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DSQrn/Outcast''s RPG-Control your own Faction.
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
The Destiny has completed the move to the new system. Should the system be granted to us officially by the Bounty Hunters, the official name has been decided as "New Columbia".
Progress on the construction of Marathon Station continues. The station's life support and gravity generators are on-line, and amenities are being installed.
The Hermes Cannon has been tested, and test results report a perfect success. The target, a large asteroid in the New Columbia System, was successfully transported by the external Jump-Projectors to Station Styx, where workers confirmed that the asteroid had been launched immediately into the Cortez System's central sun, and destroyed. This technology could revolutionize law enforcement in the five Houses.
Testing of the Mercury Star Drive remains on hold, but Ageira official believe that it will replace the Rheinland rift-generators currently in use as the fastest form of transportation in the galaxy.
Collaboration with Planetform Inc. has begun on Planet New London. We have a design for the ship that will carry the Genesis Ray and have asked for permission to manufacture it at Southampton Shipyard. Both our companies are also petitioning to have a suitable station for supplying the Genesis Ray built in orbit around Cambridge.
Construction of the New Greece-New Columbia Jump Gate has begun, and with any luck we will soon be able to bring smaller, non-rift equipped ships into the system.
So, the properties of the Hermes Cannon:
Damage: N/A, any hit from the Hermes Cannon is a guaranteed kill.
Refire Rate: Confirmation from Styx Station is necessary for each shot, so rather slow.
Power Consumption: High
Can only be mounted on capital ships.
Edited by - Arilias on 10/6/2004 3:53:19 PM
The Destiny has completed the move to the new system. Should the system be granted to us officially by the Bounty Hunters, the official name has been decided as "New Columbia".
Progress on the construction of Marathon Station continues. The station's life support and gravity generators are on-line, and amenities are being installed.
The Hermes Cannon has been tested, and test results report a perfect success. The target, a large asteroid in the New Columbia System, was successfully transported by the external Jump-Projectors to Station Styx, where workers confirmed that the asteroid had been launched immediately into the Cortez System's central sun, and destroyed. This technology could revolutionize law enforcement in the five Houses.
Testing of the Mercury Star Drive remains on hold, but Ageira official believe that it will replace the Rheinland rift-generators currently in use as the fastest form of transportation in the galaxy.
Collaboration with Planetform Inc. has begun on Planet New London. We have a design for the ship that will carry the Genesis Ray and have asked for permission to manufacture it at Southampton Shipyard. Both our companies are also petitioning to have a suitable station for supplying the Genesis Ray built in orbit around Cambridge.
Construction of the New Greece-New Columbia Jump Gate has begun, and with any luck we will soon be able to bring smaller, non-rift equipped ships into the system.
So, the properties of the Hermes Cannon:
Damage: N/A, any hit from the Hermes Cannon is a guaranteed kill.
Refire Rate: Confirmation from Styx Station is necessary for each shot, so rather slow.
Power Consumption: High
Can only be mounted on capital ships.
Edited by - Arilias on 10/6/2004 3:53:19 PM
New system update:
Our new system has been thouroghly mapped and scouted. We have discovered three jump holes in the system. Two lead to other new systems that have been mapped as well. This new system has two planets, both suitable for terraforming. The other systems have one terraformable planet each. The other jumphole leads to one of Rheinland's deep space systems. New bases are being built in each of the systems,
except for one. (See below) The origanal new system has been named Iota 4, the other two are Iotas 8 and 12.
We would like to give you the system Iota 8, rather than Iota 4, as you requested. The reason is that we need Iota 4 to access the other systems. You will have unrestricted access to all of our systems, as long as we have unrestricted access to your system. We also request that you build jump gates to link all of these systems, so travel is quicker. We will be glad to cover the cost for all of them, as with the New Greece -> Iota 4 jumpgate. We will also build you a base in Iota 8. Just send us a plan, and we will build it. Consider it a welcoming gift.
We would request that your ships attack a different system. We don't really need help in O-3, and we wanted to take it for ourselves. Consider attacking Omega 11 or Omega 13, they are closer to your home anyway. Thank you.
New BHG systems:
Iota 4
Iota 8 (For now)
Iota 12
New Ships:
To O-3
40 U WS
150 WS
1800 wngs GrW
To S-13
50 U WS
130 WS
1500 wngs GrW
Some questions I have...
Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
What do you do when you see an endangered animal that eats only endangered plants?
What do they use to ship styrofoam?

Our new system has been thouroghly mapped and scouted. We have discovered three jump holes in the system. Two lead to other new systems that have been mapped as well. This new system has two planets, both suitable for terraforming. The other systems have one terraformable planet each. The other jumphole leads to one of Rheinland's deep space systems. New bases are being built in each of the systems,
except for one. (See below) The origanal new system has been named Iota 4, the other two are Iotas 8 and 12.
We would like to give you the system Iota 8, rather than Iota 4, as you requested. The reason is that we need Iota 4 to access the other systems. You will have unrestricted access to all of our systems, as long as we have unrestricted access to your system. We also request that you build jump gates to link all of these systems, so travel is quicker. We will be glad to cover the cost for all of them, as with the New Greece -> Iota 4 jumpgate. We will also build you a base in Iota 8. Just send us a plan, and we will build it. Consider it a welcoming gift.
We would request that your ships attack a different system. We don't really need help in O-3, and we wanted to take it for ourselves. Consider attacking Omega 11 or Omega 13, they are closer to your home anyway. Thank you.
New BHG systems:
Iota 4
Iota 8 (For now)
Iota 12
New Ships:
To O-3
40 U WS
150 WS
1800 wngs GrW
To S-13
50 U WS
130 WS
1500 wngs GrW
Some questions I have...
Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
What do you do when you see an endangered animal that eats only endangered plants?
What do they use to ship styrofoam?

The partially completed Marathon Station is being moved to the Iota 8 system, now purchased from the Bounty Hunter's Guild, in the first field testing of the Mercury Star Drive.
Construction on the Iota 4-New Greece Jump Gate has been completed, and constuction on the two new gates in Iota-4 has begun.
Possible new project: Ageira California, hoping to design a way to minimize collateral damage during the Axis/Alliance war, has proposed a plan for a station/planet anti-energy shield.
The partially completed Marathon Station is being moved to the Iota 8 system, now purchased from the Bounty Hunter's Guild, in the first field testing of the Mercury Star Drive.
Construction on the Iota 4-New Greece Jump Gate has been completed, and constuction on the two new gates in Iota-4 has begun.
Possible new project: Ageira California, hoping to design a way to minimize collateral damage during the Axis/Alliance war, has proposed a plan for a station/planet anti-energy shield.
To Arillias of Ageira -
Bretonia will allow you the use of Southampton Shipyard. However we would like to know what is in it for us? No weapons testing will be allowed in Bretonian space especially cambridge. Regarding the station orbiting Cambridge, what is it you plan to do there?
ooc - Omega Chief, what has happened to the other Bretonian colonies, are they still under your control?
Bretonia will allow you the use of Southampton Shipyard. However we would like to know what is in it for us? No weapons testing will be allowed in Bretonian space especially cambridge. Regarding the station orbiting Cambridge, what is it you plan to do there?
ooc - Omega Chief, what has happened to the other Bretonian colonies, are they still under your control?
OOC: No bret hispania withdrew from all bretonian colonies thought the HSF might still have a few ships in them due to them requiring time to make sure the mollys will not bother you.
One thing guys where is omega 13?
To Bretonia:
You say that you are working ona jumphole destabliser. We already have one and would be willing to share the tech with you all you have to do is ask.
We need help reinforcing our flank. We only have 3 fleets in omega 3 12 in omega 7 and 14 in omega 41 so we need reinforcements. Also where the juggernaughts you built of our design?
To axis:
Take omega 11 it does not belong to us that is a heassian system
One thing guys where is omega 13?
To Bretonia:
You say that you are working ona jumphole destabliser. We already have one and would be willing to share the tech with you all you have to do is ask.
We need help reinforcing our flank. We only have 3 fleets in omega 3 12 in omega 7 and 14 in omega 41 so we need reinforcements. Also where the juggernaughts you built of our design?
To axis:
Take omega 11 it does not belong to us that is a heassian system
Message to Bretonian Government:
The operations currently underway in Bretonia are of a civil nature. We are using Southampton to develop a ship capable of carrying an adapted version of our external-Gate technology, which will be able to direct materials coming through its gates with pinpoint precision onto a planet. The end use of this device is that, when supplied with sufficient raw materials, it can terraform a planet in a matter of hours, as opposed to the weeks, months, and occasionally years required for current methods.
The installation at Cambridge is necessary for the supply of raw materials to the terraformer. We chose Cambridge as the best site because the planet is one of the largest suppliers of raw terraforming material. Both the station and the ship will be equipped with weapons, but only for the purposes of fending off potentional attacks by pirates and eco-terrorists.
Development on the Idun Shield Generator has begun on planet Los Angelas. Early reports have shown that the technology to be put in use will not function on starships due to interference by power core, rift generation, and jump residue, but could be easily equipped to planets and stations to prevent their populations falling victim to orbital bombardment.
Marathon Station completed its move in the first successful testing of the Mercury drive. The drive on Marathon has be disequipped and the station scoured of all jump residue in the hope of later equipping it with an Idun Shield.
In exchange for Iota-8, now renamed New Columbia, we have sent the Bounty Hunters' Guild the first non-prototype Hermes Cannon. Members of the BHG have also been given priority by Styx Station operators.
The Hermes Cannon is now for sale to the galaxy! This weapon, designed to destroy pirate bases in a single blast, is open to all five Houses so that they can use it to purge their home systems of the criminal elements.
Marathon Station's basic amneties have been completed, and with the construction of twelve Synth Foods biodomes located along the station's arms, we are proud to announce that Ageira's executives have already relocated to the station. Work on corporate facilities has been iniated.
We would like to publicly thank the Bounty Hunters' Guild for respecting the wishes of a neutral party in this time of war. It is organizations like them, who understand and respect the desire of corporations like Ageira Technologies to end this war, that bring light to a sector engulfed in darkness.
The operations currently underway in Bretonia are of a civil nature. We are using Southampton to develop a ship capable of carrying an adapted version of our external-Gate technology, which will be able to direct materials coming through its gates with pinpoint precision onto a planet. The end use of this device is that, when supplied with sufficient raw materials, it can terraform a planet in a matter of hours, as opposed to the weeks, months, and occasionally years required for current methods.
The installation at Cambridge is necessary for the supply of raw materials to the terraformer. We chose Cambridge as the best site because the planet is one of the largest suppliers of raw terraforming material. Both the station and the ship will be equipped with weapons, but only for the purposes of fending off potentional attacks by pirates and eco-terrorists.
Development on the Idun Shield Generator has begun on planet Los Angelas. Early reports have shown that the technology to be put in use will not function on starships due to interference by power core, rift generation, and jump residue, but could be easily equipped to planets and stations to prevent their populations falling victim to orbital bombardment.
Marathon Station completed its move in the first successful testing of the Mercury drive. The drive on Marathon has be disequipped and the station scoured of all jump residue in the hope of later equipping it with an Idun Shield.
In exchange for Iota-8, now renamed New Columbia, we have sent the Bounty Hunters' Guild the first non-prototype Hermes Cannon. Members of the BHG have also been given priority by Styx Station operators.
The Hermes Cannon is now for sale to the galaxy! This weapon, designed to destroy pirate bases in a single blast, is open to all five Houses so that they can use it to purge their home systems of the criminal elements.
Marathon Station's basic amneties have been completed, and with the construction of twelve Synth Foods biodomes located along the station's arms, we are proud to announce that Ageira's executives have already relocated to the station. Work on corporate facilities has been iniated.
We would like to publicly thank the Bounty Hunters' Guild for respecting the wishes of a neutral party in this time of war. It is organizations like them, who understand and respect the desire of corporations like Ageira Technologies to end this war, that bring light to a sector engulfed in darkness.
Being the only house in Sirius not involved in the war, whilst we are still Axis members, we strive for the protection of Sirius and all Neutral parties.
To Hispania and HSF:
The destabilizer technology will be greatly appreciated. We would like to remind you that you have access to our space, we would also like to invite you to talks on New London to discuss the current situation between yourselves and the Axis.
To ALL factions and Houses
This war has left Bretonia. We are rebuilding our strength and economy and while every faction has access to Bretonian space, no attacks on each other whilst there are allowed. We will not be making any advance outside our territory but will explore the galaxy for uncharted systems.
Update on happenings througout Bretonia.
BMM to monopolise the Dublin Gold mining to bost our economy
2 Shipyards to be built in Dublin
Edinburgh to remain untouched apart from the Battleships will be stationed there once built in Dublin.
Borderstation to go up in Dublin
2 Shipyards to be constructed in Cambridge
Prison station to be constructed in Cambridge
Extension to Camridge research institute
Weapons platforms to be constructed at each jumphole/jumpgate in Bretonian Space
Obviously, this will all take a long time. The ships in manchester have now been completed and once the Dublin and Cambridge shipyards are complete i will update everyone on what is to be built there.
To Hispania and HSF:
The destabilizer technology will be greatly appreciated. We would like to remind you that you have access to our space, we would also like to invite you to talks on New London to discuss the current situation between yourselves and the Axis.
To ALL factions and Houses
This war has left Bretonia. We are rebuilding our strength and economy and while every faction has access to Bretonian space, no attacks on each other whilst there are allowed. We will not be making any advance outside our territory but will explore the galaxy for uncharted systems.
Update on happenings througout Bretonia.
BMM to monopolise the Dublin Gold mining to bost our economy
2 Shipyards to be built in Dublin
Edinburgh to remain untouched apart from the Battleships will be stationed there once built in Dublin.
Borderstation to go up in Dublin
2 Shipyards to be constructed in Cambridge
Prison station to be constructed in Cambridge
Extension to Camridge research institute
Weapons platforms to be constructed at each jumphole/jumpgate in Bretonian Space
Obviously, this will all take a long time. The ships in manchester have now been completed and once the Dublin and Cambridge shipyards are complete i will update everyone on what is to be built there.
To bretonia:
the tech has been sent aboard our flagship the CGFJ "Nemisis" and will be arriving in new london soon to attend the meeting. also onboard are extra supplies,money and engineres to help you rebiuld. You may refuse our help if you want but we belive we owe it to you after it is us who caused this damage.
the tech has been sent aboard our flagship the CGFJ "Nemisis" and will be arriving in new london soon to attend the meeting. also onboard are extra supplies,money and engineres to help you rebiuld. You may refuse our help if you want but we belive we owe it to you after it is us who caused this damage.
Rhienland attack on Omega 11:
800 warships
900 battleships
1200 cruisers
1400 gunboats
2000 VHF
2300 HF
2500 LF
3000 Elite-guard fighters
1000 supply ships
1400 Troop ships (for boarding battleships and bases and attacking cities)
1800 heavy lifters (to build bases)
We plant to attack with all fighters cloaked and use our rift technology to pop out right at the station, firiing torpedos at it, then fighters decloak and attack troop ships then land on the crippled station. all troops are Elite-Gaurd
800 warships
900 battleships
1200 cruisers
1400 gunboats
2000 VHF
2300 HF
2500 LF
3000 Elite-guard fighters
1000 supply ships
1400 Troop ships (for boarding battleships and bases and attacking cities)
1800 heavy lifters (to build bases)
We plant to attack with all fighters cloaked and use our rift technology to pop out right at the station, firiing torpedos at it, then fighters decloak and attack troop ships then land on the crippled station. all troops are Elite-Gaurd
Sorry 'bout that. I realized that Omega-13 is not a real system. I was referring to Omega-7, or something in that area.
I will send a group of ships to assist you in your battle, and you can do the same. Naturally, we will keep the systems we take, so you get O11 (or whatever you are attacking) and we get O3.
Two new systems have been discovered from jumpholes located in Iota 12! They are to be dubbed Iotas 8 and 14. We would like Ageria to connect these systems to as many other BHG systems as possible.
Iota 4:
1 Large Space Station
2 Shipyards
4 Border Stations
2 Planet Bases (Could Ageria use their Terraform Ray to TF them?)
Iota 12:
2 Large Space Stations
3 Border Ststions
1 Planet Base (TF?)
Iota 8: (New)
1 Large Space Station
3 Shipyards
5 Border Stations
Iota 14:
5 Shipyards
3 Border Stations
New Columbia:
1 Large Space Station
It will be a while before these bases are done.
To Omega 3:
40 U WS
90 WS
900 wngs Orcas
To Omicron Theta:
40 U WS
100 WS
800 wngs GrW
To RH:
25 U WS
50 WS
700 wngs GrW
To Each Iota:
5 U WS
20 WS
200 wngs GrW
Some questions I have...
Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
What do you do when you see an endangered animal that eats only endangered plants?
What do they use to ship styrofoam?

Sorry 'bout that. I realized that Omega-13 is not a real system. I was referring to Omega-7, or something in that area.
I will send a group of ships to assist you in your battle, and you can do the same. Naturally, we will keep the systems we take, so you get O11 (or whatever you are attacking) and we get O3.
Two new systems have been discovered from jumpholes located in Iota 12! They are to be dubbed Iotas 8 and 14. We would like Ageria to connect these systems to as many other BHG systems as possible.
Iota 4:
1 Large Space Station
2 Shipyards
4 Border Stations
2 Planet Bases (Could Ageria use their Terraform Ray to TF them?)
Iota 12:
2 Large Space Stations
3 Border Ststions
1 Planet Base (TF?)
Iota 8: (New)
1 Large Space Station
3 Shipyards
5 Border Stations
Iota 14:
5 Shipyards
3 Border Stations
New Columbia:
1 Large Space Station
It will be a while before these bases are done.
To Omega 3:
40 U WS
90 WS
900 wngs Orcas
To Omicron Theta:
40 U WS
100 WS
800 wngs GrW
To RH:
25 U WS
50 WS
700 wngs GrW
To Each Iota:
5 U WS
20 WS
200 wngs GrW
Some questions I have...
Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
What do you do when you see an endangered animal that eats only endangered plants?
What do they use to ship styrofoam?

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