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*** ALL Rebalance Mod FANS *** READ : Massive Addon/Fix for

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?FL Rebalance Mod? for Freelancer

Post Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:36 pm

dont worry m8, the mod will be tested to destrucion on my server

all of my questions are answers to my sins.and all of my endings are waiting to begin

Post Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:21 pm

Heya Sabb,

If I'd had any sense, I would have remembered to keep the mod on my USB key and dropped it off to you... I may do that later, if I have the sense to remember.

If you know how, try to go ahead and disable access to the Aten and Theta-2 systems. I think you can set the jumpholes as locked, that might save some server crashes.

Yeah, I'll head home soon and re-put the unmodified by me version back on the USB key... the one I'm playing with is already modified in certain ways (decided to play with a toy I think you'll enjoy ). Drop me an email and I'll tell you more about it

I'll give you a hint though, it's an admin-only thing

anyhoo, nuf from this nutcase

Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Post Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:22 pm

Try hitting ESC and then again your warp-drive key (z).

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:57 pm

Alright guys, I apologize for the long freaking delay -- again. But with real life howling outside the windows, extra things do take time, believe it or not.

BP has been in contact with me the past few days, and after some dumb FTP server problems, I finally had to email the mod to him a different way.

Alright, now this is where I am about ready to just whip out a glock and blow the &!%$ing monitor off the desk -- he reported a crash with the first ship he tried Now, this was a CAPSHIP (I've always hated player-flyable capships with an intense passion, and this just goes to further that enmity), so I am currently spending the 3rd Friday night and probably Saturday in a row trying to find anymore bugs. A buggy mod ain't gonna do anyone any good.

As for this being "anticlimactic," well - sorry. I really do not mean this in any rude way (just stating a situation), but right now I have a huge amount of stuff going on. I am a high school student in several Advanced Placement classes (so homework sucks up a lot of time); I have to drive my sister around, I have to get ready for the SAT, ACT, and college visits; I have to work a little sleep and relaxation time somewhere in there -- Freelancer is one of my top pastimes, and not a day goes by that I do not wish I could be at home modding and playing online with you guys. However, I really cannot help the way things have gone/are going. Unless someone can pause time for me (c'mon, step up ), the mod will be out as soon as feasible.
However, since I do have a lot to do and for now it is mainly just me doing the modding, I cannot help the delays and bumps that do pop up in every individual's life.
If I could, I would personally deliver the mod to each one of you guys' doorsteps (being sincere - I appreciate your continued support / half-patience :p). But real life is a be-otch like that.

Anyways, thanks, ArchKaine, for holding down the fort on multiple fronts. I appreciate it.
I am going to go get some tea or Red Bull to keep me going through the night as I test every ship for bugs. I'll post any news as soon as I have it.

"Do or do not. There is no try."
- Jedi Master Yoda

Edited by - Ro9ue on 2/25/2005 6:58:59 PM

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:32 am

I am sorry for stating the mod to be a little anticlimatic, i was a little pissed at the time, and just wanted to play it, since i have got back into the freelancer unmoded groove, and am ready for delays.. yes, they DO happen, sorry if i gave u guys the wrong idea.


Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:54 am

oh, this ain't nothing. Evo made an initial release announcement in december/january. I think it was for before christmas.
then the mod didn't get finally released until August.
this aint nothin

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:00 am

Hey people,

Nothing is more frustrating to Ro9ue and I than to make you all wait for something that's already been long in the coming. He's doing everything he can, and realistically, more than he should, to get this mod out. So please be patient, and it will happen.

I know that I may sound like a broken record here, but facts are facts, and we can only go as fast as our ability to communicate and time allow.

I could tell Sabb and Zod to go ahead and let the Pre-Final go public, bugs and all. Tell me what you think.

This is the configuration that I STRONGLY recommend for the mod. For the sake of sanity don't deviate from it:

Absolute clean install of Freelancer, no save games, no nothing (move em to a new directory).
SDK 1.3 patch, DO NOT use the unofficial 1.4 patch, in any of its variants (caused me serious problems when I tried to use it).

This can be the ONLY mod running, period. Right now it's that sensitive.

Do not try to enter the Aten, or Theta-2 systems.

Let me know if you find anything else that needs immediate attention. If you can post it to FLspace. I'll have the file uploaded to my site as soon as I can. Probably within a few days... I'd have done it today, but I left the password at home, like a dipstick...

If you guys want to try the mod in it current form, let Zod or Sabb (Black_Sabbath) know. Their sites are Black Sabbath's Server, and here's the link for Zod's World .

Consider yourselves duly warned, this mod is not the final product, so there ARE bugs. Again, let me know if you find anything else.

DO NOT jump down Ro9ue's throat for these, he's doing his best, and if you don't appreciate that, then I don't know what to tell you.


Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Edited by - archkaine on 2/26/2005 11:01:10 AM

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:26 pm

Hello guys.
K, I understand about being ticked and moody, too - as you canimagine, I have had my share of those moods :p And, as ArchKaine said, we are going as fast as we can -- and, no we aren't looking at an August release date. This is truly very close to being done -- the only things left are these stupid capship kicks (try to buy capship and get kicked for "cheating" ). I'm all for taking all the darn things off of the buyable list myself - but it ain't up to me.

I actually encourage you guys to check out the Pre-release version of the mod (notice that name there - NOT final). If you guys can, please check everything out and report all the things you find either here on TLR in a NEW THREAD (first person to post a bug make the thread, then everyone else post in that one), or post them on Sabbath's and/or Zod's sites.
Then I'll do my best to find the things that are wrong, ok?

I've got a lot to do today, so I've gotta hit it. Gonna keep testing all the ships I can before I have to start homework, so check y'all later.

"Do or do not. There is no try."
- Jedi Master Yoda

Edited by - Ro9ue on 2/26/2005 3:28:10 PM

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 8:22 pm

well, the links work, but the download parts of the sites don't have anything to download (black sabbaths) or a 'click here' that reads 'download' that isn't active. I tried both w/ Opera and IE.

Post Sat Feb 26, 2005 8:49 pm

i have to agree, arch and ro9ue are doing all they can to make sure this is getting out. ive learned to wait for stuff and its payed off more then expected on more times then i can count. mainly just be glad someone is working on the mode the way they are and remember when youve done book reports that was due in the next hour and you JUST got the assignment handed to you. thats probly how they feel...

sorry just had to put my two cents in and i know thats a lame thing to say there but i felt like its worth it.

Post Sun Feb 27, 2005 7:01 am

ok guys heres the score on the pre-release and testing,at the moment im not alble to host a download at my site, i may be alble to post a link. Also i will be running a strictly limited server for players will to help test the mod, but i must stress that under no circumstamces, must any player buy cap ships, as i cant access the instant docking batch file(damm windows xp pro playing up). so unless you want to keep getting stuck, dont buy cap ships(i know the idea stinks but theres not a lot i can do about it the name of the server will be BLACK SABBATHS PRE-RELEASE SERVER. player numbers will be set to 10 for now for the duration of testing. also the server will be password protected, to stop players comeing in with the wrong version of the mod. details of the password will be avilble at the black sabbath web-site in the members only areas. also as far i know, zod of zods world will have the mod there for download.
Hope to see you all soon and please remember dont buy capships, unless you want to get stuck

all of my questions are answers to my sins.and all of my endings are waiting to begin

Post Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:33 am


I tested it out as well, and found one MAJOR problem already. I check out my clan's home system (Omicron Theta/Gamma), as soon as i undocked i witnessed a MASSIVE fight between NPC's.
This is gooing to be tough for servers, as NPC's generate server traffic, and too much will give great lag.

This mod needs stresstesting :s.

Also, i'm trying to get a site for this mod as well. I have applied to a promising hosting company that gives space and all we need for free, on the one condition that it's a quality site. I hope it gets through though.

Post Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:44 pm


Eek, I'll take a look into the Omicron Systems and see if I can tone those battles down a bit. Think there's a way to make that an MP only change? I really don't know for sure.

I hope that you get that site

Thanks for the heads up on the battle size thing, I don't think that Ro9ue and I had considered that.

Talk to you all later

Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Post Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:54 am

Also, don't forget to give it a unique version number, so people can filter out non-rebalance servers.

Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 1:05 pm

K, got the test download of 3.5, but it's got a password lock on it.
how does one get it?

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