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A Freelancer Story - Complete..
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
SWORD FIGHT, SWORD FIGHT,SWORD FIGHT lol. Honestly I loved the after shower ritual of Tanya ( as well as the shower scene, but thats just because I'm a man lol) and how she went thru the prosscess of striping all that she had strived for to get the job done.Very good job, cant wait for the rest.If I could I would bow to you and say "I'm not worthy" lol.
Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars.
Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars.
Okay, nitpick time.
A period? Oops.
Call me crazy, but the cadence of the sentence seems to suggest a third adjective. Also, I'm not sure you really want to totally strip away the other facets of Tanya's personality. The sort of drama she's gone through isn't easily set aside. On a more personal note, I like Tanya and can empathize more with her when she's human as opposed to the automaton-like creature she seems to have become all of a sudden.
Great job. Don't keep us waiting too long now.
... the innocent daughter of a wealthy Cambridge family. assigned to fly with Orbital Spa ...
A period? Oops.
The unstoppable, ruthless, House assassin.
Call me crazy, but the cadence of the sentence seems to suggest a third adjective. Also, I'm not sure you really want to totally strip away the other facets of Tanya's personality. The sort of drama she's gone through isn't easily set aside. On a more personal note, I like Tanya and can empathize more with her when she's human as opposed to the automaton-like creature she seems to have become all of a sudden.
Great job. Don't keep us waiting too long now.

The Luxury Liner Hawaii rocked from port to starboard as a cluster of torpedoes struck its flanks in unison. Chunks of metal torn from the hull span out into space and more terribly, inwards slicing through the decks and whatever else was unfortunate to be in the way.
In space around the huge capital ship was naught but chaos. Dozens of fighters buzzed inbetween the slow-moving bulks of frigates, cruisers and battleships. Gun turrets and missile batteries were pouring superheated or explosive death into the Sirius night and occasionally a fighter would be caught by some heavy flak and explode into fragments.
The remaining ships from the House armadas that gathered hours before, had now turned their attentions to an attacking Nomad battlegroup. A single Nomad battleship formed the heart of the group and at half the size of the Hawaii, dwarfed every cap-ship the House forces could deploy. An endless swarm of Nomad fighters and gunboats continued to pour from the many hangar bays and continued to assault every vessel in the area.
Debris and wreckage covered the entire area, including any unfortunate civilian craft attempting to seek safer territory.
Aboard the bridge of the Hawaii, Admiral Day stood by a large display. Standing alongside him were several high-ranking officers, one representative from each major faction present at the battle. The group were often forced to regain their footing as explosions continued to rock the vessel and smoke billowing from damaged sensors and equipment blurred their vision.
"Admiral Day," said Bretonian Commander Price, a rather plump, straight-laced man who seemed to be struggling with the situation. He had a high-pitched annoyingly nasal voice and would constantly check and re-check himself often. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but we are in a serious situation here. The Nomads have broken through our first blockade and unless we receive reinforcements within the hour, this system will be completely overrun! Our only option, if I may dare to suggest, is a retreat. Immediately!" Commander Price's voice rose as he finished speaking, giving away the slightest hint of fear.
The Rheinland Commander snorted.
"Commander Price, I have a question?" he asked gruffly.
Commander Brucker was in his late forties and a veteran of many battles. He was of a line of Rheinland Navy officers and a direct descendant from some men and women who had fought in the Eighty-Years War, with the GMG and unofficially, Kusari colonies.
"There are two routes out of this system. One galactic east of us, the Sigma-17 jump hole and to get there, we need to pass a Nomad battleship and its escorts. The only other route is galactic north to the Honshu jump gate and from the latest reports, a second Nomad force is moving to surround that entire area too. Where, do you suggest, we retreat to?" he asked curtly, glaring at the large Bretonian officer.
Price began to stammer a reply but to his relief was interrupted by the deep, calm voice of Admiral Day. He casually raised a hand and waited for the two men to be silent.
"Gentlemen. Fighting amongst ourselves will not aid our cause," he began, nodding at both the Rheinland and Bretonian representatives. As of yet, the Liberty officer had not spoken. "I agree, our situation appears desperate, but it is not hopeless. We must always have hope, gentlemen."
The Admiral returned his attention to the large display near them and pointed at a location on the screen using a light pen.
"This is the Hawaii," he said circling a large grey object. "These represent the Nomad battlegroups," he said circling two purple cloud-like images. "And these represent our forces," he said finally, indicating four different coloured clouds. "Retreat is not an option. It takes a full Hiran day or eighteen hours for the Hawaii to break orbit. Our only recourse is to hold the Nomads here, by the Hawaii where we can use her primary turrets to full advantage. Reinforcements are incoming, from your Houses, I believe. In which case we need only to defend this territory until they arrive."
"For how long?" asked the Liberty Commander, speaking for the first time.
"Ten hours."
"Ten hours!" shouted Commander Price, causing several other flight staff to turn their heads. "We won't last three hours at the rate of punishment our forces are taking out there! This is madness!"
"Relax," said Commander Brucker. "Getting excited won't help anyone."
"Relax? Relax? What are you talking about? We're all going to die!" shouted Price again.
Admiral Day stepped in very close to the large man and whispered sharply.
"Be silent. Or I'll shoot you where you stand," he hissed and jabbed his drawn blaster into Price's belly for good measure. The large man swallowed then nodded nervously.
"Okay, okay," he managed to sputter.
"Good," replied the Admiral, sheathing his gun. "Gentlemen, I have assigned you each a different sector. Send your ships there and defend as best you can. We have over a hundred thousand souls aboard the Hawaii, if any Nomad fighter gets through your blockades, just remember that number. Because if too many Nomads are allowed to attack the Hawaii, we're dust." The Admiral paused, letting the gravity of the situation sink in. "Any questions?"
The three Commanders watched him but said nothing, though Price tugged at the lapel of his uniform.
"Fine. Dismissed. And good hunting."
A cloaked figure slipped through a large storeroom, where the dim lights served only to create more shadows instead of illumination. The figure paused at the corner of a stack of crates, listening to the voices nearby that drew ever closer. The figure silently drew a weapon from under the cloak, a beautifully-made katana that hummed in the air as it cut through it. A blade about two-fingers' width extended for an arm's length, beyond the golden dragon-heads forming the guards of the hilt. The blade was razor-sharp and though it was recently polished, specks of dried blood marred the blade in places.
Two men in dark uniforms walked past, talking to each other animatedly. They were both armed with powerful rifles and wore heavy flak vests and helmets.
"So. Ya think Mason can pull this off?" asked one in a think Hispanic accent.
"Of course," replied his companion. "No-one else can, 'eh? They say he's been planning this for ten years. Crazy gringo." He laughed.
The cloaked figure stood statue still, merging with the shadows and watched as they moved on. Once the men were out of sight, the figure darted across the passage towards a door and produced a small card-sized item, which was swiftly slotted into place within the locking mechanism. Several, arduously long heartbeats later and the card vibrated. The figure withdrew the card and placed it within the flowing robes, opened the door and stepped inside closing it softly, but firmly.
"That was the easy part," whispered Tanya to herself and removed the hood from her cloak. The material was specially designed to prevent body warmth from emanating, in case any heat sensors had been set-up to track intruders. The young woman unclasped the cloak and let it fall to the ground. From here, there would be no need for subtlety. She walked over to a darkened corner, sat down and closed her eyes.
Two hours previously, Tanya knew that Governor Mason would still be on the Hawaii, but decided his regular cabin would be too dangerous. Besides, to finance his personal army and fleet of cloaked ships, Mason would need a much larger space. If the Governor could afford to arrange illegal bouts aboard a luxury liner, he probably had access to a large amount of storage. Instinctively, Tanya guessed it was a matter of time before Mason made a mistake. Errors in judgement tend to occur the closer one reaches their goal, and given the Nomad invasion seemed to be an endgame strategy, Tanya was waiting for that kind of error.
It came in the form of Hideko, the aide to Kenji Akamoto, newly-appointed leader of the Akamoto bounty hunter clan in Kusari. Tanya was already surprised to see the lithe Kusari woman aboard the Hawaii when Travis was fighting for his life at the arena and she was certain Hideko was involved somehow. She hacked into the ship's manifest and learnt where Hideko's cabin was and placed a monitoring device to track when Hideko would leave her cabin. An hour after placing the device, Hideko returned to her cabin and left minutes later carrying two bags. Tanya had been following her ever since.
The Kusari woman led her through a series of unmarked storage bays and like a tiger stalking its prey, Tanya had followed using all of her training and ability to remain unnoticed.
Tanya stepped forwards cautiously towards another large door and placed her ear against the door and satisfied that nothing was beyond the door opened it.
And found Hideko inside waiting for her.
Tanya closed the door and watched the Kusari woman, kneeling by the rear wall reach into one of the bags on the ground and pull out a sword, a katana similar to her own. Hideko unsheathed the blade by flicking off the scabbard using her other hand and sent it clattering against a wall.
"I could shoot you," said Tanya softly, holding a blaster in her hand.
"But you won't, Tanya," replied Hideko smiling, though her smile never reached her eyes - they were cold, dark pits.
"You're right," replied the ex-House assassin. "It would spoil the moment of watching you die. You'll pay for what you got Travis into."
Hideko laughed, throwing her head back and showing the sleekness of her pale neck. Tanya's trigger finger itched to blow a super-heated hole where Hideko's throat was, but resisted the temptation.
"Travis? How is it you still pine for that scum?" she accented the last word. "He tried to kill you. And you now seek revenge for him? Strange creature."
Tanya said nothing but moved slowly to the wall on her left side and without taking her eyes off Hideko, began to remove her various holsters, guns and finally unstrapped the sword from between her back. She nodded once to Hideko, drew her own glittering weapon then moved back into the centre of the room.
Both women sized each other up, they were of similar builds, though Tanya was slightly taller and heavier, she assumed Hideko would be in turn, quicker.
Suddenly, Hideko screamed a battle cry and launched herself forwards almost skipping through the air. Her blade flashed forwards in a disembowelling slice and only Tanya's training and reflexes saved her from an agonising death. She stepped back and brought her sword down to block the incoming attack with a loud clang, then only had moments to bring it up again as Hideko brought her own katana back in another sweep. The sound of steel on steel resounded throughout the small room.
With a mighty push, Tanya shoved her assailant away from her and side-stepped putting a few paces between them.
Tanya had under-estimated Hideko completely. She was not just fast, she was unnaturally quick! The young woman watched Hideko creep forwards like a crab, deliberately, slowly. She was confident. Perhaps too confident.
Hideko attacked again, this time lunging forwards with the point of her word lancing at Tanya's heart. She responded by moving her torso to the left and sending her blade upwards to block the sword. Hideko pulled back her lunge and stabbed it again, this time aiming for Tanya's face, who barely managed to duck under the blow and rolled to her left. Tanya found an opportunity to attack and brought her own blade down left and right in a quick series of slashes that Hideko easily parried. The Kusari stepped back, feinted an attack high, then swept her left foot in an arc and caught Tanya by surprise.
The young woman fell to her back and to her dismay saw Hideko following up by leaping at her sword raised. Tanya rolled to her left but cried out in pain as Hideko's sword plunged down, scoring a line deep across her back though missing a fatal blow. Hideko kicked at Tanya once and found her opponent rolling again and coming to her feet.
Both women were breathing heavily now, the explosive violence gradually taking it's toll.
Hideko smiled as Tanya winced in pain.
"First blood to me, I suppose," she said.
Tanya pursed her lips in annoyance and without saying a word screamed then launched a furious assault on Hideko. Tanya's blade lunged, cut, sliced and slashed in every way she knew seeking to bury itself in Hideko's soft flesh, yet the Kusari woman parried or dodged each attack smoothly and much to her chagrin was smiling. Tanya grew a little desperate. Hideko's technique was superior to her own, she was faster and she was running out of ideas. Soon, Hideko would tire her out and her doom would be sealed.
"Did I mention that Kenji snores in bed?" said Tanya. Hideko was about to attack but stopped in her tracks, glaring at the ex-assassin.
"Shut up, you Bretonian whore! You don't know anything about Kenji!" Hideko screamed.
"Of course I do!" Tanya replied. "You forget we were friends long before you met him! In fact, for a while we were more than friends!" said Tanya smiling.
"You lie! I am his first and only!" yelled Hideko.
Before Tanya could reply, Hideko attacked her in a fury and for several heartbeats Tanya found herself on the defensive, sparks flew from the impact of their blades and she was cut twice, once on the arm and another on the thigh. Hideko was screaming at the top of her voice now, cursing Tanya in everyway possible, in several languages too. She found her back against a wall and suddenly their blades locked, the two women found their faces inches away from each other's.
"Kenji wasn't particularly good either," whispered Tanya quickly, frowning with the effort of holding the Kusari woman at bay. "Boring in fact. But he had a good heart. Was he good for you? I bet he's the same. Is that why you sleep with Mason? Kenji would be most upset to find that out."
"I'll kill you first!" hissed Hideko.
"Come and try, *****!" screamed Tanya, then sent her forehead hurtling forwards. It hammered onto the bridge of Hideko's nose that cracked audibly and forced the Kusari woman to stagger back. Tanya battered the edge of Hideko's blade aside and with her opponent half-blinded now, thrust her blade into the centre of Hideko's chest. Tanya yelled again and with all her strength pushed on the blade until the tip burst through the other side.
Blood bubbled from Hideko's lips and tears began to well as the Kusari woman looked up at her killer with a mixed look of disbelief and fear.
"Tell Kenji..I love him," she whispered, then her breath rattled in her throat and the light faded from her eyes.
Tanya pulled the sword out quickly with a spray of blood and let the body fall to the ground. The assassin heard footsteps beyond the door and without thinking threw her sword at the first man who ran through. It lanced into his chest and he fell back screaming. Tanya ran to the pile of equipment she had left by the wall and realising she was about to come under fire, slid across the ground in time to avoid a hail of bullets fired from a second man. Tanya reached her guns and pulling one free fired it once, sending a bullet exploding into the centre of her target's forehead. He dropped without a sound and Tanya lay still for a moment breathing heavily.
She rolled upwards and pulled the sword out of the dead man, then dragged both bodies inside and closed the door. Tanya lay her jacket over Hideko's still face, then sat with her back against the wall, where she drew her legs in to her chest and began to sob.
"I never loved Kenji the way you did," she whispered gazing at the blood spreading from under Hideko's body.
Tanya opened her eyes and found herself at the base of a large staircase. The upper gantry held the offices where she assumed Mason would be. After all, there was no other obvious place Hideko was making her way too.
She looked up and drew both her blasters.
Tanya would not be nearly as merciful as she was with Hideko.
Edited by - Athena on 2/9/2005 4:05:08 AM
In space around the huge capital ship was naught but chaos. Dozens of fighters buzzed inbetween the slow-moving bulks of frigates, cruisers and battleships. Gun turrets and missile batteries were pouring superheated or explosive death into the Sirius night and occasionally a fighter would be caught by some heavy flak and explode into fragments.
The remaining ships from the House armadas that gathered hours before, had now turned their attentions to an attacking Nomad battlegroup. A single Nomad battleship formed the heart of the group and at half the size of the Hawaii, dwarfed every cap-ship the House forces could deploy. An endless swarm of Nomad fighters and gunboats continued to pour from the many hangar bays and continued to assault every vessel in the area.
Debris and wreckage covered the entire area, including any unfortunate civilian craft attempting to seek safer territory.
Aboard the bridge of the Hawaii, Admiral Day stood by a large display. Standing alongside him were several high-ranking officers, one representative from each major faction present at the battle. The group were often forced to regain their footing as explosions continued to rock the vessel and smoke billowing from damaged sensors and equipment blurred their vision.
"Admiral Day," said Bretonian Commander Price, a rather plump, straight-laced man who seemed to be struggling with the situation. He had a high-pitched annoyingly nasal voice and would constantly check and re-check himself often. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but we are in a serious situation here. The Nomads have broken through our first blockade and unless we receive reinforcements within the hour, this system will be completely overrun! Our only option, if I may dare to suggest, is a retreat. Immediately!" Commander Price's voice rose as he finished speaking, giving away the slightest hint of fear.
The Rheinland Commander snorted.
"Commander Price, I have a question?" he asked gruffly.
Commander Brucker was in his late forties and a veteran of many battles. He was of a line of Rheinland Navy officers and a direct descendant from some men and women who had fought in the Eighty-Years War, with the GMG and unofficially, Kusari colonies.
"There are two routes out of this system. One galactic east of us, the Sigma-17 jump hole and to get there, we need to pass a Nomad battleship and its escorts. The only other route is galactic north to the Honshu jump gate and from the latest reports, a second Nomad force is moving to surround that entire area too. Where, do you suggest, we retreat to?" he asked curtly, glaring at the large Bretonian officer.
Price began to stammer a reply but to his relief was interrupted by the deep, calm voice of Admiral Day. He casually raised a hand and waited for the two men to be silent.
"Gentlemen. Fighting amongst ourselves will not aid our cause," he began, nodding at both the Rheinland and Bretonian representatives. As of yet, the Liberty officer had not spoken. "I agree, our situation appears desperate, but it is not hopeless. We must always have hope, gentlemen."
The Admiral returned his attention to the large display near them and pointed at a location on the screen using a light pen.
"This is the Hawaii," he said circling a large grey object. "These represent the Nomad battlegroups," he said circling two purple cloud-like images. "And these represent our forces," he said finally, indicating four different coloured clouds. "Retreat is not an option. It takes a full Hiran day or eighteen hours for the Hawaii to break orbit. Our only recourse is to hold the Nomads here, by the Hawaii where we can use her primary turrets to full advantage. Reinforcements are incoming, from your Houses, I believe. In which case we need only to defend this territory until they arrive."
"For how long?" asked the Liberty Commander, speaking for the first time.
"Ten hours."
"Ten hours!" shouted Commander Price, causing several other flight staff to turn their heads. "We won't last three hours at the rate of punishment our forces are taking out there! This is madness!"
"Relax," said Commander Brucker. "Getting excited won't help anyone."
"Relax? Relax? What are you talking about? We're all going to die!" shouted Price again.
Admiral Day stepped in very close to the large man and whispered sharply.
"Be silent. Or I'll shoot you where you stand," he hissed and jabbed his drawn blaster into Price's belly for good measure. The large man swallowed then nodded nervously.
"Okay, okay," he managed to sputter.
"Good," replied the Admiral, sheathing his gun. "Gentlemen, I have assigned you each a different sector. Send your ships there and defend as best you can. We have over a hundred thousand souls aboard the Hawaii, if any Nomad fighter gets through your blockades, just remember that number. Because if too many Nomads are allowed to attack the Hawaii, we're dust." The Admiral paused, letting the gravity of the situation sink in. "Any questions?"
The three Commanders watched him but said nothing, though Price tugged at the lapel of his uniform.
"Fine. Dismissed. And good hunting."
A cloaked figure slipped through a large storeroom, where the dim lights served only to create more shadows instead of illumination. The figure paused at the corner of a stack of crates, listening to the voices nearby that drew ever closer. The figure silently drew a weapon from under the cloak, a beautifully-made katana that hummed in the air as it cut through it. A blade about two-fingers' width extended for an arm's length, beyond the golden dragon-heads forming the guards of the hilt. The blade was razor-sharp and though it was recently polished, specks of dried blood marred the blade in places.
Two men in dark uniforms walked past, talking to each other animatedly. They were both armed with powerful rifles and wore heavy flak vests and helmets.
"So. Ya think Mason can pull this off?" asked one in a think Hispanic accent.
"Of course," replied his companion. "No-one else can, 'eh? They say he's been planning this for ten years. Crazy gringo." He laughed.
The cloaked figure stood statue still, merging with the shadows and watched as they moved on. Once the men were out of sight, the figure darted across the passage towards a door and produced a small card-sized item, which was swiftly slotted into place within the locking mechanism. Several, arduously long heartbeats later and the card vibrated. The figure withdrew the card and placed it within the flowing robes, opened the door and stepped inside closing it softly, but firmly.
"That was the easy part," whispered Tanya to herself and removed the hood from her cloak. The material was specially designed to prevent body warmth from emanating, in case any heat sensors had been set-up to track intruders. The young woman unclasped the cloak and let it fall to the ground. From here, there would be no need for subtlety. She walked over to a darkened corner, sat down and closed her eyes.
Two hours previously, Tanya knew that Governor Mason would still be on the Hawaii, but decided his regular cabin would be too dangerous. Besides, to finance his personal army and fleet of cloaked ships, Mason would need a much larger space. If the Governor could afford to arrange illegal bouts aboard a luxury liner, he probably had access to a large amount of storage. Instinctively, Tanya guessed it was a matter of time before Mason made a mistake. Errors in judgement tend to occur the closer one reaches their goal, and given the Nomad invasion seemed to be an endgame strategy, Tanya was waiting for that kind of error.
It came in the form of Hideko, the aide to Kenji Akamoto, newly-appointed leader of the Akamoto bounty hunter clan in Kusari. Tanya was already surprised to see the lithe Kusari woman aboard the Hawaii when Travis was fighting for his life at the arena and she was certain Hideko was involved somehow. She hacked into the ship's manifest and learnt where Hideko's cabin was and placed a monitoring device to track when Hideko would leave her cabin. An hour after placing the device, Hideko returned to her cabin and left minutes later carrying two bags. Tanya had been following her ever since.
The Kusari woman led her through a series of unmarked storage bays and like a tiger stalking its prey, Tanya had followed using all of her training and ability to remain unnoticed.
Tanya stepped forwards cautiously towards another large door and placed her ear against the door and satisfied that nothing was beyond the door opened it.
And found Hideko inside waiting for her.
Tanya closed the door and watched the Kusari woman, kneeling by the rear wall reach into one of the bags on the ground and pull out a sword, a katana similar to her own. Hideko unsheathed the blade by flicking off the scabbard using her other hand and sent it clattering against a wall.
"I could shoot you," said Tanya softly, holding a blaster in her hand.
"But you won't, Tanya," replied Hideko smiling, though her smile never reached her eyes - they were cold, dark pits.
"You're right," replied the ex-House assassin. "It would spoil the moment of watching you die. You'll pay for what you got Travis into."
Hideko laughed, throwing her head back and showing the sleekness of her pale neck. Tanya's trigger finger itched to blow a super-heated hole where Hideko's throat was, but resisted the temptation.
"Travis? How is it you still pine for that scum?" she accented the last word. "He tried to kill you. And you now seek revenge for him? Strange creature."
Tanya said nothing but moved slowly to the wall on her left side and without taking her eyes off Hideko, began to remove her various holsters, guns and finally unstrapped the sword from between her back. She nodded once to Hideko, drew her own glittering weapon then moved back into the centre of the room.
Both women sized each other up, they were of similar builds, though Tanya was slightly taller and heavier, she assumed Hideko would be in turn, quicker.
Suddenly, Hideko screamed a battle cry and launched herself forwards almost skipping through the air. Her blade flashed forwards in a disembowelling slice and only Tanya's training and reflexes saved her from an agonising death. She stepped back and brought her sword down to block the incoming attack with a loud clang, then only had moments to bring it up again as Hideko brought her own katana back in another sweep. The sound of steel on steel resounded throughout the small room.
With a mighty push, Tanya shoved her assailant away from her and side-stepped putting a few paces between them.
Tanya had under-estimated Hideko completely. She was not just fast, she was unnaturally quick! The young woman watched Hideko creep forwards like a crab, deliberately, slowly. She was confident. Perhaps too confident.
Hideko attacked again, this time lunging forwards with the point of her word lancing at Tanya's heart. She responded by moving her torso to the left and sending her blade upwards to block the sword. Hideko pulled back her lunge and stabbed it again, this time aiming for Tanya's face, who barely managed to duck under the blow and rolled to her left. Tanya found an opportunity to attack and brought her own blade down left and right in a quick series of slashes that Hideko easily parried. The Kusari stepped back, feinted an attack high, then swept her left foot in an arc and caught Tanya by surprise.
The young woman fell to her back and to her dismay saw Hideko following up by leaping at her sword raised. Tanya rolled to her left but cried out in pain as Hideko's sword plunged down, scoring a line deep across her back though missing a fatal blow. Hideko kicked at Tanya once and found her opponent rolling again and coming to her feet.
Both women were breathing heavily now, the explosive violence gradually taking it's toll.
Hideko smiled as Tanya winced in pain.
"First blood to me, I suppose," she said.
Tanya pursed her lips in annoyance and without saying a word screamed then launched a furious assault on Hideko. Tanya's blade lunged, cut, sliced and slashed in every way she knew seeking to bury itself in Hideko's soft flesh, yet the Kusari woman parried or dodged each attack smoothly and much to her chagrin was smiling. Tanya grew a little desperate. Hideko's technique was superior to her own, she was faster and she was running out of ideas. Soon, Hideko would tire her out and her doom would be sealed.
"Did I mention that Kenji snores in bed?" said Tanya. Hideko was about to attack but stopped in her tracks, glaring at the ex-assassin.
"Shut up, you Bretonian whore! You don't know anything about Kenji!" Hideko screamed.
"Of course I do!" Tanya replied. "You forget we were friends long before you met him! In fact, for a while we were more than friends!" said Tanya smiling.
"You lie! I am his first and only!" yelled Hideko.
Before Tanya could reply, Hideko attacked her in a fury and for several heartbeats Tanya found herself on the defensive, sparks flew from the impact of their blades and she was cut twice, once on the arm and another on the thigh. Hideko was screaming at the top of her voice now, cursing Tanya in everyway possible, in several languages too. She found her back against a wall and suddenly their blades locked, the two women found their faces inches away from each other's.
"Kenji wasn't particularly good either," whispered Tanya quickly, frowning with the effort of holding the Kusari woman at bay. "Boring in fact. But he had a good heart. Was he good for you? I bet he's the same. Is that why you sleep with Mason? Kenji would be most upset to find that out."
"I'll kill you first!" hissed Hideko.
"Come and try, *****!" screamed Tanya, then sent her forehead hurtling forwards. It hammered onto the bridge of Hideko's nose that cracked audibly and forced the Kusari woman to stagger back. Tanya battered the edge of Hideko's blade aside and with her opponent half-blinded now, thrust her blade into the centre of Hideko's chest. Tanya yelled again and with all her strength pushed on the blade until the tip burst through the other side.
Blood bubbled from Hideko's lips and tears began to well as the Kusari woman looked up at her killer with a mixed look of disbelief and fear.
"Tell Kenji..I love him," she whispered, then her breath rattled in her throat and the light faded from her eyes.
Tanya pulled the sword out quickly with a spray of blood and let the body fall to the ground. The assassin heard footsteps beyond the door and without thinking threw her sword at the first man who ran through. It lanced into his chest and he fell back screaming. Tanya ran to the pile of equipment she had left by the wall and realising she was about to come under fire, slid across the ground in time to avoid a hail of bullets fired from a second man. Tanya reached her guns and pulling one free fired it once, sending a bullet exploding into the centre of her target's forehead. He dropped without a sound and Tanya lay still for a moment breathing heavily.
She rolled upwards and pulled the sword out of the dead man, then dragged both bodies inside and closed the door. Tanya lay her jacket over Hideko's still face, then sat with her back against the wall, where she drew her legs in to her chest and began to sob.
"I never loved Kenji the way you did," she whispered gazing at the blood spreading from under Hideko's body.
Tanya opened her eyes and found herself at the base of a large staircase. The upper gantry held the offices where she assumed Mason would be. After all, there was no other obvious place Hideko was making her way too.
She looked up and drew both her blasters.
Tanya would not be nearly as merciful as she was with Hideko.
Edited by - Athena on 2/9/2005 4:05:08 AM
This is going to take much longer than my lucnch hour to read through. Sorry i haven't said much about this Athena. I am going to have read through all of this again as i only read the first 2 or 3 parts. I will be putting my feedback up though. It doesn't appear that you have finnished yet. Just hoping this is one of your creative breaks
I took your advice to extend my chapter btw. Thanks for that input
Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 2/28/2005 3:29:57 PM

I took your advice to extend my chapter btw. Thanks for that input

Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 2/28/2005 3:29:57 PM
I never finished reading this story...
but it is without a doubt the best one I have ever read on this site. Good job!
(I'll try finish reading it tonight)
Edit: Have finished reading it now...It is brilliantly written Athena and certainly the best one on the site! Great work!
Edited by - Wilde on 3/10/2005 7:05:38 PM
but it is without a doubt the best one I have ever read on this site. Good job!
(I'll try finish reading it tonight)
Edit: Have finished reading it now...It is brilliantly written Athena and certainly the best one on the site! Great work!

Edited by - Wilde on 3/10/2005 7:05:38 PM
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