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DSQrn/Outcast''s RPG-Control your own Faction.
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
And the winner is.......
The Rheinland fleet, with its vastly superior weaponry, swept in with its massive warships. A full half of the Hispanic fleet was destroyed, and they all retreated to Edinburgh.
A quarter of the axis fleets have been destroyed.
Leeds is now uninhabitable due to the Bio-Weapon.
All other Leeds bases have been destroyed.
And the winner is.......
The Rheinland fleet, with its vastly superior weaponry, swept in with its massive warships. A full half of the Hispanic fleet was destroyed, and they all retreated to Edinburgh.
A quarter of the axis fleets have been destroyed.
Leeds is now uninhabitable due to the Bio-Weapon.
All other Leeds bases have been destroyed.
yay we won!!
Message to bretonia!
Dear king we gravley aplogize for the loss of leeds, we are working on a way to fix leads but it will take some time. we will hand over the system as soon as we rebuild all the trade lanes and bases. we feel it is our resposiblity to fix the leeds sytem. we are building 10 new stations at leeds and they all will have food processing pieces, and the best rhienland turret defenses! also we are rebuilding the jumpgates for you, all protected by massive stations we are building. we are giving you a large amount of food and supplies to rebuild the damage!
Message to the rest of the Axis:
well done, well done now we have victory! but i would like to request that you help Rhienland rebuild the dmage the axis caused!
Message to the HA:
You see the power of the axis, flee and we will pursue and destroy you! your days are numbered!

Message to bretonia!
Dear king we gravley aplogize for the loss of leeds, we are working on a way to fix leads but it will take some time. we will hand over the system as soon as we rebuild all the trade lanes and bases. we feel it is our resposiblity to fix the leeds sytem. we are building 10 new stations at leeds and they all will have food processing pieces, and the best rhienland turret defenses! also we are rebuilding the jumpgates for you, all protected by massive stations we are building. we are giving you a large amount of food and supplies to rebuild the damage!
Message to the rest of the Axis:
well done, well done now we have victory! but i would like to request that you help Rhienland rebuild the dmage the axis caused!
Message to the HA:
You see the power of the axis, flee and we will pursue and destroy you! your days are numbered!
Reply to Rheinland:
We are saddened also by the devastation caused on Leeds. The defeat of the HA will only strengthen us and the rest of the Axis. With Rheinland help, we will be powerful again!
***Bretonian Colony News Service***
With the defeat of the Hispanic forces in Leeds, Planet Leeds residents on New London joyously celebrated its liberation by the Axis of power.
In other news, the BAF have begun the construction of two new shipyards in Manchester to speed up the production of the "Paladin" VHF.
Sources say that a new Border Station will be going up in the London System to serve as an early warning base.
Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 9/26/2004 2:17:17 PM
We are saddened also by the devastation caused on Leeds. The defeat of the HA will only strengthen us and the rest of the Axis. With Rheinland help, we will be powerful again!
***Bretonian Colony News Service***
With the defeat of the Hispanic forces in Leeds, Planet Leeds residents on New London joyously celebrated its liberation by the Axis of power.
In other news, the BAF have begun the construction of two new shipyards in Manchester to speed up the production of the "Paladin" VHF.
Sources say that a new Border Station will be going up in the London System to serve as an early warning base.
Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 9/26/2004 2:17:17 PM
To Outcast: I hope my numbers helped. Thanks for making our victory official.
To DS: Yes, I factored in your bio-wep. I had the ship fire the wep after our fleet had won. To protect the ship, I did not include it in the battle.
To Omega: Sorry, I was not aware that the Corsairs had only sent in fighters. I was looking at an earlier post that said that they had sent in a few cap ships as well. However, it wasn't enough to make a difference either way.
Guild News!
Victory at Leeds! The Axis fleet, which was largely made up of BHG forces, won a key victory in the Leeds battle. We lost less than a quarter of our forces, but destroyed over half of the enemy forces before they could retreat. This has been a key victory for the Axis, as well as our fleets, which led the way with their powerful sheilds and weapons.
Recruitment has quadrupled! Since our forces won the Leeds battle, new recruits have been flooding in. This week, we have increased recruitment over four times from last week! The best part is, however, we have acquired over a hundred of the best freelancers in the colonies. These experienced pilots will be the backbone of our newly planned Elite Strike Team. (see below)
Elite Strike Team to be formed! With many of these newly acquired pilots, we are creating a new force. It is known as the Elite Strike Team, or EST for short, and they will be our finest fighing force, composed of our most elite pilots. It will be made up of experienced freelancers, veteran BHG pilots, and other excellent pilots. They will fly a new advanced version of the Great White, which utilizes its super fuel better.
Athens Base to recieve add-ons! Our headquarters at Athens Base will receive a whole new section. It will be completed soon, but we still don't know who will use it. Rumors speak of a new security force, but they are merely rumors.
Leeds force to return to New Greece! Our brave men who fought at Leeds are returning home. They are expected back tommorow. The men will get R+R, and the ships will get repairs. Then, they will be sent back out to the front.
The survivors are:
'Alexander the Great' Flagship
23 U. Warships
56 Warships
76 AAF Cruisers
679 GrW*
2,782 Orcas*
245 Hammerheads*
132 Barracudas*
42 Pirahnas*
276 Whales*
*-# of individual ships
New ships:
To Magellan (Leeds after the bio-hazard is removed):
5 U. Warships
10 Warships
50 wngs. GrW
200 Heavy Lifters
200 Repair Ships
400 Supply Ships
To O. Theta:
15 U. Warships
35 Warships
40 AAF
100 wngs GrW
100 wngs Orcas
To Sigma-13
10 U. Warships
25 Warships
50 AAF
50 wngs GrW
50 wngs Orcas
Don't forget about the Peace Confrence! It is still going!
Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

To DS: Yes, I factored in your bio-wep. I had the ship fire the wep after our fleet had won. To protect the ship, I did not include it in the battle.
To Omega: Sorry, I was not aware that the Corsairs had only sent in fighters. I was looking at an earlier post that said that they had sent in a few cap ships as well. However, it wasn't enough to make a difference either way.
Guild News!
Victory at Leeds! The Axis fleet, which was largely made up of BHG forces, won a key victory in the Leeds battle. We lost less than a quarter of our forces, but destroyed over half of the enemy forces before they could retreat. This has been a key victory for the Axis, as well as our fleets, which led the way with their powerful sheilds and weapons.
Recruitment has quadrupled! Since our forces won the Leeds battle, new recruits have been flooding in. This week, we have increased recruitment over four times from last week! The best part is, however, we have acquired over a hundred of the best freelancers in the colonies. These experienced pilots will be the backbone of our newly planned Elite Strike Team. (see below)
Elite Strike Team to be formed! With many of these newly acquired pilots, we are creating a new force. It is known as the Elite Strike Team, or EST for short, and they will be our finest fighing force, composed of our most elite pilots. It will be made up of experienced freelancers, veteran BHG pilots, and other excellent pilots. They will fly a new advanced version of the Great White, which utilizes its super fuel better.
Athens Base to recieve add-ons! Our headquarters at Athens Base will receive a whole new section. It will be completed soon, but we still don't know who will use it. Rumors speak of a new security force, but they are merely rumors.
Leeds force to return to New Greece! Our brave men who fought at Leeds are returning home. They are expected back tommorow. The men will get R+R, and the ships will get repairs. Then, they will be sent back out to the front.
The survivors are:
'Alexander the Great' Flagship
23 U. Warships
56 Warships
76 AAF Cruisers
679 GrW*
2,782 Orcas*
245 Hammerheads*
132 Barracudas*
42 Pirahnas*
276 Whales*
*-# of individual ships
New ships:
To Magellan (Leeds after the bio-hazard is removed):
5 U. Warships
10 Warships
50 wngs. GrW
200 Heavy Lifters
200 Repair Ships
400 Supply Ships
To O. Theta:
15 U. Warships
35 Warships
40 AAF
100 wngs GrW
100 wngs Orcas
To Sigma-13
10 U. Warships
25 Warships
50 AAF
50 wngs GrW
50 wngs Orcas
Don't forget about the Peace Confrence! It is still going!

Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

At Axis members currently at summit on Troy
With our victory at Leeds, we would like to draw attention to the remaining Bretonian sytems of Cambridge, Dublin and Edinburgh.
In the nature and for the good of the alliance, we strongly urge this council to prepare for an attack on the Cambridge system. If Bretonia is to begin rebuilding we need our food supplies back and the facilities of Cambridge institute.
BHG, Rheinland, Liberty, GMG and the FA will all be allowed to send scientists to the Cambridge Institute to research new technologies for the good of the Alliance.
Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 9/26/2004 2:29:36 PM
With our victory at Leeds, we would like to draw attention to the remaining Bretonian sytems of Cambridge, Dublin and Edinburgh.
In the nature and for the good of the alliance, we strongly urge this council to prepare for an attack on the Cambridge system. If Bretonia is to begin rebuilding we need our food supplies back and the facilities of Cambridge institute.
BHG, Rheinland, Liberty, GMG and the FA will all be allowed to send scientists to the Cambridge Institute to research new technologies for the good of the Alliance.
Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 9/26/2004 2:29:36 PM
Axis news (all the news fit for the axis)
Today has been a key day in axis history, recently after the victory at leeds, the bases in leeds are finished and the restoration of leeds is underway!
Message to the rest of Axis:
I sijest we contuine to aid bretonia in rebuilding leeds, then we will strike slowly but surely! if we attack now we will be pressed and the losses will be great. the soilders need time to rest as do we.
Today has been a key day in axis history, recently after the victory at leeds, the bases in leeds are finished and the restoration of leeds is underway!
Message to the rest of Axis:
I sijest we contuine to aid bretonia in rebuilding leeds, then we will strike slowly but surely! if we attack now we will be pressed and the losses will be great. the soilders need time to rest as do we.
Speech by BHG leader ww2jacob:
I agree with both of you. We should recover from this battle, but we should not wait very long at all! We need to repair our ships, and rest our men, and then we need to press! The HA is weak after their loss, but not for long. We have the advantage, we need to use it! I am all for using my remaining fleet to help return those systems to BA. But we are fighting a war on many fronts. The enemy is all around us, in the Omicrons, Taus, Omegas, and in BA. They are encirling us. The only footholds we still have in the Borderworld are Sigma-13 and Omicron Theta. We need to keep forces there so that we can protect those bases, and so we have a place to stage attacks on our enemies! So I encourage you to keep that also in mind. Also, we need to keep Kusari in mind. The FA is out of the HA, so we need to help them take Kusari. If they are in Kusari, then they could maybe use their resources later on to help us. I want to stop the bickering between the GMG and FA, which I beleive has toned down, because we need to be working together. The HA still has a huge fleet, and we are nowhere near victory! We have won one battle, but there is still a war to fight! So, here is my battle plan. First, we use our fleets to push the HA out of BA, and get Bret's people back on their feet. Then, with support from them, we can work towards taking back the Sigma Border Worlds, so we have a direct connection to Omicron Theta, and so the GMG can get their bases back. It is important that we keep the Omicron Theta system, because it is right between the Corsair and Outcast home systems. I think that our strong presence there is annoying them. We must be able to hold it. With these goals I beleive that we can seriously weaken our enemies, and the BHG is committed to helping accomplish them.
*Steps down from podium*
I agree with both of you. We should recover from this battle, but we should not wait very long at all! We need to repair our ships, and rest our men, and then we need to press! The HA is weak after their loss, but not for long. We have the advantage, we need to use it! I am all for using my remaining fleet to help return those systems to BA. But we are fighting a war on many fronts. The enemy is all around us, in the Omicrons, Taus, Omegas, and in BA. They are encirling us. The only footholds we still have in the Borderworld are Sigma-13 and Omicron Theta. We need to keep forces there so that we can protect those bases, and so we have a place to stage attacks on our enemies! So I encourage you to keep that also in mind. Also, we need to keep Kusari in mind. The FA is out of the HA, so we need to help them take Kusari. If they are in Kusari, then they could maybe use their resources later on to help us. I want to stop the bickering between the GMG and FA, which I beleive has toned down, because we need to be working together. The HA still has a huge fleet, and we are nowhere near victory! We have won one battle, but there is still a war to fight! So, here is my battle plan. First, we use our fleets to push the HA out of BA, and get Bret's people back on their feet. Then, with support from them, we can work towards taking back the Sigma Border Worlds, so we have a direct connection to Omicron Theta, and so the GMG can get their bases back. It is important that we keep the Omicron Theta system, because it is right between the Corsair and Outcast home systems. I think that our strong presence there is annoying them. We must be able to hold it. With these goals I beleive that we can seriously weaken our enemies, and the BHG is committed to helping accomplish them.
*Steps down from podium*
@everyone: i reveiwed all the past posts but i may have missed somthing. teh rift thing i thought was only on the fighters, agani i could have missed somethings
with the defeat at leeds we are building a new and better and more advanced fleet. already we have about 200 battleships sitting in this system that we have neglected and are collecting dust. the have been sent back to the shipyards and are getting better armor and turrets.
Warp Bases
we have completed a warp base. tehy span over 4 lightyears long threw the jumpholes. no ship can enter the jump hole without permission. if the base gets destroyed so does the jump hole.
Jump rift design found.
After the recage of the leeds battle we had a runin with some junkers that had salvaged what looked to be a liberty super carrier ship with the words athena on the side. we payed top dollar for it and it is in restoration at the moment. but discovered inside it was the system rift technology that spoiled our magnificent plans in the leeds battle.
Message to all factions!
Join the hispanic alliance. we are noible fighters and worthy of being called a house. Unkllike the rhineland military that neglects its people and would go so far to destroy a system just to win a battle. they say that the system can be fixed but yet the scars of war still are there. RSF researchers have discovered that becuase of the use of the "bio" weapon that the rhineland government has made the supernova of the sun in leeds very near. it was sceduled to exploded in 1.7 million years. The result of the bio weapon has made its like 25 years.
with the defeat at leeds we are building a new and better and more advanced fleet. already we have about 200 battleships sitting in this system that we have neglected and are collecting dust. the have been sent back to the shipyards and are getting better armor and turrets.
Warp Bases
we have completed a warp base. tehy span over 4 lightyears long threw the jumpholes. no ship can enter the jump hole without permission. if the base gets destroyed so does the jump hole.
Jump rift design found.
After the recage of the leeds battle we had a runin with some junkers that had salvaged what looked to be a liberty super carrier ship with the words athena on the side. we payed top dollar for it and it is in restoration at the moment. but discovered inside it was the system rift technology that spoiled our magnificent plans in the leeds battle.
Message to all factions!
Join the hispanic alliance. we are noible fighters and worthy of being called a house. Unkllike the rhineland military that neglects its people and would go so far to destroy a system just to win a battle. they say that the system can be fixed but yet the scars of war still are there. RSF researchers have discovered that becuase of the use of the "bio" weapon that the rhineland government has made the supernova of the sun in leeds very near. it was sceduled to exploded in 1.7 million years. The result of the bio weapon has made its like 25 years.
Alliance news:
Alliance leaves the Hispania Alliance
The Farmers Alliance has left the Hispania Alliance
Alliance leaves TAu 31
All Alliance members and personal as well as ships have left the Tau 31 system and have been relocated to Rasmana Shipyard in New Tokoyo
Alliance fleet in Leeds:
Before the Leeds battle commernced, The Cruiser Shinka and the Backstab team leader received orders to withdraw from battle with their fleets and head to Rasmana Shipyard. this explains why the Alliance force was missing in the Leeds battle
Alliance new base: Raiden Trade center under construction
This base is located near tradelanes leading to the Raiden band. this will be the Alliance new base to lead a neutral life
Alliance leaves the Hispania Alliance
The Farmers Alliance has left the Hispania Alliance
Alliance leaves TAu 31
All Alliance members and personal as well as ships have left the Tau 31 system and have been relocated to Rasmana Shipyard in New Tokoyo
Alliance fleet in Leeds:
Before the Leeds battle commernced, The Cruiser Shinka and the Backstab team leader received orders to withdraw from battle with their fleets and head to Rasmana Shipyard. this explains why the Alliance force was missing in the Leeds battle
Alliance new base: Raiden Trade center under construction
This base is located near tradelanes leading to the Raiden band. this will be the Alliance new base to lead a neutral life
@redstarpaddy (ooc)
Yes there are still factions left to control. If you look at the top of each page it will show who controls who and what systems. The GMG have been taken by wilde.
Factions Remaing:
Liberty Rouges
Kusari military/police
All house Corps.
Outcast has done a good job at the top of the page to list what systems are owned by who. Have a peek at that and read most of what has been posted so far.
To ww2jacob and the axis
We agree. We are happy to allow rest. Shipyards Wolverhampton and Hereford have been completed in the Manchester system and prototype testing of the Paladin has been completed.
Southampton Shipyard in New London has been greatly increased in size to enable us to rebuild our battleships, cruisers and gunboats. Construction has also begun on Suffolk Shipyard in New London to aid the rebuilding process.
We would also like confirmation that the bio weapon used at the Battle For Leeds has indeed crippled the system.
Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 9/27/2004 4:14:40 AM
Yes there are still factions left to control. If you look at the top of each page it will show who controls who and what systems. The GMG have been taken by wilde.
Factions Remaing:
Liberty Rouges
Kusari military/police
All house Corps.
Outcast has done a good job at the top of the page to list what systems are owned by who. Have a peek at that and read most of what has been posted so far.
To ww2jacob and the axis
We agree. We are happy to allow rest. Shipyards Wolverhampton and Hereford have been completed in the Manchester system and prototype testing of the Paladin has been completed.
Southampton Shipyard in New London has been greatly increased in size to enable us to rebuild our battleships, cruisers and gunboats. Construction has also begun on Suffolk Shipyard in New London to aid the rebuilding process.
We would also like confirmation that the bio weapon used at the Battle For Leeds has indeed crippled the system.
Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 9/27/2004 4:14:40 AM
Rhienland Hurries on healing leeds:
Rhienland has its top men and women working on a cure for leeds. we think it should be done soon.
Message to the FA:
now that you left the FA there is a spot for you in the axis!
New tech being worked on.
Energy pulse Warship weapon!
the EPWC (energy pulse warship cannon) will allow us to damage fightes systems, the cannon emits a energy pulse in thee area, its not good enough to damage B-ship and W-ships but it can hurt fighters and CANNOT in no way be mounted on a fighter. research is not yet done oon this wapon
Message to BHG:
i agree with you, more ships and men are being made and hired
Rhienland has its top men and women working on a cure for leeds. we think it should be done soon.
Message to the FA:
now that you left the FA there is a spot for you in the axis!
New tech being worked on.
Energy pulse Warship weapon!
the EPWC (energy pulse warship cannon) will allow us to damage fightes systems, the cannon emits a energy pulse in thee area, its not good enough to damage B-ship and W-ships but it can hurt fighters and CANNOT in no way be mounted on a fighter. research is not yet done oon this wapon
Message to BHG:
i agree with you, more ships and men are being made and hired
To Rheinland:
NOT interested
Raiden Trade Center completed:
Raiden Trade center is finally completed and starts operations as of NOW!!
( Cuts ribbon) In addition, the cruiser Shinka, Battleship Muska and Battleship Titanic have been sent to the trade center with a population to inhabit the Center. Raiden is open to all factions ( * whisper* even synth foods). Come and do trading withus and others at Raiden!!
NOT interested

Raiden Trade Center completed:
Raiden Trade center is finally completed and starts operations as of NOW!!
( Cuts ribbon) In addition, the cruiser Shinka, Battleship Muska and Battleship Titanic have been sent to the trade center with a population to inhabit the Center. Raiden is open to all factions ( * whisper* even synth foods). Come and do trading withus and others at Raiden!!
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