Texturing with GMax and 3DStudio Max
Now you might be thinking "But GMax/3DSMax can't export to Milkshape!" which is totally true. But GMax has many tools Milkshape lacks for 3D Modelling, and it's texturing system is much MUCH more effective, albeit significantly more complex.
Now a lot of people here, ie. those who've followed Drizzt's tutorial will probably use GMax to build their model from scratch. If you don't and you're making your model straight off in Milkshape, you'll need to use an exporter/importer for another game besides Freelancer. Quake 3 is probably the best choice since Milkshape can by default export to GMax, and with the below plugin GMax can export a quake3 model to milkshape, so get this plugin and script if you don't already:
Ok, once you've got the Quake 3 GMax exporter, install it and we're ready to roll.
...but still...
Q: Why would I want to use GMax instead of MS3D?
A: GMax allows for multple forms of mapping - cylindrical unwrap, planar, spherical, shrinkwrap etc. All forms of texture mapping not possible in Milkshape, also GMax can break texture vertices and reshape them activly which MS3D cannot. And the results speak for themself
So then...
1) Getting the model into GMax (Or 3DSMax):
If you've made your model in Milkshape, load up your model. Find "Quake 3 (MD3)" from "Menu -> File -> Export", and save it somewhere you can find it later.
Now, in Gmax, run the MD3 import script as explained in the MD3 script's readme (Usually you go "run MaxScript" from somewhere in the menu).
If you made your model in Gmax, then you're already done here so go onto step 2.
2) Texuring your model
Ok, heres the bit I didn't do (It was done my one of my mates ^_^). This tutorial is designed for 3DStudio Max and the tutorial is for texuring a Neverwinter Nights model, but I promise you 3DSMax's texturing system is precisely the same as GMax's, and the same applies to Freelancer Models.
3) Sending the model back to Milkshape
Once you're done, just use the MD3 Export Plugin you downloaded earlier, and export a new MD3 file somewhere you can find it, and reimport it into Milkshape, volia, now you can tweak it a bit more, add hardpoint nodes and export it to freelancer.
Ok this was a bit wishwashy, but if at least one person finds this useful, then I've succeded ^_^