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Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
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I've decided to take a crack at making a real fanfic so be amazed at my lack of ingenuity and creativity, wait those are the same thing! anyway here goes.
It's been 23 years since the order Opened the hypergate and thwarted the danger of the nomads, The heroes of Sirius have all been forgotten, even Edison Trent who now lives his life as a unassuming freelancer in the borderworlds is only ever heard of in pirate or bounty hunter news as " Freelancer 1-1 took out another corsair outpost yesterday".
Yet there are reports that the order is becoming more active, almost as if they're expecting another invasion of nomads, who knows what goes through the head of the leader of the order, noone knows who the leader is now, orillion was making one last plea for peace with the corsairs before he retired as he was getting old, as a sign of good faith he left his escort wing near Tripoli shipyard.He didn't stand a chance 3 wings of Titans part of a seperatist movement came from the farside of Crete and ambushed him just as he was lining up with the docking ring, The seperatists were fought back with the help of the wing of order fighters, sadly orillions body was never found and there could never be a proper burial.A memorial service was held or this brave soul however and not only did the members of the order come other people like dr.'s sinclair and quintaine came, other more respected people also came aside from trent whos heroics had spread far and wide after the initial publication about the nomads existence 3 years after he dealt the final blow. People like President jacobi and Vice chancellor and soon to be chancellor Herr Von Clausen.
So is the new threat real or is it truly nothing more than the media jumping at every scrap of information that comes their way, the only way to know would to be ask the one man still alive who will become; even though he does not know it, the savior of the sirius sector and perhaps all sectors of nearby space from slavery or total anhihilation...
"Orbital flight 341 now boarding, would all passengers please report to the on ramp and present your ID and flight verification to the flight officer"
Micheal Locke sitting nervously on a waiting bench got up and hurried towards the on ramp where he fumbled with his ID and flight verification number.Having everything check out he hurried to a window seat near the back.Settling himself in for the short trip from the Manhattan spaceport to Newark station and stowing his belongings in a overhead compartment he prepared to for the first time in his life, leave the atmosphere of his home planet.
To one who had never seen space outside of a simulator cockpit the site was breath taking, the small blue line that was the atmosphere of planet manhattan, the many ships going about their business, some on patrol others mooring and preparing to unload their cargoes.But what fascinated him the most was that thin blue line, it astonished him how really small his home was compared to the rest of the universe, and he wondered; how could such a small thin line of atoms protect an entire planet from the dangers of the void.He was about to meditate on this as he did all philosophical and scientific matters when once again a voice came over the intercom.
"We will be docking with Newark station shortly, passengers departing here are warned to watch thier step when stepping over the connecting airlock".
Micheal fidgeting a great deal retreived his bag of belongings from the overhead storage compartment and headed towards the airlock located at the fore of the shuttle.Upon exiting he looked upon a unfamiliar scene of organised rushing from shop to shop and airlock to airlock, looking lost he set off for a corridor that had the sign saying "freighter crew recruitment office" with an arrow pointing towards another corridor on the left side, walking towards the door he hoped that he hadn't just wasted 3 months savings fjust for a round trip to Newark and back to Manhattan.
not very long i know but hey, what did you expect in 3 hours work time, reviews welcomed and wanted, if they aren't used its cause im too lazy.
EDIT: typos
Edited by - Dragonborn on 1/18/2005 1:57:46 PM
It's been 23 years since the order Opened the hypergate and thwarted the danger of the nomads, The heroes of Sirius have all been forgotten, even Edison Trent who now lives his life as a unassuming freelancer in the borderworlds is only ever heard of in pirate or bounty hunter news as " Freelancer 1-1 took out another corsair outpost yesterday".
Yet there are reports that the order is becoming more active, almost as if they're expecting another invasion of nomads, who knows what goes through the head of the leader of the order, noone knows who the leader is now, orillion was making one last plea for peace with the corsairs before he retired as he was getting old, as a sign of good faith he left his escort wing near Tripoli shipyard.He didn't stand a chance 3 wings of Titans part of a seperatist movement came from the farside of Crete and ambushed him just as he was lining up with the docking ring, The seperatists were fought back with the help of the wing of order fighters, sadly orillions body was never found and there could never be a proper burial.A memorial service was held or this brave soul however and not only did the members of the order come other people like dr.'s sinclair and quintaine came, other more respected people also came aside from trent whos heroics had spread far and wide after the initial publication about the nomads existence 3 years after he dealt the final blow. People like President jacobi and Vice chancellor and soon to be chancellor Herr Von Clausen.
So is the new threat real or is it truly nothing more than the media jumping at every scrap of information that comes their way, the only way to know would to be ask the one man still alive who will become; even though he does not know it, the savior of the sirius sector and perhaps all sectors of nearby space from slavery or total anhihilation...
"Orbital flight 341 now boarding, would all passengers please report to the on ramp and present your ID and flight verification to the flight officer"
Micheal Locke sitting nervously on a waiting bench got up and hurried towards the on ramp where he fumbled with his ID and flight verification number.Having everything check out he hurried to a window seat near the back.Settling himself in for the short trip from the Manhattan spaceport to Newark station and stowing his belongings in a overhead compartment he prepared to for the first time in his life, leave the atmosphere of his home planet.
To one who had never seen space outside of a simulator cockpit the site was breath taking, the small blue line that was the atmosphere of planet manhattan, the many ships going about their business, some on patrol others mooring and preparing to unload their cargoes.But what fascinated him the most was that thin blue line, it astonished him how really small his home was compared to the rest of the universe, and he wondered; how could such a small thin line of atoms protect an entire planet from the dangers of the void.He was about to meditate on this as he did all philosophical and scientific matters when once again a voice came over the intercom.
"We will be docking with Newark station shortly, passengers departing here are warned to watch thier step when stepping over the connecting airlock".
Micheal fidgeting a great deal retreived his bag of belongings from the overhead storage compartment and headed towards the airlock located at the fore of the shuttle.Upon exiting he looked upon a unfamiliar scene of organised rushing from shop to shop and airlock to airlock, looking lost he set off for a corridor that had the sign saying "freighter crew recruitment office" with an arrow pointing towards another corridor on the left side, walking towards the door he hoped that he hadn't just wasted 3 months savings fjust for a round trip to Newark and back to Manhattan.
not very long i know but hey, what did you expect in 3 hours work time, reviews welcomed and wanted, if they aren't used its cause im too lazy.
EDIT: typos
Edited by - Dragonborn on 1/18/2005 1:57:46 PM
thanks for the tips guys, i'll try and use them sorry about the short length again but i didn't really want to get into any REAL details of the story in the prologue.About the grammar, what did you expect from a 8th grader
seriously though i will try and fix that, sometimes the part of my brain that makes the stories works faster than the part that checks for errors.and like i said, if some tips don't get used right away or used at all its cause i'm either nat at a computer or i'm just lazy that day
hmmm that's strange it doesn't want to seem to indent, any ideas?
EDIT: there, is that more readable?
Edited by - Dragonborn on 1/18/2005 1:59:15 PM

hmmm that's strange it doesn't want to seem to indent, any ideas?
EDIT: there, is that more readable?
Edited by - Dragonborn on 1/18/2005 1:59:15 PM
While Athena does have a point with spelling, punctuation and grammar, don't worry about not getting it right all the time. Easy way to sort out spelling mistakes is to do your story in word and run spellcheck. I believe Finalday also found a spellchecker for forum posts to. Provided the reader understands your story and enjoys it, then your on to a winner

k, here we go!
EDIT: im gonna add some more here as it's kinda short.
EDIT: what did my writing become that horrible in this chapter, or are you all just lazy like me?
As he approached the freighter enlistment office he saw that there was only one man aside from the administrator there, a grim looking captain who was; from his hand motions, talking very vehemently.As the see through door opened to let him in he heard what appeared to be the end of the argument.
"I know there haven't been alot of recruits lately, but you've gotta have somebody atleast decent for bridge duty!" The captain demanded of the man behind the desk.
"I'm sorry sir all the enlistee's are barely even qualified for unloading cargo much less helmsman, many of them being released criminals" He replied looking just as hopeless as the haggard captain.
"Uh, excuse me sirs but i couldn't help overhearing your argument and if your looking for a pilot i've had over 600 hours in a simulator piloting up to class C fighters and freighters" Micheal interupted nervously.
"have you registered?" Asked the captain.
"Er, no" Micheal replied looking disappointed.
"well hurry up my Ship is due to leave in a half" replied the captain smiling at the hopeful smile on the youths face.
After quickly registering the captain had told him to go to docking bay 13 where his freighter, the Argo was. Seeing as he had no more possessions than those on his back he headed towards the bay slightly behind the captain, but the captain stopped and chatted with what looked like a navy official.Curious he stopped right before the turn and poked his head around.
"I don't really want to hire you but theres noone else to do the job" Said the navy man looking distastefully down his nose at the freighter captain.
"You and me both luetenant, you think i like hauling around all your navy's classified materials and restricting my crew from going in the cargo bay where they store some of their personal belongings?" the captain took a deep breath and continued.
"And then theres the pirate to deal with,you've got outcasts, rogues even junkers'll take a potshot at you given the circumstances; tell you what, you try protecting your ass in a freighter for a couple of days instead of one of your sleek security force fighters and see how it feels" He ended looking slightly out of breath.
I hurried to docking bay 13 to become properly acquainted with the ship and the crew.Arriving i saw a battered looking Rhino that looked about ready to head for the scrap heap.
"She's not much to look at i know but considering all the times she's run into outcasts and the like she's in better shape than some; We were never properly introduced, i'm Lance, Lance Anasazi, you" For the first time i really looked at my new captain unshaved, dark skin, black eyes and a face that looked like it was all made up of right angles added to the look of him being what was called on "earth" a native american.
"Locke, Micheal Locke" I responded just as professionally.
"Come meet the crew you'll be stuck with for the next 3 months" he told me jovially.
There was Digger, the gunner who never seemed to be without a package of some type of pastry at his side.Then it was Tools the mechanic perpetually covered in grease.After that it was Tong's the Sensor specialist a woman of Kusari descent that always seemed to be listening to music and was continually told to turn it off.Then of course there was captain Lance or "Ace" as everyone called him who always had a mug of some type of steaming beverage; "coffee" he called it.There was also the two cargo haulers known as Crow and Buzzard who's main occupation besides transferring cargo was wreaking havoc with many little "stunts".
As there wasn't that large a crew i got my own room to myself; it was clean if a bit stuffy.As i crawled into my bunk i wondered what changes tomorrow would bring.
****************************************NEXT DAY**********************************************
Micheal awoke to the comforting sound of the Argo getting ready to undock.He took a look in the mirror to be sure his hair wasn't standing up, he had long black hair with bang's that hung over his right eye, he was well built but not so much that it appeared he was nothing but muscle, his skin was tanned and he was of kusari and Rheinland descent even if he did not look the latter.He quickly dressed in a black long sleeved jumpsuit with a bloodred dragon emblazoned on the chest.Tongs was already there listening to some music blissfully unaware of the world around her.
"So, the Helmsman has arrived eh? well let's see what you can do" Digger said turning around in his chair and grinning at the new recruit.
I made my way forward to the pilot station and powered it up awaiting the captains permission to release the docking clamps.
"Now don't give the lad too hard a time dig's this is his first time even piloting outside a simulator; Tongs, TONGS, TONGS!!!" finished the captain nearly shouting.
"wha? oh right" she said as she opened a channel with docking control.
"docking control this is the independant freighter Argo, requesting to depart" Once her attention was caught she was actually quite attentive to her duties.
"Now theres just one thing left to do before we release the docking clamps, all spacers have a nickname they use, you don't have one this being your first time on a ship, we'll let you think of one yourself and if the crew likes it you can keep it, if they don't like it we get to pick one for you" he finished.
He thought it over for a minute, he liked dragons and my father was a rheinlander and rheinlanders hated Kusari, hmm born with 2 enemys blood in my veins.They were getting impatient.
"Born of the dragon and the Valkyrie" i finally said.
"your expecting people to remember that?" asked a incredulous Digger.
"naw, too long and can't even make halfway decent initials out of it" commented Tongs.
"you've got a good idea there kid but how about we turn it around" He looked at the captain questioningly.
"How would you do that" He asked puzzled.
"instead of Born of the Dragon and the Valkyire, how about something abit shorter like say, Dragonborn" The crew perked up at this name and seemed to think it over.
"Dragonborn, its got a nice ring to it" Digger said with a mouthful of what he called donuts.
"It's got easy initials to remember too" Tongs said looking satisfied.
"It's settled then" replied the captain "you will now be known as Dragonborn, well take us out Db"
Micheal "Dragonborn" Locke eased the Argo from its berth and towards the que at the tradelane to westpoint.They were to pick up classified materials at willard for the navy the captain told them during the trip through the tradelane.Arriving at westpoint he headed towards the tradelane that led to the california gate.
"We are not going that way, we are taking a slight detour through magellan" we all looked at him puzzled.
"but there ain't no way to magellan from here" sputtered Digger spitting out a peice of pastry.
"oh but there is, there is a gate in the badlands that will put us right into magellan, the navy told me about it" he stopped for breath "We are to then go to california pick up the materials and head back through magellan to new york" he finished.
He altered the the course and soon they they were streaking down the tradelane to old Ithaca station.As they started to deccelerate Tongs looked worried, she even beat on her console.
"what's wrong Tongs" asked Lance.
"Sir, these readings can't be right, i mean we know the rogues like to waylay passersby here but they've brought in the heavy firepower, my scanner is showing 3 wolfhounds and 5 bloodhounds!!" The crew looked shocked.
"Wolfhounds are sposed to only be in the independant worlds" said Digger his pastry's all but forgotten.
As we exited the tradelane, sure enough there they were.Weapons of piracy, we didn't stand a chance, or so i thought...
Dun Dun Dun!!! there alittle more content. I guess this could be said to be a prelude of my characters life in "A new RPG" that me Arania and Viator/Love Shark made.
Edited by - Dragonborn on 1/29/2005 2:45:24 PM
EDIT: im gonna add some more here as it's kinda short.
EDIT: what did my writing become that horrible in this chapter, or are you all just lazy like me?

As he approached the freighter enlistment office he saw that there was only one man aside from the administrator there, a grim looking captain who was; from his hand motions, talking very vehemently.As the see through door opened to let him in he heard what appeared to be the end of the argument.
"I know there haven't been alot of recruits lately, but you've gotta have somebody atleast decent for bridge duty!" The captain demanded of the man behind the desk.
"I'm sorry sir all the enlistee's are barely even qualified for unloading cargo much less helmsman, many of them being released criminals" He replied looking just as hopeless as the haggard captain.
"Uh, excuse me sirs but i couldn't help overhearing your argument and if your looking for a pilot i've had over 600 hours in a simulator piloting up to class C fighters and freighters" Micheal interupted nervously.
"have you registered?" Asked the captain.
"Er, no" Micheal replied looking disappointed.
"well hurry up my Ship is due to leave in a half" replied the captain smiling at the hopeful smile on the youths face.
After quickly registering the captain had told him to go to docking bay 13 where his freighter, the Argo was. Seeing as he had no more possessions than those on his back he headed towards the bay slightly behind the captain, but the captain stopped and chatted with what looked like a navy official.Curious he stopped right before the turn and poked his head around.
"I don't really want to hire you but theres noone else to do the job" Said the navy man looking distastefully down his nose at the freighter captain.
"You and me both luetenant, you think i like hauling around all your navy's classified materials and restricting my crew from going in the cargo bay where they store some of their personal belongings?" the captain took a deep breath and continued.
"And then theres the pirate to deal with,you've got outcasts, rogues even junkers'll take a potshot at you given the circumstances; tell you what, you try protecting your ass in a freighter for a couple of days instead of one of your sleek security force fighters and see how it feels" He ended looking slightly out of breath.
I hurried to docking bay 13 to become properly acquainted with the ship and the crew.Arriving i saw a battered looking Rhino that looked about ready to head for the scrap heap.
"She's not much to look at i know but considering all the times she's run into outcasts and the like she's in better shape than some; We were never properly introduced, i'm Lance, Lance Anasazi, you" For the first time i really looked at my new captain unshaved, dark skin, black eyes and a face that looked like it was all made up of right angles added to the look of him being what was called on "earth" a native american.
"Locke, Micheal Locke" I responded just as professionally.
"Come meet the crew you'll be stuck with for the next 3 months" he told me jovially.
There was Digger, the gunner who never seemed to be without a package of some type of pastry at his side.Then it was Tools the mechanic perpetually covered in grease.After that it was Tong's the Sensor specialist a woman of Kusari descent that always seemed to be listening to music and was continually told to turn it off.Then of course there was captain Lance or "Ace" as everyone called him who always had a mug of some type of steaming beverage; "coffee" he called it.There was also the two cargo haulers known as Crow and Buzzard who's main occupation besides transferring cargo was wreaking havoc with many little "stunts".
As there wasn't that large a crew i got my own room to myself; it was clean if a bit stuffy.As i crawled into my bunk i wondered what changes tomorrow would bring.
****************************************NEXT DAY**********************************************
Micheal awoke to the comforting sound of the Argo getting ready to undock.He took a look in the mirror to be sure his hair wasn't standing up, he had long black hair with bang's that hung over his right eye, he was well built but not so much that it appeared he was nothing but muscle, his skin was tanned and he was of kusari and Rheinland descent even if he did not look the latter.He quickly dressed in a black long sleeved jumpsuit with a bloodred dragon emblazoned on the chest.Tongs was already there listening to some music blissfully unaware of the world around her.
"So, the Helmsman has arrived eh? well let's see what you can do" Digger said turning around in his chair and grinning at the new recruit.
I made my way forward to the pilot station and powered it up awaiting the captains permission to release the docking clamps.
"Now don't give the lad too hard a time dig's this is his first time even piloting outside a simulator; Tongs, TONGS, TONGS!!!" finished the captain nearly shouting.
"wha? oh right" she said as she opened a channel with docking control.
"docking control this is the independant freighter Argo, requesting to depart" Once her attention was caught she was actually quite attentive to her duties.
"Now theres just one thing left to do before we release the docking clamps, all spacers have a nickname they use, you don't have one this being your first time on a ship, we'll let you think of one yourself and if the crew likes it you can keep it, if they don't like it we get to pick one for you" he finished.
He thought it over for a minute, he liked dragons and my father was a rheinlander and rheinlanders hated Kusari, hmm born with 2 enemys blood in my veins.They were getting impatient.
"Born of the dragon and the Valkyrie" i finally said.
"your expecting people to remember that?" asked a incredulous Digger.
"naw, too long and can't even make halfway decent initials out of it" commented Tongs.
"you've got a good idea there kid but how about we turn it around" He looked at the captain questioningly.
"How would you do that" He asked puzzled.
"instead of Born of the Dragon and the Valkyire, how about something abit shorter like say, Dragonborn" The crew perked up at this name and seemed to think it over.
"Dragonborn, its got a nice ring to it" Digger said with a mouthful of what he called donuts.
"It's got easy initials to remember too" Tongs said looking satisfied.
"It's settled then" replied the captain "you will now be known as Dragonborn, well take us out Db"
Micheal "Dragonborn" Locke eased the Argo from its berth and towards the que at the tradelane to westpoint.They were to pick up classified materials at willard for the navy the captain told them during the trip through the tradelane.Arriving at westpoint he headed towards the tradelane that led to the california gate.
"We are not going that way, we are taking a slight detour through magellan" we all looked at him puzzled.
"but there ain't no way to magellan from here" sputtered Digger spitting out a peice of pastry.
"oh but there is, there is a gate in the badlands that will put us right into magellan, the navy told me about it" he stopped for breath "We are to then go to california pick up the materials and head back through magellan to new york" he finished.
He altered the the course and soon they they were streaking down the tradelane to old Ithaca station.As they started to deccelerate Tongs looked worried, she even beat on her console.
"what's wrong Tongs" asked Lance.
"Sir, these readings can't be right, i mean we know the rogues like to waylay passersby here but they've brought in the heavy firepower, my scanner is showing 3 wolfhounds and 5 bloodhounds!!" The crew looked shocked.
"Wolfhounds are sposed to only be in the independant worlds" said Digger his pastry's all but forgotten.
As we exited the tradelane, sure enough there they were.Weapons of piracy, we didn't stand a chance, or so i thought...
Dun Dun Dun!!! there alittle more content. I guess this could be said to be a prelude of my characters life in "A new RPG" that me Arania and Viator/Love Shark made.
Edited by - Dragonborn on 1/29/2005 2:45:24 PM
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