Submit your FL Fan Fiction to TLR
Feel free to read excellent Fan Fiction in this Forum, or add some yourself of course

You can also submit your stories to me by email if you want and I just might add them to the special Fan Fiction page on TLR. I already have a few stories on there (some are from the TLR archives) and I still have about 10 to 15 more to put up there, so expect to read some more good stories soon. Keep in mind thought that I do screen all the submitted stories for suitable content and based on that I make a decision, so not all stories might make it to the Fan Fic page. You'll be notified by e-mail about the definitive decision.
FL fan fiction can be send to me at [email protected]
Happy writing!

Webmaster of The Lancers Reactor
E-Mail: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]

Edited by - Eraser on 10/18/2004 2:20:19 PM