The higher ups in the GMG were mad that the junkers had violated the peace between them but were haoppy that we made it out, or else it may have been years until someone found the crippled miner.....or us. They praised me and mitch with a 4900 credit bonus. Not bad pay for surviving. No im being reassigned to Sigma 19 to chck those miners. Man, this would be fun if I had a Falcon, then we could "do a routine check of the gas miners" but really go seeking out pirates. Back to the Niha for a drink.
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RPG - Sigma Systems
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
Michael Shaeffer/14900/Hawk/GMG/Sigma 13
The higher ups in the GMG were mad that the junkers had violated the peace between them but were haoppy that we made it out, or else it may have been years until someone found the crippled miner.....or us. They praised me and mitch with a 4900 credit bonus. Not bad pay for surviving. No im being reassigned to Sigma 19 to chck those miners. Man, this would be fun if I had a Falcon, then we could "do a routine check of the gas miners" but really go seeking out pirates. Back to the Niha for a drink.
The higher ups in the GMG were mad that the junkers had violated the peace between them but were haoppy that we made it out, or else it may have been years until someone found the crippled miner.....or us. They praised me and mitch with a 4900 credit bonus. Not bad pay for surviving. No im being reassigned to Sigma 19 to chck those miners. Man, this would be fun if I had a Falcon, then we could "do a routine check of the gas miners" but really go seeking out pirates. Back to the Niha for a drink.
Leion Xing/8500/Freelancer/Dagger/Lux Liner Hawaii
"Roger Freelancer Beta 1-1. You are cleared to land."
"Ok" Leion replied greatfully his broken leg - which he broke at the IMG base in Sigma 13 - was starting to hurt bad and the battle he had before didn't help at all as well.
When he landed he found his friend and his employer waiting for him.
"I hear you have being killing IMG for a living, whats the matter, Outcast getting to tough for you" Said frienly voice.
"Hi to you as well Amy." said Leion sarcastitaly
Leion tryed to walk over to her but almost fell trying to put weight on his broken leg.
"Lets get get you fixed up and then you can tell how you did that to yourself"
Said Amy "Then I can give you your next mission"
I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.
"Roger Freelancer Beta 1-1. You are cleared to land."
"Ok" Leion replied greatfully his broken leg - which he broke at the IMG base in Sigma 13 - was starting to hurt bad and the battle he had before didn't help at all as well.
When he landed he found his friend and his employer waiting for him.
"I hear you have being killing IMG for a living, whats the matter, Outcast getting to tough for you" Said frienly voice.
"Hi to you as well Amy." said Leion sarcastitaly
Leion tryed to walk over to her but almost fell trying to put weight on his broken leg.
"Lets get get you fixed up and then you can tell how you did that to yourself"
Said Amy "Then I can give you your next mission"
I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.
Name: Hans Kruger
Ship: Drone
Location: sigma-19, Yanagi battlefield
Faction: Junkers
Credits: 600000
Hans headed to the Yanagi Batt;efie;d.
" No harm poking around" he thought. He explored every derlict vessel he came across, but nothing. Finally he came upon a gunboat and scanning it showed it still had a good amount of H-fuel left. Using his barrager turent to make a hole, he tractored in the cargo and headed to Yanagi Depot for a rest.
Ship: Drone
Location: sigma-19, Yanagi battlefield
Faction: Junkers
Credits: 600000
Hans headed to the Yanagi Batt;efie;d.
" No harm poking around" he thought. He explored every derlict vessel he came across, but nothing. Finally he came upon a gunboat and scanning it showed it still had a good amount of H-fuel left. Using his barrager turent to make a hole, he tractored in the cargo and headed to Yanagi Depot for a rest.
Colony News Service Report:
GAS MINER NAHA - Reports are coming in from GMG leaders that a strike group of Junker starcraft launched an unprovoked attack against one of their many gas miners in the Sigma-13 system. The only information received was that a small group of strike craft launched a torpedo salvo upon one of the gas miners, crippling it severely. GMG reports that they've since shut down the miner pending an investigation.
Junker commanders out of Yanagi Depot outrightly deny that any official units of theirs were involved in the attack, and are accusing the GMG of fabricating evidence of destruction in order to bring Kusari military powers against them once the proposed alliance is solidified.
GMG immediately responded with accusations that Rheinland police and military forces were clandestinely backing the Junkers.
Shogun Edo was informed of the incident and implored both sides to calm their forces down before open conflict resulted between the two organizations. The shogun has yet to receive any reply.
Edited by - Solar Pilot on 9/10/2004 9:23:34 AM
GAS MINER NAHA - Reports are coming in from GMG leaders that a strike group of Junker starcraft launched an unprovoked attack against one of their many gas miners in the Sigma-13 system. The only information received was that a small group of strike craft launched a torpedo salvo upon one of the gas miners, crippling it severely. GMG reports that they've since shut down the miner pending an investigation.
Junker commanders out of Yanagi Depot outrightly deny that any official units of theirs were involved in the attack, and are accusing the GMG of fabricating evidence of destruction in order to bring Kusari military powers against them once the proposed alliance is solidified.
GMG immediately responded with accusations that Rheinland police and military forces were clandestinely backing the Junkers.
Shogun Edo was informed of the incident and implored both sides to calm their forces down before open conflict resulted between the two organizations. The shogun has yet to receive any reply.
Edited by - Solar Pilot on 9/10/2004 9:23:34 AM
Leion Xing/Freelancer/8500/Dagger/The Hawaii
Leion was whaching some stupid show when breaking news come and took it off the air.
Leion was whaching it with rapped inrintest when Amy came in.
"I see you've heard the news as well" Amy said
"You always got to keep up with the news, even more so in the boarder worlds" Leion replied
"True. Hows your leg
"As good as new. The med robots fixed my leg in an instant"
"Good because we have new mission"
"Yes we do"
"Whats the pay?"
"30000, plus the junkers resepct"
"Whats the mission"
"A new crimanl facion called the Interspace crimanl group or ISCG for short has being forming for the last 3 months and has being saying the northen part of the sigma sectons are theirs. They come from every faction in sries."
"What do you mean every faction" Leion said starting to sound worryed
"just like it sounds" Amy sounded worryed as well "The people who don't follow the factions belives and don't want to be with the opposing faction"
"What ships are they using" Leion started thinking
"Any ships they can get"
"Do you know where their bases are" Leion said his game face on.
"No, But their are romurs that they are using a very out of date Librity battleships."
"how old abouts"
"90 years. give or take about 5 years"
"Whats the mission again" Leion asked
"To help the junkers from turning into space dust"
"but first we need to meet up with someone at the Junkers base in sigma 13
"his name"
"Robert Schliemer"
(note: hope you don't mind lancer but I think you are the perfict person for this)
I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.
Leion was whaching some stupid show when breaking news come and took it off the air.
Leion was whaching it with rapped inrintest when Amy came in.
"I see you've heard the news as well" Amy said
"You always got to keep up with the news, even more so in the boarder worlds" Leion replied
"True. Hows your leg
"As good as new. The med robots fixed my leg in an instant"
"Good because we have new mission"
"Yes we do"
"Whats the pay?"
"30000, plus the junkers resepct"
"Whats the mission"
"A new crimanl facion called the Interspace crimanl group or ISCG for short has being forming for the last 3 months and has being saying the northen part of the sigma sectons are theirs. They come from every faction in sries."
"What do you mean every faction" Leion said starting to sound worryed
"just like it sounds" Amy sounded worryed as well "The people who don't follow the factions belives and don't want to be with the opposing faction"
"What ships are they using" Leion started thinking
"Any ships they can get"
"Do you know where their bases are" Leion said his game face on.
"No, But their are romurs that they are using a very out of date Librity battleships."
"how old abouts"
"90 years. give or take about 5 years"
"Whats the mission again" Leion asked
"To help the junkers from turning into space dust"
"but first we need to meet up with someone at the Junkers base in sigma 13
"his name"
"Robert Schliemer"
(note: hope you don't mind lancer but I think you are the perfict person for this)
I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.
Name: Paul K
Ship: Hawk
Location: Sigma-13, Patrol thru the gas clouds
Credits: 2,000
4 Sunblast A's
Class 6 Gravitational Shield
Went on the usual patrol thru the gas clouds with my 3 companions suddendly we saw 4 Outcasts we started to engage them and suddendly 4 junkers jumped in and attacked us with them. We called for backup 4 wings of GMG fighters came to assist us and we destroyed them we then went back to base and I went int othe bar.
Ship: Hawk
Location: Sigma-13, Patrol thru the gas clouds
Credits: 2,000
4 Sunblast A's
Class 6 Gravitational Shield
Went on the usual patrol thru the gas clouds with my 3 companions suddendly we saw 4 Outcasts we started to engage them and suddendly 4 junkers jumped in and attacked us with them. We called for backup 4 wings of GMG fighters came to assist us and we destroyed them we then went back to base and I went int othe bar.
(np,although,,,i may need a new ship
Robert Scheilmer
Yanagi Depot
what the hell happened out there?" said the junker master."i dunno i said they attacked me first." "They attacked you? but why?" i dont know but i returned fire, and called for back up. sir, we had to do it, we had to blow it up. If we didnt it would have killed us all.
Robert returned to the bar and drank his heart away after what he had just been threw. he had almost died. those GMG will pay for staertingt a war. tehy shot first, those bastards will pay.
meanwhile he was packing up headed to sigma 19 to work on the hawaii. he had been exiled for being destructive and aggressive. He was a junker no more. now time to get rid if this peice of trash ship on the hawaii. if only i saw someone there i knew......

Robert Scheilmer
Yanagi Depot
what the hell happened out there?" said the junker master."i dunno i said they attacked me first." "They attacked you? but why?" i dont know but i returned fire, and called for back up. sir, we had to do it, we had to blow it up. If we didnt it would have killed us all.
Robert returned to the bar and drank his heart away after what he had just been threw. he had almost died. those GMG will pay for staertingt a war. tehy shot first, those bastards will pay.
meanwhile he was packing up headed to sigma 19 to work on the hawaii. he had been exiled for being destructive and aggressive. He was a junker no more. now time to get rid if this peice of trash ship on the hawaii. if only i saw someone there i knew......
Name: Hans Kruger
Ship: Drone
Location: sigma-13, Yanagi battlefield
Faction: Junkers
Credits: 600000
Heading to Yanagi Depot, Hans was moving to the Yanagi to sell the H-fuel when he caught sight of a GMG win coming towards him. He had to move off from here before something happened.
OOC: OPPS!!! SORRY!! should be in sigma 13, not 19, thnx for pointing it out
Edited by - Rainbow Dragon on 9/10/2004 11:49:43 PM
Ship: Drone
Location: sigma-13, Yanagi battlefield
Faction: Junkers
Credits: 600000
Heading to Yanagi Depot, Hans was moving to the Yanagi to sell the H-fuel when he caught sight of a GMG win coming towards him. He had to move off from here before something happened.
OOC: OPPS!!! SORRY!! should be in sigma 13, not 19, thnx for pointing it out
Edited by - Rainbow Dragon on 9/10/2004 11:49:43 PM
Michael Shaeffer/18000/Hawk/GMG/Sigma 13
Sigma 19. Such a beutiful system. It was some serious eye candy from Sigma 13 the abnormally large Oort cloud that surrounded it. He was glad to be in it. On his patrol he had been killing quite a few corsairs and outcasts that seemed intent on attacking their miners. Why?? It didnt make any sense. He had received a large raise for bravery and had also been moved up in rank. Alredy he was the leader of 2 patrols and his own attack squadron should the need ever arise.
(Requesting Falcon for my man.
EDIT : Sorry for double sig i deleted
Edited by - Aravis on 9/10/2004 10:20:40 PM
Sigma 19. Such a beutiful system. It was some serious eye candy from Sigma 13 the abnormally large Oort cloud that surrounded it. He was glad to be in it. On his patrol he had been killing quite a few corsairs and outcasts that seemed intent on attacking their miners. Why?? It didnt make any sense. He had received a large raise for bravery and had also been moved up in rank. Alredy he was the leader of 2 patrols and his own attack squadron should the need ever arise.
(Requesting Falcon for my man.

EDIT : Sorry for double sig i deleted
Edited by - Aravis on 9/10/2004 10:20:40 PM
Leion Xing/Freelancer/8500/Dagger/sigma 13 heading to yanagi base
"Amy, I think we should go though he carefuly" said Leion
"Why?" Asked Amy
"I blew out an airlock and killed about 50 workers"
"oh yeah"
And as if right on queue 5 hawks 3 falcons and 1 eagle attacked
Leion's Dagger and Amy's Legionaire were knock out of cruse speed
"When will you guys learn" Leion said over open chananls
I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.
"Amy, I think we should go though he carefuly" said Leion
"Why?" Asked Amy
"I blew out an airlock and killed about 50 workers"
"oh yeah"
And as if right on queue 5 hawks 3 falcons and 1 eagle attacked
Leion's Dagger and Amy's Legionaire were knock out of cruse speed
"When will you guys learn" Leion said over open chananls
I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.
When in the bar I recieved an offer from the head of Naha he offered me 20,000 credits and a star killer torpedo launcher to be part of the team of 16 fighters that was going to run an assult on the Junker base as we headed there we saw several of our ships fighting a Legionere and a Dagger we jumped in and began to engage.
Michael Shaeffer/18000/Hawk/GMG/Sigma 13
Gas Miner Ogashawa - Not much different from the Naha, He was still hearing those rumors that the GMG leaders were gonna give him a Falcon (cough couhg) but noone knew anything for sure. alredy he had killed 48 Outcasts 17 red Hessians and 32 Corsairs with his Attack squadron patrol, known simply as Zeta Team. He walked over to a comm station
"Zeta Team, Report" He spoke
"Zeta 1-9 here we are ready for launch whenerver you are sir."
"Roger, on my way" Michael began his way down the hall into the lift to the hangars.
Gas Miner Ogashawa - Not much different from the Naha, He was still hearing those rumors that the GMG leaders were gonna give him a Falcon (cough couhg) but noone knew anything for sure. alredy he had killed 48 Outcasts 17 red Hessians and 32 Corsairs with his Attack squadron patrol, known simply as Zeta Team. He walked over to a comm station
"Zeta Team, Report" He spoke
"Zeta 1-9 here we are ready for launch whenerver you are sir."
"Roger, on my way" Michael began his way down the hall into the lift to the hangars.
Leion Xing/Freelancer/8500/Dagger/Sigma 13
Amy Ferngate/Freelancer/30000/Legionare/Sigma 13
"Amy, we have a squadron of GMG fighters closing in" Leion yelled in to his comset.
"They must know were helping the Junkers" came Amy's voice along with alarms as her ships wing burst into flames.
"Junkers engauge the GMG"
The ship that had attacked Amy's Legionare brillantly turned into a fireball
"Man are we glad to see you guys" Leion said happly
I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.
Amy Ferngate/Freelancer/30000/Legionare/Sigma 13
"Amy, we have a squadron of GMG fighters closing in" Leion yelled in to his comset.
"They must know were helping the Junkers" came Amy's voice along with alarms as her ships wing burst into flames.
"Junkers engauge the GMG"
The ship that had attacked Amy's Legionare brillantly turned into a fireball
"Man are we glad to see you guys" Leion said happly
I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.
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