We still believe that Ageira should not supply the HA with services, and beg the corporation to stop fraternizing with them.
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DSQrn/Outcast''s RPG-Control your own Faction.
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
the GMG apologizes for not being able to attend the conference at planet Homburg. Our ship was ambushed on its way--our ambassador and all its passengers killed--with astonishing verocity. Events point to the Corsairs being behind this disgusting display of terrorist activity, though possible connections to Ageira are being investigated. We call once again upon the entire axis to crush these bloodthirsty pirates!
We still believe that Ageira should not supply the HA with services, and beg the corporation to stop fraternizing with them.
We still believe that Ageira should not supply the HA with services, and beg the corporation to stop fraternizing with them.
GMG is also looking to attack Omega 13, as Rheinland is dealing with O 11. Our forces are currently not strong enough to push an entire attack, so our request is that either Liberty or Kusari send ships to aid us. In the meantime, here is what we are building for the attack force:
100 warships
250 battleships
450 cruisers
750 gunboats
1000 VH fighters
1750 H fighters
2250 light fighters
100 warships
250 battleships
450 cruisers
750 gunboats
1000 VH fighters
1750 H fighters
2250 light fighters
Did u read my other post? There is no Omega-13. Omegas 5 or 7 are viable though. However, the BHG has its eyes on Omega-5, so perhaps 7 would be better?
Some questions I have...
Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
What do you do when you see an endangered animal that eats only endangered plants?
What do they use to ship styrofoam?

Some questions I have...
Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
What do you do when you see an endangered animal that eats only endangered plants?
What do they use to ship styrofoam?

Cheating Hispanic scum! Planting a bug in our conference room eh? You will pay for this treachery in the blood of your soldiers! Kusari from now on will not attend any conference that is attended by any representives of the HA!
The Emperor's fury will be unleashed by every individual soldier in the attack on Tau-29! We wish peace for Tau-29, not a drug riddled, crime rampant system. Outcasts and Corsairs have become bloodthirsty pirates who peddle in contraband and seek to undo the peaceful citizens of the Sirius!
Kusari wishes to annex Tau 29 and Sigma 13 to allow the GMG to expand into the Border worlds. We will keep fighting until there are no more Kusari to grasp a Daumann Shredder or Detroit Perforator.
Kusari attacks Tau-29 and means to attack now. I'm getting sick of waiting 5 days to see if I've won or not
I love the smell of Napalm in the morning
The Emperor's fury will be unleashed by every individual soldier in the attack on Tau-29! We wish peace for Tau-29, not a drug riddled, crime rampant system. Outcasts and Corsairs have become bloodthirsty pirates who peddle in contraband and seek to undo the peaceful citizens of the Sirius!
Kusari wishes to annex Tau 29 and Sigma 13 to allow the GMG to expand into the Border worlds. We will keep fighting until there are no more Kusari to grasp a Daumann Shredder or Detroit Perforator.
Kusari attacks Tau-29 and means to attack now. I'm getting sick of waiting 5 days to see if I've won or not
I love the smell of Napalm in the morning
CEO's Office, Ageira Headquarters, Planet Manhattan, New York System
The room was almost empty, though the movers had yet to take the last few pieces of furniture away. The desk was still set up against the far wall, and an ancient filing cabinet still stood next to the door.
In the darkness of the Manhattan night, a figure slipped into the room. His eyes scanned the room, searching.
"It must be here..." he said, "It must be... the key to ending this strife, this pain... I will do it, no matter the cost..."
He turned. The cabinet! Of course, where else would that corrupt CEO keep his most dangerous secret but in the confines of some archaic prison?
The figure opened the cabinet, skimming through the rows of folders. "Perforater... Mercury... Hermes... Re-Alignment... ah, here we are."
His fingers removed from the cabinet, taking with them the folder he had last grasped.
"At last, I can change the universe."
(OOC: This is what happens when your hobby is writing science-fiction; you start thinking up clever villains and putting them into role-playing scenes. Just for the record, our man here is strictly for the purpose of putting a spin on the plot this rp has taken so far.)
CEO's Office, Ageira Headquarters, Planet Manhattan, New York System
The room was almost empty, though the movers had yet to take the last few pieces of furniture away. The desk was still set up against the far wall, and an ancient filing cabinet still stood next to the door.
In the darkness of the Manhattan night, a figure slipped into the room. His eyes scanned the room, searching.
"It must be here..." he said, "It must be... the key to ending this strife, this pain... I will do it, no matter the cost..."
He turned. The cabinet! Of course, where else would that corrupt CEO keep his most dangerous secret but in the confines of some archaic prison?
The figure opened the cabinet, skimming through the rows of folders. "Perforater... Mercury... Hermes... Re-Alignment... ah, here we are."
His fingers removed from the cabinet, taking with them the folder he had last grasped.
"At last, I can change the universe."
(OOC: This is what happens when your hobby is writing science-fiction; you start thinking up clever villains and putting them into role-playing scenes. Just for the record, our man here is strictly for the purpose of putting a spin on the plot this rp has taken so far.)
Alliance news:
New Freighter and Very Heavy Fighter under research
Alliance scientists have began work on two new ships. The Civilian"Starhauler"Freighter and the Civilian"Spirit" Heavy Fighter. Both of theses ships will be seeing a more active row in the Alliance trade.
New Gun under research as well:
The FA-54" Tomahawk" Photon Cannon research has also been started.
New Freighter and Very Heavy Fighter under research
Alliance scientists have began work on two new ships. The Civilian"Starhauler"Freighter and the Civilian"Spirit" Heavy Fighter. Both of theses ships will be seeing a more active row in the Alliance trade.
New Gun under research as well:
The FA-54" Tomahawk" Photon Cannon research has also been started.
OOC:Guys i dont own omega 11 so err ask someone else about that
To kusari: have you withdrawn your attack on sig 19 then?
To GMG: we did not kill any ambasador what are you talking about?
To HSF:We have a mission for you infltrate ageria we need to nulify this hermes cannon
Fleet movments:3 outcast fleets moved to tau 29
Two new wepons developed:
Gavaty genourator: this creates a huge force of gravaty that no fighter can resist frezing them into possition
Defense field: This deflects any kind of laser wepons but is vonerable tp missiles and torps.
This wepons will be installed into modifyed crusiers
Nemisis now in possition over new london awaiting offical invite to land
Omega-3 battle plan:
Ships:3 fleets:
Total no. of ships:
3 juggernaughts
12 battleships
21 crusers
600 titans
1500 centurians
2700 legonnaris
All centurians and titans will focus on taking out fighters and gun baots.
At the start of the battle the leggonares will rush straight in and target the turrets of the larger war ships, once this is complete they will join the fight against the fighters.
The crusers will split up into two groups each group will circle the enemy fleet firing on enemy crusiers and light cap ships until they reach the rear of the fleet, then they will charge straight in and fire on any hostile target.
The battleships will start of by all forming up into an arrow head formation and charging straight towards the heavy cap ships. when they are about to collide they will pull up nad strafe around then firing all wepons at the vonerable rear of the ships.
The juggernaughts will stay at the edge of the battlefield and concentrate they beam cannons on heavy warships. they will remain in this position for the entire battle.
(So what do you think of my battle plan?)
To kusari: have you withdrawn your attack on sig 19 then?
To GMG: we did not kill any ambasador what are you talking about?
To HSF:We have a mission for you infltrate ageria we need to nulify this hermes cannon
Fleet movments:3 outcast fleets moved to tau 29
Two new wepons developed:
Gavaty genourator: this creates a huge force of gravaty that no fighter can resist frezing them into possition
Defense field: This deflects any kind of laser wepons but is vonerable tp missiles and torps.
This wepons will be installed into modifyed crusiers
Nemisis now in possition over new london awaiting offical invite to land
Omega-3 battle plan:
Ships:3 fleets:
Total no. of ships:
3 juggernaughts
12 battleships
21 crusers
600 titans
1500 centurians
2700 legonnaris
All centurians and titans will focus on taking out fighters and gun baots.
At the start of the battle the leggonares will rush straight in and target the turrets of the larger war ships, once this is complete they will join the fight against the fighters.
The crusers will split up into two groups each group will circle the enemy fleet firing on enemy crusiers and light cap ships until they reach the rear of the fleet, then they will charge straight in and fire on any hostile target.
The battleships will start of by all forming up into an arrow head formation and charging straight towards the heavy cap ships. when they are about to collide they will pull up nad strafe around then firing all wepons at the vonerable rear of the ships.
The juggernaughts will stay at the edge of the battlefield and concentrate they beam cannons on heavy warships. they will remain in this position for the entire battle.
(So what do you think of my battle plan?)
I am getting pretty sick of this.
We have, like, 7 battles that need to be completed!
If he can't do the judging, then I will.
With your permission, I will resolve all the battles this weekend, so this RPG can start working like its supposed to.
I like your plan, but it is not enough to stop my Warship Fleet!
I'll post my stuff soon.
Edited by - ww2jacob on 10/8/2004 9:24:19 AM


We have, like, 7 battles that need to be completed!
If he can't do the judging, then I will.
With your permission, I will resolve all the battles this weekend, so this RPG can start working like its supposed to.
I like your plan, but it is not enough to stop my Warship Fleet!

I'll post my stuff soon.
Edited by - ww2jacob on 10/8/2004 9:24:19 AM
Basically, I use the tactics to make a map of the starting locations of fleets for the battle. Then, I use both side's opening manuvers to determine the range. Then each side fires, then I use each side's next manuvers, and they fire again. And so on. For special moves, it is purely up to me. I look at the manuver, and decide whether or not it suceeds, based on technology and #'s. It turns out to be quite accurate.
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