Take a look at my site,
If there is anything you like in particular, I'll wrap it up and send it to you.
My biggest challenge yet to come is placing new bases and stations in my mod. That is something I'm gonna have to learn and I won't release anything that is bugged up.
I would like to help you. But at this present time I am working on my own mod that probably won't be released to the public for some time until I finish it. I am also assisting with a couple other mods at present.
Lord knows, the only way I'll ever run my own server is to rent one. LOL.
Out of respect to all the other great mods out there, I won't mention their names. This particular mod has a new 3rd dimension added to it...Height.
With a few exceptions, I've left most systems alone unless I could add something to them to give them addtional character and "space".
If it were possible to re-create the entire Sirius System, I would do so. But this means there would be no possible story line to follow. It would have to be strictly OSP or MP. The concept I am working on is trying to focus on a "digest" of sorts.
I've already tried what I've got in SP, but SP does not like it at all and kicks me promptly out of the game. Oh well! Gotta sacrifice something.