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Suggestions and Hopefully Helpful Critique

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Sat Jan 08, 2005 2:01 am

You can change the voices used by the people on bases in the mbases.ini file.
In space, change them in the faction_prop.ini file.

Watch your 6!

Post Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:08 pm

Today I'm adressing critique concerning two things. Ships and rumors.

In privateer, you could not get any other ships besides the civilian class. I understand that there should be more than four ships, which turns out to be very fun. But I don't understand why steltek drones are up for sale, along with kilrathi ships at pleasure bases. Hmm... Well, it IS in testing, so I see why ships are so easy to get. That is because we need to test them. I just hope that in the 'final' version or a version soon to come, after the testing stage is over perhaps, that they would be relocated in hidden kilrathi bases.

Also, rumors seem to be a bit straight forward. Seems like they could be beefed up. I can think of tons to add.

Thats it for now.

Post Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:10 am

As to the ships...
Part of the reason for their being in the mod is because Fans of the various Wing Commander and Privateer games have DEMANDED them.
(I had one individual bugging me about the Demon for months, before I finally got it fixed!)
Oh, and there are no Kilrathi, or Steltek bases, so their ships are available at odd-ball places.
I had considered only selling the Centurion, Galaxy, and the Orion, as was the case in the original Privateer, but, as I stated earlier, people were crying for the other ships.
In fact...
If you go to the modeler's thread, you'll see the list of ships that people are still screaming for!

As to the rumors...
What can I say?
I'm a programmer...
NOT a writer!
(And programming IS rather straight-forward, so that's how I write!)

Watch your 6!

Post Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:13 pm

Hehe, yeah I see your point. I can write them for you, that is, if your ever so willing. Maybe write some false ones too just to anger everyone. The kilrathi ships being there do not bug me too much, but the steltek just doesn't make any sense. What frustrated me even more is that the guy that I talked to for the rumor just acted like it was common knowledge.

Also, it wouldn't be bad to add a kilrathi base. I could skin the gorillas for it. You could even tie it in with the main plot.

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