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The Control Your Own Faction RPG- Pt. 2: Rebirth, Official T
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
@ TRFL: The Outcasts are welcome in Liberty Space should they not chose to join with the Corsairs in this upstart house.
@ Wilde: Keep your bomber wings I simply ask that you and the Corsari Alliance not construct any more. Because having this advantage would be like Liberty resuming construction of the Osiris Class of Battleship.
@ Tryiun: Although tensions may be cooling my threat still stands. Should you construct new bomber wings Liberty will react most unpleasently.
@ Wilde: Keep your bomber wings I simply ask that you and the Corsari Alliance not construct any more. Because having this advantage would be like Liberty resuming construction of the Osiris Class of Battleship.
@ Tryiun: Although tensions may be cooling my threat still stands. Should you construct new bomber wings Liberty will react most unpleasently.
@ Liberty: Keep your hands out of our affairs.
@ Outcasts: The terms are as followed, the Outcasts swear allegiance to House Hispania, and start thinking with their heritage instead of the meager existence as pirates. Your economic and military condition is a joke, join us and be part of something that is actually strong. Stop begging for scraps from the four houses and start realizing that the survivors of the Hispania are entitled to a house of our own.
@ Outcasts: The terms are as followed, the Outcasts swear allegiance to House Hispania, and start thinking with their heritage instead of the meager existence as pirates. Your economic and military condition is a joke, join us and be part of something that is actually strong. Stop begging for scraps from the four houses and start realizing that the survivors of the Hispania are entitled to a house of our own.
as everyone seems to be joining in on the news broadcasting, I will too (let's just not let this thing take over like personal rpg's took over CYOF 1)
Rhineland Empire News
To Liberty: We are not quite sure yet whether we will agree. You should know very well Rhineland would never trifle with the factions of Liberty or Bretonia unless in defence, so why would you care whether I build bomber wings? Please explain it.
To the Corsairs: Perhaps soon we could interest you in a more advanced, full-fledged alliance?
In the meantime, I suggest we hold a celebration and diplomatic meeting at the newly won Gas Miner Naha. Rhineland is very eager to consolidate this relationship. (bring good food!)
@ Triyun: Is it alright if I keep the fleet that took Gas Miner Naha in Sigma 13?
Rhineland turn 23
1. I place 1 battleship and 2 bomber wings in Weimar, 2 bomber wings in Germanii.
2. I build 1 small station in Colorado (to be christened Hesse station) and 2 cruisers. And I research Cruiser Capital attack for 2 points, LF CA for 3, gunboat CA for 5, and LF FA for 2.
3. IMG is proposed a non-agression pact.
4. @ Jacob: That sounds good to me. Thanks
Also, I have tech researches: Cruiser CA (4 points), LF CA (3 points), LF FA (2 points), and gunboat CA (5 points).
5. I basically went a little overboard with the researches, so I'm going to subtract...620 creds= 1820.
commodities left: 225 M/ 239 H-F/ 103 O/ 276 F/ 186 W
All forces:
New Berlin: 51 LF, 2 HF, 1 cruiser, 3 gunboats, 6 VHF, 1 battleship
Hamburg: 50 LF, 3 HF, 1 dreadnought, 1 battleship, 1 bomber
Stuttgart: 41 LF, 1 VHF, 1 HF, 1 gunboat, 1 destroyer
Hudson: 30 LF, 2 VHF, 2 HF, 3 gunboats, 1 cruiser, 1 battleship
Dresden: 45 LF, 1 battleship, 1 VHF
Weimar: 45 LF, 1 destroyer, 1 VHF, 1 gunboat, 3 cruisers, 1 battleship
Bering: 20 LF
Germanii: 10 LF wings, 4 bomber wings.
Sigma 13: 28 LF wings, 3 HF, 2 VHF, 2 gunboats, and 1 cruiser
ok, so that's my turn...
Congratulations on wiping richardson off the face of the earth. The Rhineland government is very pleased.
@ Richardson: That's what you get when you turn your back on Rhineland!
To all you celebrating, happy Thanksgiving!
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/25/2004 4:12:47 PM
Rhineland Empire News
Chancellor Wilde welcomes the newly formed House Hispania with open arms, and is quoted as saying in a speech today, "We commend the former Corsair faction for their transition to an honest House in the Sirius system. The Rhineland empire will extend a hand of friendship to Hispania in whatever way possible." Many wonder if this will have an adverse affect on our relationship with Liberty.
In other news, tensions with Kusari seem to be heating up again over base rights in Sigma 13. A government official was heard to have said "The authoritiarian government of Kusari simply cannot accept that their are systems in existence that are not under its regime, and it should not act like it deserves to own all known systems in Sirius." We will bring you more news as the story develops.
To Liberty: We are not quite sure yet whether we will agree. You should know very well Rhineland would never trifle with the factions of Liberty or Bretonia unless in defence, so why would you care whether I build bomber wings? Please explain it.
To the Corsairs: Perhaps soon we could interest you in a more advanced, full-fledged alliance?
In the meantime, I suggest we hold a celebration and diplomatic meeting at the newly won Gas Miner Naha. Rhineland is very eager to consolidate this relationship. (bring good food!)
@ Triyun: Is it alright if I keep the fleet that took Gas Miner Naha in Sigma 13?
Rhineland turn 23
1. I place 1 battleship and 2 bomber wings in Weimar, 2 bomber wings in Germanii.
2. I build 1 small station in Colorado (to be christened Hesse station) and 2 cruisers. And I research Cruiser Capital attack for 2 points, LF CA for 3, gunboat CA for 5, and LF FA for 2.
3. IMG is proposed a non-agression pact.
4. @ Jacob: That sounds good to me. Thanks
Also, I have tech researches: Cruiser CA (4 points), LF CA (3 points), LF FA (2 points), and gunboat CA (5 points).
5. I basically went a little overboard with the researches, so I'm going to subtract...620 creds= 1820.
commodities left: 225 M/ 239 H-F/ 103 O/ 276 F/ 186 W
All forces:
New Berlin: 51 LF, 2 HF, 1 cruiser, 3 gunboats, 6 VHF, 1 battleship
Hamburg: 50 LF, 3 HF, 1 dreadnought, 1 battleship, 1 bomber
Stuttgart: 41 LF, 1 VHF, 1 HF, 1 gunboat, 1 destroyer
Hudson: 30 LF, 2 VHF, 2 HF, 3 gunboats, 1 cruiser, 1 battleship
Dresden: 45 LF, 1 battleship, 1 VHF
Weimar: 45 LF, 1 destroyer, 1 VHF, 1 gunboat, 3 cruisers, 1 battleship
Bering: 20 LF
Germanii: 10 LF wings, 4 bomber wings.
Sigma 13: 28 LF wings, 3 HF, 2 VHF, 2 gunboats, and 1 cruiser
ok, so that's my turn...
Congratulations on wiping richardson off the face of the earth. The Rhineland government is very pleased.
@ Richardson: That's what you get when you turn your back on Rhineland!
To all you celebrating, happy Thanksgiving!

Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/25/2004 4:12:47 PM
@ Rheinland: We will consider this. We hope in the future to bring Kusari into the fold of civilized nations as well. We greatly value our friendship with Rheinland.
@ Outcasts: Oh and did we mention you can get access to all our advanced ship designs by serving House Hispania as our northern vanguard.
@ Outcasts: Oh and did we mention you can get access to all our advanced ship designs by serving House Hispania as our northern vanguard.
Dammit sisko, you jsut wiped out an ally. Now you've got me pretty pissed. You said you would CEASE ATTACKS, and come to my aid. You owe me bigtime mucho money and all my bases back, plus replacement fighters.
Pay up, you sick man.
And rhineland:
One day these actions will come back to haunt you, and you shall be destroyed as I have been, sooner in fact, than you think. Your foolish actions have doomed you and any allied with you to a horrible, slow death.
Edited by - richardson on 11/25/2004 4:50:04 PM
Pay up, you sick man.
And rhineland:
One day these actions will come back to haunt you, and you shall be destroyed as I have been, sooner in fact, than you think. Your foolish actions have doomed you and any allied with you to a horrible, slow death.
Edited by - richardson on 11/25/2004 4:50:04 PM
heehee thank you Triyun. However, I would not advise offering a home to the disenfranchized BHG. As they proved with my faction, they are fickle and operate purely from ulterior motives.
@ richardson: Technically, I really did NOTHING to you. I never once attacked you, I allied with you and let you build a base in my systems, but you are an ingrateful piece of slime who is not even fit to be used as an arsewipe for the lowliest troglodyte on the planet.
Also, (sorry DSQrn and Sisko I can't keep this to myself) do you know who ordered your destruction? The guy who begged for your assassination? The man behind your termination? CYOF's creator himself, DSQrn!

Bet that bites, doesn't it? (And as a side note, if he hadn't left he would have destroyed you himself).
FACE IT: you're out of the game. You have no bases left, so you have no commodity income. If you build another base relying on your stored-up resources Liberty will attack it again, and believe me they have the resources and weapons to do it. If I were you, I'd pick another faction and start again.
Edit: An interesting contradiction you made there. "You will be destroyed as I have, even sooner" gives me the impression that there will be a devastating attack soon that will kill me completely. (frankly, however, I know about any possible attacks). On the other hand, "You and any allied faction will be doomed to a horrible, slow death" looks like I will be put out of the game by economic starvation or some such thing. Which is it? slow death or quick termination?
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/25/2004 5:55:44 PM
@ richardson: Technically, I really did NOTHING to you. I never once attacked you, I allied with you and let you build a base in my systems, but you are an ingrateful piece of slime who is not even fit to be used as an arsewipe for the lowliest troglodyte on the planet.

Also, (sorry DSQrn and Sisko I can't keep this to myself) do you know who ordered your destruction? The guy who begged for your assassination? The man behind your termination? CYOF's creator himself, DSQrn!

FACE IT: you're out of the game. You have no bases left, so you have no commodity income. If you build another base relying on your stored-up resources Liberty will attack it again, and believe me they have the resources and weapons to do it. If I were you, I'd pick another faction and start again.
Edit: An interesting contradiction you made there. "You will be destroyed as I have, even sooner" gives me the impression that there will be a devastating attack soon that will kill me completely. (frankly, however, I know about any possible attacks). On the other hand, "You and any allied faction will be doomed to a horrible, slow death" looks like I will be put out of the game by economic starvation or some such thing. Which is it? slow death or quick termination?
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/25/2004 5:55:44 PM
heehee it is pretty funny isn't it?
@ Triyun: Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! You made a very wise choice.
Edit: Also, here are the current NPCs that as far as I know have been gotten rid of:
1. Republican Shipping--obliterated
2. Kruger Mineral--obliterated
3. Daumann--obliterated
4. Unioners--smushed into Rhineland.
5. GMG--obliterated
Tell me if I missed any
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/25/2004 6:49:40 PM
@ Triyun: Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! You made a very wise choice.
Edit: Also, here are the current NPCs that as far as I know have been gotten rid of:
1. Republican Shipping--obliterated
2. Kruger Mineral--obliterated
3. Daumann--obliterated
4. Unioners--smushed into Rhineland.
5. GMG--obliterated
Tell me if I missed any

Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/25/2004 6:49:40 PM
heehee thanks DS. BTW, you don't mind I gave you away, right?
In other news, the Rhineland military has taken out a smuggler hideout in Dresden filled with boxes upon boxes of cardamine. Government officials are blaming Kusari for backing this so-called "smuggling ring" of the illegal drug that has been occurring throughout the crime-ridden system.
Any more of this, Kusari, and we will be forced to declare war on you.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/25/2004 7:38:50 PM
In other news, the Rhineland military has taken out a smuggler hideout in Dresden filled with boxes upon boxes of cardamine. Government officials are blaming Kusari for backing this so-called "smuggling ring" of the illegal drug that has been occurring throughout the crime-ridden system.
Any more of this, Kusari, and we will be forced to declare war on you.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/25/2004 7:38:50 PM
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