Bretonia attacking anything that moves?
I already explained that. I joined this RPG becuase I wanted to fight somebody, not play nice. It seems to me that nobody else has the balls to take a risk and attack a PC faction. This pisses me off, to say the least. As far as it being out of character goes, it isn't. Everyone else is negotiating with factions that are their mortal enemies. Kusari would never make peace with the Blood Dragons and vice versa as the BDs are trying to overthrow the government. That's treason as far as I can remember. No House would negotiate with the Outcasts or Corsairs because of at least 500 years of violence. Nevermind the fact that the Outcasts want to poison the colonies and Corsairs are vicious pirates. By attacking (or trying to at least) everyone who is negotiating with criminal groups of various types I'm actually the only one who is in character.
Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I need to say something else. I'm retiring from this RPG. I've been spendng way too much time worrying about it and not enough time on more important things. It hasn't even been worth it either. As I'm sure you all can tell I'm not happy with the utter lack of any conflict. As I said before, that's why I decided to join in the first place; for the battles. Having said all that I want you all to know that I don't bear you any ill will. This is your game as much as it is mine and if this is what you all want, so be it. I'll just have to find some other way to deal with my destructive tendencies