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The Control Your Own Faction RPG- Pt. 2: Rebirth, Official T
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
Samura ninth turn:
stuff from last turn
Credits- 285
commodites- 147(F)/ 221(W)/ 0(M)/ 143(O)/ 60(HF)
I buy one explore party for thirty credits
Credits- 255
I use it to explore for new system.
Propose new alliance with Bretonia
30 credits
16(F)/ 16(W)/ 12(M)/ 11(O)/ 12(H-F)
30 credits
16(F)/ 16(W)/ 10(M)/ 9(O)/ 12(H-F)
final amount-
commodities- 163(F)/ 237(W)/ 12(M) 154(O)/ 72(HF)
Most people fear the unknown.
Most people haven't met me.
stuff from last turn
Credits- 285
commodites- 147(F)/ 221(W)/ 0(M)/ 143(O)/ 60(HF)
I buy one explore party for thirty credits
Credits- 255
I use it to explore for new system.
Propose new alliance with Bretonia
30 credits
16(F)/ 16(W)/ 12(M)/ 11(O)/ 12(H-F)
30 credits
16(F)/ 16(W)/ 10(M)/ 9(O)/ 12(H-F)
final amount-
commodities- 163(F)/ 237(W)/ 12(M) 154(O)/ 72(HF)
Most people fear the unknown.
Most people haven't met me.
To ww2jacob: Can a faction self- destruct bases like that???
To gunblader: Thank you. you have saved me the nusiance of removing your miserable presence from my sight. The Corsairs and Blood dragons as well as my own pilots have orders to terminate any Samura vessel that sets one foot outside of Rheinland.
To gunblader: Thank you. you have saved me the nusiance of removing your miserable presence from my sight. The Corsairs and Blood dragons as well as my own pilots have orders to terminate any Samura vessel that sets one foot outside of Rheinland.
To Bretonia and Liberty: We respect your neutrality and will make all attempts to avoid causing undue harm to you. As you can see even when sorely provoked we give our opponenets ample opportunities to back down. But no longer. We hereby declare unconditional war on Rheinland and her puppet factions.
Reminder to Samura: since you have destroyed your bases in Kusari you no longer get money or resources from them. Make sure to change your calculations to show this.
Turn 13
This turn I will:
A. Place 1 small base in Okinawa, 4 LF wings and 1 battleship in Honshu.
B. Purchase 6 HF wings and 1 battleship.
C. To the Corsiars and Blood Dragons. I hereby give possesion of the planets formerly owned by Samura to you. The Blood Drogons get Planet Junyo and the Corsairs get Planet Kurile (in Sigma 17).
D. I move all my forces to the Sigma 13 System. I send 15 water to the Blood Dragons (no charge.)
At the end of this turn I will have:
0 credits, 490 Food, 340 H-Fuel, 72 Metals, 27 Oxygen, 502 Food.
7 small bases, 9 large bases, 1 capital shipyard, 1 fighter shipyard, 4 planets.
196 LF, 98 HF, 3 gunboats, 1 destroyer, 7 battleships, 2 freighters, 1 transport, 2 large transport.
Reminder to Samura: since you have destroyed your bases in Kusari you no longer get money or resources from them. Make sure to change your calculations to show this.
Turn 13
This turn I will:
A. Place 1 small base in Okinawa, 4 LF wings and 1 battleship in Honshu.
B. Purchase 6 HF wings and 1 battleship.
C. To the Corsiars and Blood Dragons. I hereby give possesion of the planets formerly owned by Samura to you. The Blood Drogons get Planet Junyo and the Corsairs get Planet Kurile (in Sigma 17).
D. I move all my forces to the Sigma 13 System. I send 15 water to the Blood Dragons (no charge.)
At the end of this turn I will have:
0 credits, 490 Food, 340 H-Fuel, 72 Metals, 27 Oxygen, 502 Food.
7 small bases, 9 large bases, 1 capital shipyard, 1 fighter shipyard, 4 planets.
196 LF, 98 HF, 3 gunboats, 1 destroyer, 7 battleships, 2 freighters, 1 transport, 2 large transport.
((AC you wanted a battle, the Corsairs and Kusari versus the Rheinlanders and the Samura Industries Corp. is a 2 vs. 2 fight, it will be a fun an long drawn war that will make things interesting. I've had my share of faction commanding RPG's and short wars are no fun. This should be a nice good ol' fashion war of attrition. Does everyone want to agree OOC to first fight battles outside eithers space in the systems that link Rheinland and Kusari, that way it will last longer.))
Perhaps if Rheinland had willingfully embraced our reforms instead of declaring no alliance could ever be made with a pirate faction we would consider different. But Kusari has proven to be the only house willing to forgive the actions of our predecessors. We will preserve the balance of power by siding with the Kusari and defend those who have proven themselves, they forgave us and we forgive them, thats more than I can say for you. That truce we offered was before you encroached on the soviergn rights of Kusari space. Corporations are not nations, their office space is not an embassy or consulate, it is within the right of law enforcement of a state to sieze property of corporations within that state. By denying Kusari this right, you deny them soviergnty, thus you war is unjustified, and thus we are obligated to fulfill our pledge to our allies. IF you are so powerful why are you worried, the Corsairs are people of their word, we fulfill our oaths based on honour, not delayed and calculated political manuvering like the rheinland.
Turn 5:
Also, here are things that I want in all turn posts from now on.
Total Turn Currency: 100 credits
Placement: None
5 VHF Titan Wings
2 LF Legionairre Wings
Movements: 16 Revolutionary Bombers, 42 LF Fighters and the feared Titan Wings to sigma 17. Once there they form a blockade around the Sigma 13 jumphole ready to blast anything that gets comes through
Attacks: All forces in Sigma 17 against Kurile and its defenses.
New Credit Per Turn Amount: 110 credits per turn
Leftover Money: 0 credits, 77, 55, 57, 35, 18
ALL Unit Locations:
Omicron Gamma System:
18 LF Legionairre Class
Omega 5 System:
14 LF Legionairre Class
4 HF Centurion Class
Omega 41 System:
6 LF Legionairre Class
Sigma 17 Taskforce:
16 Revolutionary Bombers
42 LF Fighters
63 VHF Fighters
ALL Base Locations:
Omicron Gamma:
Planet Crete*
Tripoli Shipyard
Knossos Border Station
Omega 5:
Cadiz Base
Omega 41:
Leon Base
Cyprus Base
*Seat of Government
Current Ship Stats:
Legionairre Class LF- 6 FA, 2 CA, 2 FD, 1 CD
Centurion Class HF- 5 FA, 3 CA, 3 FD, 2 CD
Titan Class VHF- 6 FA, 5 CA, 4 FD, 4 CD
Revolutionary Bomber- 1 FA, 7 CA, 2 FD, 6 CD
Edited by - Triyun on 11/15/2004 10:11:19 AM
Edited by - Triyun on 11/15/2004 4:57:25 PM
Perhaps if Rheinland had willingfully embraced our reforms instead of declaring no alliance could ever be made with a pirate faction we would consider different. But Kusari has proven to be the only house willing to forgive the actions of our predecessors. We will preserve the balance of power by siding with the Kusari and defend those who have proven themselves, they forgave us and we forgive them, thats more than I can say for you. That truce we offered was before you encroached on the soviergn rights of Kusari space. Corporations are not nations, their office space is not an embassy or consulate, it is within the right of law enforcement of a state to sieze property of corporations within that state. By denying Kusari this right, you deny them soviergnty, thus you war is unjustified, and thus we are obligated to fulfill our pledge to our allies. IF you are so powerful why are you worried, the Corsairs are people of their word, we fulfill our oaths based on honour, not delayed and calculated political manuvering like the rheinland.
Turn 5:
Also, here are things that I want in all turn posts from now on.
Total Turn Currency: 100 credits
Placement: None
5 VHF Titan Wings
2 LF Legionairre Wings
Movements: 16 Revolutionary Bombers, 42 LF Fighters and the feared Titan Wings to sigma 17. Once there they form a blockade around the Sigma 13 jumphole ready to blast anything that gets comes through
Attacks: All forces in Sigma 17 against Kurile and its defenses.
New Credit Per Turn Amount: 110 credits per turn
Leftover Money: 0 credits, 77, 55, 57, 35, 18
ALL Unit Locations:
Omicron Gamma System:
18 LF Legionairre Class
Omega 5 System:
14 LF Legionairre Class
4 HF Centurion Class
Omega 41 System:
6 LF Legionairre Class
Sigma 17 Taskforce:
16 Revolutionary Bombers
42 LF Fighters
63 VHF Fighters
ALL Base Locations:
Omicron Gamma:
Planet Crete*
Tripoli Shipyard
Knossos Border Station
Omega 5:
Cadiz Base
Omega 41:
Leon Base
Cyprus Base
*Seat of Government
Current Ship Stats:
Legionairre Class LF- 6 FA, 2 CA, 2 FD, 1 CD
Centurion Class HF- 5 FA, 3 CA, 3 FD, 2 CD
Titan Class VHF- 6 FA, 5 CA, 4 FD, 4 CD
Revolutionary Bomber- 1 FA, 7 CA, 2 FD, 6 CD
Edited by - Triyun on 11/15/2004 10:11:19 AM
Edited by - Triyun on 11/15/2004 4:57:25 PM
To Rhienland:
We will begin moving forces into Rheinland to commence duties. We request permission to build a station in Rheinland Space.
To Corsairs:
Negative on order to attack Rheinland, we have no intention on provoking hostilities, however, if you attack Outcast vessels we will respond with deadly force.
Turn 6
80 creds, 23 metal, 1 oxygen, 47 h-f, 25 water, 27 food.
38 metal, 18 water, 12 oxygen, 16 food, 23 H-fuel, 60 creds
140 creds, 61 metal, 13 oxygen, 70 h-fuel, 43 food, 43 water
nothing yet, just getting resources
Before ANYBODY asks....
I had my username BEFORE the game even existed. Thank you.
We will begin moving forces into Rheinland to commence duties. We request permission to build a station in Rheinland Space.
To Corsairs:
Negative on order to attack Rheinland, we have no intention on provoking hostilities, however, if you attack Outcast vessels we will respond with deadly force.
Turn 6
80 creds, 23 metal, 1 oxygen, 47 h-f, 25 water, 27 food.
38 metal, 18 water, 12 oxygen, 16 food, 23 H-fuel, 60 creds
140 creds, 61 metal, 13 oxygen, 70 h-fuel, 43 food, 43 water
nothing yet, just getting resources

Before ANYBODY asks....
I had my username BEFORE the game even existed. Thank you.
Samura tenth turn:
Stuff from last turn:
commodities- 163(F)/ 237(W)/ 12(M) 154(O)/ 72(HF)
still awaiting exploration results
still awaitng bretonia's alliance decision from my proposal last turn.
still waiting on Rheinland decision on my trade aggrements(see samura last turn)
buy 23 metals form the zoners
credits 262
build one large station for Large Station- 100 credits/35 Metals/5 HF/25 F/15 O/5 H2O
leaving me with
commodites- 148(F)/ 232(W)/ O(M)/ 139(O)/ 67(HF)
I place it in the Sigma- 13 system(plus 4 Metals, 20 H-Fuel added to income)
message to the King of Bretonia:
My dear king, I need your help to hold of my enemies. My ships have entered and exited peacefully through your systems. We have supplied you with whatever you needed. If we have done anything to offend you in anyway and I did not kmow about it, please accept my humble apology. I ask to accept my alliance and help fight the good fight. Help us fight the Kusari nation and her pirate allies.
35 credits
14(F)/ 14(W)/ 12(M)/ 11(O)/ 19(H-F)
35 credits
14F)/ 14(W)/ 10(M)/ 9(O)/ 19(H-F)
final amount:
commodites- 162(F)/ 256(W)/ 12(M)/ 150(O)/ 86(HF)
Most people fear the unknown.
Most people haven't met me.
Edited by - gunblader on 11/15/2004 1:58:24 PM
Stuff from last turn:
commodities- 163(F)/ 237(W)/ 12(M) 154(O)/ 72(HF)
still awaiting exploration results
still awaitng bretonia's alliance decision from my proposal last turn.
still waiting on Rheinland decision on my trade aggrements(see samura last turn)
buy 23 metals form the zoners
credits 262
build one large station for Large Station- 100 credits/35 Metals/5 HF/25 F/15 O/5 H2O
leaving me with
commodites- 148(F)/ 232(W)/ O(M)/ 139(O)/ 67(HF)
I place it in the Sigma- 13 system(plus 4 Metals, 20 H-Fuel added to income)
message to the King of Bretonia:
My dear king, I need your help to hold of my enemies. My ships have entered and exited peacefully through your systems. We have supplied you with whatever you needed. If we have done anything to offend you in anyway and I did not kmow about it, please accept my humble apology. I ask to accept my alliance and help fight the good fight. Help us fight the Kusari nation and her pirate allies.
35 credits
14(F)/ 14(W)/ 12(M)/ 11(O)/ 19(H-F)
35 credits
14F)/ 14(W)/ 10(M)/ 9(O)/ 19(H-F)
final amount:
commodites- 162(F)/ 256(W)/ 12(M)/ 150(O)/ 86(HF)
Most people fear the unknown.
Most people haven't met me.
Edited by - gunblader on 11/15/2004 1:58:24 PM
Samura, your # was 4.
My number was 5.
You get an empty system, and we get VHFs
Wilde, you won the battle at Barrow Base with no losses.
I will post my Bretonia turn later on.
Oh, and gunblader can blow up his own bases if he wants, I don't see what's wrong with that.
Gunblader never gave up those two planets, so he has ownership of them still. You will have to fight him for those, VD.
Edited by - ww2jacob on 11/15/2004 2:08:30 PM
My number was 5.
You get an empty system, and we get VHFs
Wilde, you won the battle at Barrow Base with no losses.
I will post my Bretonia turn later on.
Oh, and gunblader can blow up his own bases if he wants, I don't see what's wrong with that.
Gunblader never gave up those two planets, so he has ownership of them still. You will have to fight him for those, VD.
Edited by - ww2jacob on 11/15/2004 2:08:30 PM
Message to all...
To Bretonia...
To GMG...
To All...
Total Turn Currency: 445Credits
1 Cruiser at Norfolk Shipyard (50 Credits/2F/15HF/10M/5O/0 W)
2 Exploration (30 Credits)
Battleship Missouri, 10 HF and 20 LF from New York to Magellan.
New Credit Per Turn Amount: 140
Leftover Money: 335 Credits, 40F/8HF/46M/1O/24W
ALL Unit Locations:
New York: 20 LF
California: Battleship Yukon, 10 HF, 35 LF
Texas: Battleship Mississippi, 10 HF, 30 LF
Colorado: Battleship Rio Grande, 10 HF, 20 LF
Alaska: 10 LF
Magellan: Battleship Missouri, 10 HF, 20 LF
ALL Base Locations:
New York: Manhattan, Ft. Bush (L), West Point Military Academy (L), Norfolk Shipyard ©
California: Los Angeles, Willard Reaserch Station (L)(H), San Diego Border Station (S)
Texas: Houston, LPI Huntsville (S), LPI Surgarland (S)
Colorado: Denver
Alaska: Prison Station Mitchell (L)
Current Ship Stats:
All Stock
All Battles, Exploration, Research that has NOT been resolved
2 Exploration missions
Edited by - Sisko03 on 11/16/2004 1:34:32 AM
The State elections between incumbant President Jacobi and frontrunner Sisko03 has been decided with a landslide victory for the underdog Sisko03. In his first official announcment to the Liberty People he announced an end to all current treaties and looks forward to progressive diplomatic relations with the factions of the Sirius Cluster.
He went on further to announce to the Liberty governments plan to move into the Magellan system to begin Oxygen production. and a grand exploration program aimed at relieveing the Liberty state of its reliance on forigen sources of Oxygen.
To Bretonia...
Proposes Non-Aggression pact and Mutual Defense Pact with Bretonia.
To GMG...
Request to Purchase 2 Trains from GMG for 65 Credits each (130 Credits)
To All...
Liberty is looking for someone to purchase Oxygen from and wish's to offer a trade of 2 Credits per O or 1 F per O. The Liberty Government would like to extend this trade agreement for three turns at a total of 20 Oxygen per turn.
Total Turn Currency: 445Credits
1 Cruiser at Norfolk Shipyard (50 Credits/2F/15HF/10M/5O/0 W)
2 Exploration (30 Credits)
Battleship Missouri, 10 HF and 20 LF from New York to Magellan.
New Credit Per Turn Amount: 140
Leftover Money: 335 Credits, 40F/8HF/46M/1O/24W
ALL Unit Locations:
New York: 20 LF
California: Battleship Yukon, 10 HF, 35 LF
Texas: Battleship Mississippi, 10 HF, 30 LF
Colorado: Battleship Rio Grande, 10 HF, 20 LF
Alaska: 10 LF
Magellan: Battleship Missouri, 10 HF, 20 LF
ALL Base Locations:
New York: Manhattan, Ft. Bush (L), West Point Military Academy (L), Norfolk Shipyard ©
California: Los Angeles, Willard Reaserch Station (L)(H), San Diego Border Station (S)
Texas: Houston, LPI Huntsville (S), LPI Surgarland (S)
Colorado: Denver
Alaska: Prison Station Mitchell (L)
Current Ship Stats:
All Stock
All Battles, Exploration, Research that has NOT been resolved
2 Exploration missions
Edited by - Sisko03 on 11/16/2004 1:34:32 AM
@ Sisko: Just so you know, no stories. none. now that that's cleared up, the GMG is no longer active as Outcast 1-1 unfortunately quit.
@ Triyun: Ok, I have no problem with you attacking me in battles where I attack Kusari. Due to the terms of the truce, however, you cannot attack me in Rhineland space or in battles where I am the defending faction. Also if its just the Corsairs and Kusari against gunblader and me I'm not too worried. As I said, we're de strongest guys in the game.
To gunblader: this is the thing...I don't have enough H-Fuel to pay for all that. For the next five turns then (till turn 17 for me) could we have an agreement that the 25 credits you pay to me I give back to you and you give me 15 H-Fuel for them? good? good. ok. Rest assured, I will deliver to you the ships you desire.
To vortical dwarf: you can't DO that. Liberty, Bretonia, and the border worlds are beyond your, or the Outcasts', or the Corsairs' control.
To TRFL: sure, build a base. Thank you for your neutrality regarding this war with Kusari.
To all factions: Rhineland agrees with Samura. Do not mess with the Rhineland-Samura alliance!
turn 12...
1. I place 5 LF in Weimar.
2. Rhineland builds 3 gunboats, cost of 150 credits, 21 M, 20 H-F, 9 O, 3 F
3. I offer Liberty and Bretonia peace treaties. Alliances, preferably, but we can understand that factions are not willing to forgive the militaristic actions of the former government. And Triyun is right, this is already a two-on-two battle. Also, the Corsairs are offered a treaty: As we are only attacking one another as a formality, the treaty goes as such: Rhineland will not attack any corsair base if the corsairs will not attack any Rhineland base.
4. I move 10 LF to Hamburg and 5 LF to Bering from Hudson. Also, as war has been declared on Kusari, Rhineland plans to fight Kusari for control of the entire Honshu system. We are sending 40 LF wings, 7 HF wings, 2 VHF wings, 2 gunboats, a cruiser, and a battleship. Ships are ordered to destroy all jump gates to the other Kusari systems. gunblader, you must help me in this!
5. I collect 215 credits, plus 1540= 1755 credits
commodities left: 149 M, 63 H-Fuel, 173 F, 100 W, 46 O
I will start counting my ships again when this war is cleared up (hopefully by that time we will own all of Kusari). Otherwise it be getting confusing.
and a note to all...: I control all bases in Hudson now, so it is officially counted as a system of the Rhienland empire. As of now, Kusari and Corsair ships are banned from travel in Hudson. In Bering I control the only base existing besides Freeport 2, so as I have no wish to attack the zoners, all I can say is don't even try coming in from there. The jump gate from Bering to Hamburg has been locked.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/15/2004 4:19:05 PM
@ Triyun: Ok, I have no problem with you attacking me in battles where I attack Kusari. Due to the terms of the truce, however, you cannot attack me in Rhineland space or in battles where I am the defending faction. Also if its just the Corsairs and Kusari against gunblader and me I'm not too worried. As I said, we're de strongest guys in the game.
To gunblader: this is the thing...I don't have enough H-Fuel to pay for all that. For the next five turns then (till turn 17 for me) could we have an agreement that the 25 credits you pay to me I give back to you and you give me 15 H-Fuel for them? good? good. ok. Rest assured, I will deliver to you the ships you desire.
To vortical dwarf: you can't DO that. Liberty, Bretonia, and the border worlds are beyond your, or the Outcasts', or the Corsairs' control.
To TRFL: sure, build a base. Thank you for your neutrality regarding this war with Kusari.
To all factions: Rhineland agrees with Samura. Do not mess with the Rhineland-Samura alliance!
turn 12...
1. I place 5 LF in Weimar.
2. Rhineland builds 3 gunboats, cost of 150 credits, 21 M, 20 H-F, 9 O, 3 F
3. I offer Liberty and Bretonia peace treaties. Alliances, preferably, but we can understand that factions are not willing to forgive the militaristic actions of the former government. And Triyun is right, this is already a two-on-two battle. Also, the Corsairs are offered a treaty: As we are only attacking one another as a formality, the treaty goes as such: Rhineland will not attack any corsair base if the corsairs will not attack any Rhineland base.
4. I move 10 LF to Hamburg and 5 LF to Bering from Hudson. Also, as war has been declared on Kusari, Rhineland plans to fight Kusari for control of the entire Honshu system. We are sending 40 LF wings, 7 HF wings, 2 VHF wings, 2 gunboats, a cruiser, and a battleship. Ships are ordered to destroy all jump gates to the other Kusari systems. gunblader, you must help me in this!
5. I collect 215 credits, plus 1540= 1755 credits
commodities left: 149 M, 63 H-Fuel, 173 F, 100 W, 46 O
I will start counting my ships again when this war is cleared up (hopefully by that time we will own all of Kusari). Otherwise it be getting confusing.
and a note to all...: I control all bases in Hudson now, so it is officially counted as a system of the Rhienland empire. As of now, Kusari and Corsair ships are banned from travel in Hudson. In Bering I control the only base existing besides Freeport 2, so as I have no wish to attack the zoners, all I can say is don't even try coming in from there. The jump gate from Bering to Hamburg has been locked.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/15/2004 4:19:05 PM
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