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The Control Your Own Faction RPG- Pt. 2: Rebirth, Official T
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
I would encourage you not to interfere with this war. I have forces in reserve that will attack you if you attempt to backstab either myself or Liberty. Do not take action that would cause me to revoke our treaty.
ww2jacob, King of Bretonia
We would like to give you 5 of each of our Bretonian LF and HF wings in Edinburgh. Take these as a gift, and we still request that you send ships to each of the Bretonian home systems to help us protect them. If you need more credits and resources, I will se what I can do, though my resources have been very strained with the war in Rheinland. We appreciate your continued cooperation in our fight to rid Sirius of all evil.
ww2jacob, King of Bretonia
Colony News!
WAR! : The fleets of Bretonia and Liberty simutaniously attacked Rheinland forces in the Hudson, Bering, Dresden, and Frankfurt systems. This suprise attack was highly unexpected by everyone, since things seemed to have been smoothed over recently. Hispania is considering aiding Rheinland, but the King has threatened to attack Hispania if they interfere. We still have no word yet on the results of the raging battles in those four systems, though we do know that Liberty and Bretonia have tremendous advantages in those systems. More to come, when we know more...
BHG Joins Hispania! : The BHG has decided to run with its survivors to Hispania to join the new house as an ally. They have very few survivors, as Liberty practically wiped them off the map two days ago. Guildmaster Richardson seems to be one of the lucky ones, as recorded messages from him have been sent to Hispania.
What About Kusari? : Kusari, the long-time rival of Rheinland, has not joined in on the attack done by Liberty and Bretonian forces. Their plans are mysterious, but it is likely tha they will join the assault soon, and join their fellow houses in finishing off Rheinland once and for all.
The Wild Card. : To many of our anylists, who are trying to guess who will make up the sides in this war, if it spreads, are confused on one faction, the Outcasts. Their behavior has been strange lately, by setting up bases in Rheinland space, but refusing to join the Corsairs in House Hispania. What will they do, if anything?
This has been an edition of the Colony News Service!
Over and out from CNS HQ on New London.
I would encourage you not to interfere with this war. I have forces in reserve that will attack you if you attempt to backstab either myself or Liberty. Do not take action that would cause me to revoke our treaty.
ww2jacob, King of Bretonia
We would like to give you 5 of each of our Bretonian LF and HF wings in Edinburgh. Take these as a gift, and we still request that you send ships to each of the Bretonian home systems to help us protect them. If you need more credits and resources, I will se what I can do, though my resources have been very strained with the war in Rheinland. We appreciate your continued cooperation in our fight to rid Sirius of all evil.
ww2jacob, King of Bretonia
Colony News!
WAR! : The fleets of Bretonia and Liberty simutaniously attacked Rheinland forces in the Hudson, Bering, Dresden, and Frankfurt systems. This suprise attack was highly unexpected by everyone, since things seemed to have been smoothed over recently. Hispania is considering aiding Rheinland, but the King has threatened to attack Hispania if they interfere. We still have no word yet on the results of the raging battles in those four systems, though we do know that Liberty and Bretonia have tremendous advantages in those systems. More to come, when we know more...
BHG Joins Hispania! : The BHG has decided to run with its survivors to Hispania to join the new house as an ally. They have very few survivors, as Liberty practically wiped them off the map two days ago. Guildmaster Richardson seems to be one of the lucky ones, as recorded messages from him have been sent to Hispania.
What About Kusari? : Kusari, the long-time rival of Rheinland, has not joined in on the attack done by Liberty and Bretonian forces. Their plans are mysterious, but it is likely tha they will join the assault soon, and join their fellow houses in finishing off Rheinland once and for all.
The Wild Card. : To many of our anylists, who are trying to guess who will make up the sides in this war, if it spreads, are confused on one faction, the Outcasts. Their behavior has been strange lately, by setting up bases in Rheinland space, but refusing to join the Corsairs in House Hispania. What will they do, if anything?
This has been an edition of the Colony News Service!
Over and out from CNS HQ on New London.
Transmission to Bretonia:
We would prefer not to go to war with Bretonia, however, it would definately not be in our interests to allow you and Liberty to control the majority of systems. We therefore ask you kindly to end you war with Rheinland, and make it just Rheinland versus Liberty. Or have Liberty end their war and make it Bretonia versus Rheinland.
OOC: Oh and Omega 5 has no jumpgates for cap ships.
Edited by - Triyun on 11/26/2004 2:17:33 PM
We would prefer not to go to war with Bretonia, however, it would definately not be in our interests to allow you and Liberty to control the majority of systems. We therefore ask you kindly to end you war with Rheinland, and make it just Rheinland versus Liberty. Or have Liberty end their war and make it Bretonia versus Rheinland.
OOC: Oh and Omega 5 has no jumpgates for cap ships.
Edited by - Triyun on 11/26/2004 2:17:33 PM
@ Hispainia:
We are sorrowed by your unfortunate change of heart. Your thoughts about your southern border, while commendable, could have been rectified eventually by allowing us to build up forces there. We thank you for your minor support anyway....
@ kusari: (Secret, not even hispania knows.)
I know you have little stomach for us, but in this case, we have a common enemy. Liberty has attacked in your space, against us, and could very well do so again after it has defeated rhineland. Also, we both have major reasons to hate the glorified pirates called rhineland, and if you will help us rebuild in your northern systems, we will gladly help you destroy them.
@ outcasts: (Absolutely hush-hush, none of the houses other than possibly hispania will hear this.)
I know that recoginizing you as a non-criminal faction is, well, highly bad publicity for us, and is possibly a bad choice for the far future, but in this case, it is nessacary for the survival of both us and you. Rhineland and liberty are going to wreck sirus, either in their conflict, or by their utter destruction of all free choice in this universe. We are willing to recoginize you as a house if you could at least provide us with a single shipyard somewhere in your territory were we can rebuild our forces and aid each other in our respective fights. Help us, and we shall help you in any way we can.
BHG turn 20
Credits: 690-90=600
49 O/99 H-F/ 92 F/ 264 H2O/ 6 M
bought 3 exploration parties (Hopefully I'll find a system with a planet in it.)
Moving redemption squadron to Omicron Gamma, Home of house hispania
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
CRY HAVOC, AND LET LOOSE THE DOGS OF WAR! (Said by Bhg guild master Richardson when bhg stabbed in the back by liberty.)
Edited by - richardson on 11/26/2004 2:33:36 PM
We are sorrowed by your unfortunate change of heart. Your thoughts about your southern border, while commendable, could have been rectified eventually by allowing us to build up forces there. We thank you for your minor support anyway....
@ kusari: (Secret, not even hispania knows.)
I know you have little stomach for us, but in this case, we have a common enemy. Liberty has attacked in your space, against us, and could very well do so again after it has defeated rhineland. Also, we both have major reasons to hate the glorified pirates called rhineland, and if you will help us rebuild in your northern systems, we will gladly help you destroy them.
@ outcasts: (Absolutely hush-hush, none of the houses other than possibly hispania will hear this.)
I know that recoginizing you as a non-criminal faction is, well, highly bad publicity for us, and is possibly a bad choice for the far future, but in this case, it is nessacary for the survival of both us and you. Rhineland and liberty are going to wreck sirus, either in their conflict, or by their utter destruction of all free choice in this universe. We are willing to recoginize you as a house if you could at least provide us with a single shipyard somewhere in your territory were we can rebuild our forces and aid each other in our respective fights. Help us, and we shall help you in any way we can.
BHG turn 20
Credits: 690-90=600
49 O/99 H-F/ 92 F/ 264 H2O/ 6 M
bought 3 exploration parties (Hopefully I'll find a system with a planet in it.)
Moving redemption squadron to Omicron Gamma, Home of house hispania
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
CRY HAVOC, AND LET LOOSE THE DOGS OF WAR! (Said by Bhg guild master Richardson when bhg stabbed in the back by liberty.)
Edited by - richardson on 11/26/2004 2:33:36 PM
@ Richardson: Well Rheinland looks like their in a position to kiss our asses now, I'll tell you what, give me 360 credits and you got yourself a place to stay and access to shipyards when I'm not using them.
@ Deathspike: I'm sending you a message on the other board in a second read it as soon as possible.
Edited by - Triyun on 11/26/2004 2:35:24 PM
@ Deathspike: I'm sending you a message on the other board in a second read it as soon as possible.
Edited by - Triyun on 11/26/2004 2:35:24 PM
@ hispania (Secret.)
Agreed, I can spare the credits. I don't really care what size station I get as long as I have someplace to berth. as is, I really don't have the resources to build fighter wings at the moment, and I'm hoping that the situation will rapidly change.
Would you like to trade metal for water prehaps?
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
CRY HAVOC, AND LET LOOSE THE DOGS OF WAR! Retribution shall be quick, mercy shall not be given, the seeds of liberty's destruction have been sowed. (Said by Bhg guild master Richardson when bhg stabbed in the back by liberty.)
Edited by - richardson on 11/26/2004 3:25:48 PM
Agreed, I can spare the credits. I don't really care what size station I get as long as I have someplace to berth. as is, I really don't have the resources to build fighter wings at the moment, and I'm hoping that the situation will rapidly change.
Would you like to trade metal for water prehaps?

Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
CRY HAVOC, AND LET LOOSE THE DOGS OF WAR! Retribution shall be quick, mercy shall not be given, the seeds of liberty's destruction have been sowed. (Said by Bhg guild master Richardson when bhg stabbed in the back by liberty.)
Edited by - richardson on 11/26/2004 3:25:48 PM
@hispaina, double secret.
Agreed. I'll speak with samura.
@samura(Secret enough that if I hadn't spoken with hispania earlier on this, no-one would know.)
We understand that you have enough resources to build a large base. We are willing to pay you for those resources, in order to construct a new base of operations. As well as offering a large amount of water up. 240 units of it in fact.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
CRY HAVOC, AND LET LOOSE THE DOGS OF WAR! Retribution shall be quick, mercy shall not be given, the seeds of liberty's destruction have been sowed. (Said by Bhg guild master Richardson when bhg stabbed in the back by liberty.)
Edited by - richardson on 11/26/2004 3:33:27 PM
Agreed. I'll speak with samura.
@samura(Secret enough that if I hadn't spoken with hispania earlier on this, no-one would know.)
We understand that you have enough resources to build a large base. We are willing to pay you for those resources, in order to construct a new base of operations. As well as offering a large amount of water up. 240 units of it in fact.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
CRY HAVOC, AND LET LOOSE THE DOGS OF WAR! Retribution shall be quick, mercy shall not be given, the seeds of liberty's destruction have been sowed. (Said by Bhg guild master Richardson when bhg stabbed in the back by liberty.)
Edited by - richardson on 11/26/2004 3:33:27 PM
To Bretonia:
Thanks you for giving us these fighter wings. We will defend the Bretonia home systems as best as we can and if our fleet is strong enough, help you to overcome Rhineland. (OOC: Also, before I take my turn, could you tell me the results of my researches? I researched 1 point in FA, researched VHF, and sent out an explore party. If you could get back to me on those results it would be greatly appriciated.) Thanks again for the fighter wings.
Roc, High Commander of the Gaians
I think i'll try a news thing too.
Gaia News
Liberty and Bretonia have recently declared war on Rhineland, and begun to invade the House. High Commander Roc has followed the King of Bretonia, ww2jakob's actions and is sending wings of fighters to protect Bretonia's systems. Our Commander has also been heard saying that he is willing to help in this war, if his fleet becomes large enough. All of the Gaians support his decisions and are eager to help. More news will appear on this topic as it becomes available.
A new House?
Recently, the Corsairs, the Blood Dragons, and Samura Industies have formed together to become the House Hispania. Liberty seems perplexed by this new House, espicially with their ability to build Bombers due to the Revolutionary part of the House. Hispania as also asked the Outcasts to join this new House, but they seem skeptical and have not given a straight answer. High Commander Roc has told us that has long as Hispania does nothing hostile against the Gaians or it's allies, he is fine with this new House.
BHG wiped out!
The House Liberty has attacked the Bounty Hunters Guild and captured all their bases and their home system of Freedom. The Guild Master of the Bounty Hunters, Richardson, seems to have lived through this attack along with several wings of ships. The Guild Master seems enraged at Liberty and Rhineland and has declared them criminals to the Bounty Hunters. Rumors state that they are seeking shelter with the newly formed House Hispania, but these statements have not yet been proven.
Where is Kusari?
The House Kusari, a long time enemy of Rhineland, has not yet declared war like Bretonia and Liberty. Many believe that Kusari will take action against Rhineland soon, but a few believe that it may have a trick up it's sleeve. High Commander Roc believes the former and is expecting to see Kusari aid Bretonia and Liberty in the fight.
(OOC: lots of edits and lots of typing
Edited by - Roc on 11/26/2004 3:13:13 PM
Edited by - Roc on 11/26/2004 3:14:32 PM
Edited by - Roc on 11/26/2004 3:38:05 PM
Edited by - Roc on 11/26/2004 3:40:12 PM
Edited by - Roc on 11/26/2004 3:45:42 PM
Thanks you for giving us these fighter wings. We will defend the Bretonia home systems as best as we can and if our fleet is strong enough, help you to overcome Rhineland. (OOC: Also, before I take my turn, could you tell me the results of my researches? I researched 1 point in FA, researched VHF, and sent out an explore party. If you could get back to me on those results it would be greatly appriciated.) Thanks again for the fighter wings.
Roc, High Commander of the Gaians
I think i'll try a news thing too.
Gaia News
Liberty and Bretonia have recently declared war on Rhineland, and begun to invade the House. High Commander Roc has followed the King of Bretonia, ww2jakob's actions and is sending wings of fighters to protect Bretonia's systems. Our Commander has also been heard saying that he is willing to help in this war, if his fleet becomes large enough. All of the Gaians support his decisions and are eager to help. More news will appear on this topic as it becomes available.
A new House?
Recently, the Corsairs, the Blood Dragons, and Samura Industies have formed together to become the House Hispania. Liberty seems perplexed by this new House, espicially with their ability to build Bombers due to the Revolutionary part of the House. Hispania as also asked the Outcasts to join this new House, but they seem skeptical and have not given a straight answer. High Commander Roc has told us that has long as Hispania does nothing hostile against the Gaians or it's allies, he is fine with this new House.
BHG wiped out!
The House Liberty has attacked the Bounty Hunters Guild and captured all their bases and their home system of Freedom. The Guild Master of the Bounty Hunters, Richardson, seems to have lived through this attack along with several wings of ships. The Guild Master seems enraged at Liberty and Rhineland and has declared them criminals to the Bounty Hunters. Rumors state that they are seeking shelter with the newly formed House Hispania, but these statements have not yet been proven.
Where is Kusari?
The House Kusari, a long time enemy of Rhineland, has not yet declared war like Bretonia and Liberty. Many believe that Kusari will take action against Rhineland soon, but a few believe that it may have a trick up it's sleeve. High Commander Roc believes the former and is expecting to see Kusari aid Bretonia and Liberty in the fight.
(OOC: lots of edits and lots of typing

Edited by - Roc on 11/26/2004 3:13:13 PM
Edited by - Roc on 11/26/2004 3:14:32 PM
Edited by - Roc on 11/26/2004 3:38:05 PM
Edited by - Roc on 11/26/2004 3:40:12 PM
Edited by - Roc on 11/26/2004 3:45:42 PM
@ Richardson- My home system Wutai is a good hiding spot. Move all your forces to Wutai.( it's between New Berlin and Stuggart.) I'll build you a base as soon as possible.
Samura Twentyfirst turn-
commodites- 110(F)/ 205(W)/ 274M)/ 263(O)/ 585(HF)
I give Richardson my 12 Corperation LF Wings, and the one coperation LF wing when and if it returns from exploration
I place Cocomo shipyards(capital shipyard) and Bentusi Shipyard(fighter) in Wutai
I move all forces to Wutai
I build one large base in Wutai for 100 credits/35 Metals/5 HF/25 F/15 O/5 H2O
leaving me with
commodites- 85(F)/ 200(W)/ 239M)/ 248(O)/ 580(HF)
I give that base to Richardson
90- credits
30(F)/ 30(W)/ 30(M)/ 22(O)/ 82(H-F)
final amount-
credits- 350
commodities-115(F)/ 230(W)/ 269(M)/ 270(O)/ 662(HF)
TO Triyun- can you give me 10 bomber wings if you can spare it.
And I can build everything you can build right?
Most people fear the unknown.
Most people haven't met me.
Samura Twentyfirst turn-
commodites- 110(F)/ 205(W)/ 274M)/ 263(O)/ 585(HF)
I give Richardson my 12 Corperation LF Wings, and the one coperation LF wing when and if it returns from exploration
I place Cocomo shipyards(capital shipyard) and Bentusi Shipyard(fighter) in Wutai
I move all forces to Wutai
I build one large base in Wutai for 100 credits/35 Metals/5 HF/25 F/15 O/5 H2O
leaving me with
commodites- 85(F)/ 200(W)/ 239M)/ 248(O)/ 580(HF)
I give that base to Richardson
90- credits
30(F)/ 30(W)/ 30(M)/ 22(O)/ 82(H-F)
final amount-
credits- 350
commodities-115(F)/ 230(W)/ 269(M)/ 270(O)/ 662(HF)
TO Triyun- can you give me 10 bomber wings if you can spare it.
And I can build everything you can build right?
Most people fear the unknown.
Most people haven't met me.
BHG Turn 20 Extended
Docks all 12 lf wings with new base, codenamed "Alliance"
To samura: double encoding:
We thank you for your hospitality, and have to ask one thing:
Just how secret is this system? If rhineland knows about the system, we can't stay long, especially with it's location. Not exaclty the most hospitable, if you know what I mean.
Hah, now you die. And remember, I now live where you least expect, be prepared, for one day soon, house bretonia forces will pound your capital, and I will be waiting to stab you in your very heart. Nighty-night, chancellor.
The bhg, has returned, and we are pissed..............
Edited by - richardson on 11/26/2004 4:00:01 PM
Docks all 12 lf wings with new base, codenamed "Alliance"
To samura: double encoding:
We thank you for your hospitality, and have to ask one thing:
Just how secret is this system? If rhineland knows about the system, we can't stay long, especially with it's location. Not exaclty the most hospitable, if you know what I mean.
Hah, now you die. And remember, I now live where you least expect, be prepared, for one day soon, house bretonia forces will pound your capital, and I will be waiting to stab you in your very heart. Nighty-night, chancellor.
The bhg, has returned, and we are pissed..............
Edited by - richardson on 11/26/2004 4:00:01 PM
@ Triyun: This is our alliance, you have to attack Bretonia and Liberty. (And yes I'm in a very good position to kiss your asses, but this is the terms of the agreement)
@ VD: If you do decide to attack me, you'll have to get past Hispania in Sigma 13, plus the big arse rhineland fleet there. I'd suggest doing the smart thing--allying with Hispania and me and overcoming our former differences.
To Liberty and Bretonia: You poor fools. Any notion you had this is a surprise attack is idiotic (OOC: I was informed. I won't give my source away, but rest assured one of you blabbed). Rhineland has known about this multi-attack by Bretonia and Liberty for ages. If you believe for one second that your actions--that of Liberty protesting the building of revolutionary bombers when we had no plans of attack and Bretonia denying the peace agreement--did not portray that you had plans to attack me you are sorely mistaken.
Rhineland fully denounces this unprovoked attack on its sovereign nation and demands that Liberty and Bretonia remove their forces from its systems. (In the meantime, I'll wait until Hispania sends help before I send troops). Rest assured we will defend with the ultimate force we possess. Aided by the glorious Hispanian military we shall not fail.
Edit: @ Richardson. Technically, I haven't done ANYTHING to you, you can't call me a pirate. Secondly, you have to move your fighters into Rhineland territory to get to Wutai, so you better listen to this deal I have.
a) you help me attack Liberty and Bretonia
b) ally with Hispania and me
and I will:
a) give you complete amnesty, and
b) House you within Rhineland.
If you do not agree to these terms, go back to Liberty and fight alongside the people who destroyed you. Rest assured, if you try to reach Wutai without agreeing to peace you will be destroyed.
OOC: FINALLY!!! ach something's finally happening around here.
@ jacob: I have a wack of tech reasearches, just so you know.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/26/2004 4:00:11 PM
@ VD: If you do decide to attack me, you'll have to get past Hispania in Sigma 13, plus the big arse rhineland fleet there. I'd suggest doing the smart thing--allying with Hispania and me and overcoming our former differences.
To Liberty and Bretonia: You poor fools. Any notion you had this is a surprise attack is idiotic (OOC: I was informed. I won't give my source away, but rest assured one of you blabbed). Rhineland has known about this multi-attack by Bretonia and Liberty for ages. If you believe for one second that your actions--that of Liberty protesting the building of revolutionary bombers when we had no plans of attack and Bretonia denying the peace agreement--did not portray that you had plans to attack me you are sorely mistaken.
Rhineland fully denounces this unprovoked attack on its sovereign nation and demands that Liberty and Bretonia remove their forces from its systems. (In the meantime, I'll wait until Hispania sends help before I send troops). Rest assured we will defend with the ultimate force we possess. Aided by the glorious Hispanian military we shall not fail.
Edit: @ Richardson. Technically, I haven't done ANYTHING to you, you can't call me a pirate. Secondly, you have to move your fighters into Rhineland territory to get to Wutai, so you better listen to this deal I have.
a) you help me attack Liberty and Bretonia
b) ally with Hispania and me
and I will:
a) give you complete amnesty, and
b) House you within Rhineland.
If you do not agree to these terms, go back to Liberty and fight alongside the people who destroyed you. Rest assured, if you try to reach Wutai without agreeing to peace you will be destroyed.
OOC: FINALLY!!! ach something's finally happening around here.
@ jacob: I have a wack of tech reasearches, just so you know.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/26/2004 4:00:11 PM
A, you know nothing of the system.
B: the fighters were given to me by a faction already in the system
C: I am currently in a non-agression pact with hispaina, no more, no less.
C: I am allied with bretonia, so, in reality, I'm working the best of both sides.
D: I seriously doubt hispania is gonna help you.)
A, you know nothing of the system.
B: the fighters were given to me by a faction already in the system
C: I am currently in a non-agression pact with hispaina, no more, no less.
C: I am allied with bretonia, so, in reality, I'm working the best of both sides.
D: I seriously doubt hispania is gonna help you.)
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