were even worse than Juni, who only couldn’t hit a Liberty battleship. At least von Claussen was a good shot.
Von Claussen: Trent, this is Botzler, the leader of the Bundschuh.
Botzler: Von Claussen, nice to see you. And this must be your way out.
Von Claussen: Yes, this is Trent. Anyway, what about that secret installation.
Botzler: We’ll have a wing of fighters ready to help you soon.
Von Claussen: Good. In the meantime, why don’t you go look around?
Trent: Alright, I’ll go to the equipment dealer.
(In the equipment dealer)
Trent: Hey, these Luger Type A’s look pretty good! Hey dealer, can I get 4 Luger Type A’s?
Equipment dealer: (Looks confused) Was?
Trent: 4 Lugers, hmmm, what’s German for 4, oh yeah, vier Luger.
ED: Oh, ja, ja, ich verstehe. (Goes in the back, and comes out with 4 pistols)
Trent: No, no, ship guns.
ED: Was?
Trent: Oh never mind. Hey, I wonder what that torpedo launcher in the glass there is. Alright, Sunslayer Torpedo Launcher, Hull damage 11736, shield damage-11736? HOLY CRAP I WANT ONE OF THOSE! (Presses his face on the glass)
Von Claussen (Walks in) I love the effect that has on people.
Mob leader: Yes, the chapter’s finally done! And it’s one of the longest yet!
So can I go free now?
Mob leader: No. We’ll assemble for the Reading, then you’ll be free for a week, then you will get back to work immediately!
And sorry everyone, but I have exams coming up so don't expect the next chapter to be out very soon. Unless I find some time during break to do it, in which case it could be out as early as the 10th, it probably won't be done until March.
Want to get the chapters of A Freelancer Parody before anyone else? Click here for more info.
Do a barrel roll!
Edited by - Starman Omega on 1/30/2006 11:19:18 AM
An excellent update to be sure, but here are some things to keep in mind:
"Fortune Teller Guy" is actually Jonner, though FTG is funnier.
Keep in mind that Blix is mute, perhaps you could throw some mime humor in here and make trent interpret body language?
Excellent use of tradelane rage however, that's quite applicable.
"Fortune Teller Guy" is actually Jonner, though FTG is funnier.
Keep in mind that Blix is mute, perhaps you could throw some mime humor in here and make trent interpret body language?
Excellent use of tradelane rage however, that's quite applicable.
CLEAR! (Hits the fanfic board with one of shock things) Maybe that'll get it back alive again. No one has posted on this whole board in 4 days...
But that magic fridge commercial > all. (Drops to my knees) Magic fridge, magic fridge...
The FedEx one was good too. BUT FEDEX DOESN'T EVEN EXIST YET! Not my problem.
Edit: Oh yeah, the monkey commercial rocked too, forgot about that one.
Also, there is a LOT of spam between chapters 8 and 11 that would make it hard to read for someone who just found this. Do you think I should post a non-spam topic with just the story?
Want to get the chapters of A Freelancer Parody before anyone else? Click here for more info.
Edited by - Starman Omega on 2/6/2006 9:15:58 AM

The FedEx one was good too. BUT FEDEX DOESN'T EVEN EXIST YET! Not my problem.

Edit: Oh yeah, the monkey commercial rocked too, forgot about that one.
Also, there is a LOT of spam between chapters 8 and 11 that would make it hard to read for someone who just found this. Do you think I should post a non-spam topic with just the story?
Want to get the chapters of A Freelancer Parody before anyone else? Click here for more info.
Edited by - Starman Omega on 2/6/2006 9:15:58 AM
It's your lucky day (or, it will be soon anyway) because I'm doing Chapter 14 now, and it will be out tomorrow or in a few days! You will learn what happens when you steal lines from LotR characters, how exploding nomad battleships make traders rich, and who has enslaved the Order (aka Get Rid of Slimy nomadS)!
Edit: OK, now it actually will be out this weekend, if not later today. These exams make it very hard to find enough time to write anything.
Want to get the chapters of A Freelancer Parody before anyone else? Click here for more info.
Do a barrel roll!
Edited by - Starman Omega on 2/24/2006 9:17:45 AM
Edit: OK, now it actually will be out this weekend, if not later today. These exams make it very hard to find enough time to write anything.
Want to get the chapters of A Freelancer Parody before anyone else? Click here for more info.
Do a barrel roll!
Edited by - Starman Omega on 2/24/2006 9:17:45 AM
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