(Delegates enter to plates full of food.)
Welcome delegates!
I officially open the Sirius Peace Confrence.
Please eat.
(Delegates eat.)
(Delegates finish food.)
I will start with some opening comments.
My name is ww2jacob, and I am the leader of the BHG. As some of you noticed, this is a newly discovered system. We have dubbed it New Greece. It is our new home. Our headquarters is at Athens Base. This planet is used for diplomacy. It is the Headquarters for the Axis of Power. Make yourselves at home here. I ask that no one leaves this planet until the Confrence is officially closed.
Our first topic of discussion will be regarding the FA.
The FA has made it clear that they are pulling out of the Hisp. Allience, but they wish to remain neutral with everyone. The BHG has a proposal for them.
Our proposal is:
If the FA will:
Pull out of the HA
Remain neutral with us
Be represented at all Axis meetings
Give back any BA systems you own (I can't remember if you have any)
Pull their forces out of Leeds
then we will:
Remain neutral with you
Give you control of all Kusari systems
Help you rebuild your military
Anyone can feel free to add to it
The other topic is regarding the GMG.
I want them to take control of our of our Super Fuel mining. They could build stations and gas miners here to mine this incredible resource. The BHG has not the experience, nor the resources to mine this effectivly. We could also build ststions for you here. We want to hear what all of you think about this idea, and whether the GMG is willing to assist.
Please give your opinions on these.
ooc- I am working on the mathamatical version of solving this, so i will post my results ASAP.

Some questions I have...
If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty liter?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?