FLMM v1.21 beta 11
Download FLMM v1.21 beta 11 here:
Old beta 10 mirrors:
(NOTICE: while this beta should be every bit as stable as v1.2 (and hopefully more so), it is classified as "beta" quality and thus is to be used at your own risk)
-Main dialog is now resizable
-You can now drag and drop mod archives (*.flmod files) onto the mod list control. It can unzip multiple mod archives at once!
-Added keyboard shortcuts for a number of menu commands (example: Ctrl-F now launches Freelancer)
-You now can activate mods by pressing the spacebar
-Added a notice in the installer that using mods on most multiplayer servers is considered cheating, and has serious consequences
-Fixed some bugs that caused GENERATEXMLRES to not work correctly
-You can now use the newline character (\n) in the GENERATExxxRES macros
-Fixed a problem that occurred when using 82+ GENERATEXMLRES macros or 1312+ GENERATESTRRES macros (thanks, Crabtree!)
-Improved the detection of mod conflicts (taking into account custom dll's)
-Fixed a problem that occurred when using both a custom dll and the GENERATExxxRES macros together (thanks again, Crabtree!)
-I made umlimited the maximum number of Section, Dest, and Source tags within one Data tag (thanks, Jeffrey Kwasha!)
-Methods that modify freelancer.ini, and files that aren't mentioned in the mod script, now have priority before everything else (thanks again, Jeffrey!)
-A much-requested feature: added the "numTimes" attribute to the "filereplace" method; if numTimes=0 (default is 1), then that operation will be repeated until the end of the file! (thanks yet again to Jeffrey for convincing me to add that feature )
-Added the names of some donors to the About dialog. Thanks!
-Reduced the memory usage by about 30%, and made it load faster, compared to v1.2
-Enhanced the detection of multiple instances of the program, and allowed the second instance's arguments to be dynamically passed to the first instance
-Added support for mod "options"! Now mods can display a dialog letting the user choose different options, like story/nostory, weird costume/regular costume, etc... (thanks, BWS!)
-Added IgnoreErrors attribute to the <data> tag, which tells FLMM to ignore any errors that happen when activating that data tag
-Added new functionality to the fileappend/filereplace methods: they can now append/replace the same thing to specific sections
-Sped up the activation of mods that use multiple <data> tags per ini file.
-Added an optional yes/no prompt containing mod-specific info (like a notice or disclaimer) that's displayed when installing a new mod
-Improved debugging information displayed when errors in mods occur
-Added "newfile" attribute to most ini-modifying methods, to allow a script to easily create new ini files
-Enhanced the Mod Option dialog to allow virtually unlimited mod options!
-Added an "exclusive" attribute to the header tag, forcing all other mods to be deactivated while that mod is active
-Implemented <stringdata> and <xmldata> tags to make using the GENERATExxxRES macros even more convenient; look in the documentation for the details
-Added the aforementioned "numTimes" attribute to the "sectionappend" method (thanks to PyRo)
-Now can install read-only mod archives
-Added '/activateandlaunch="somemod"' and '/activateandlaunchserver="somemod"' commandline arguments - now you can make shortcuts that deactivate all mods, activate the specified mod, launch the game, and deactivate everything once the game exits (thanks to Louva-Deus)
-Upgraded installer to NSIS 2.0 final
-Fixed a bug that sometimes occurred when deactivating mods that use options
-New directories are now created when using newfile="true" with the append method
-A few other minor fixes
Freelancer Mod Manager: newbies' dreams come true
Belief in Jesus: the only way to Heaven
Edited by - IGx89 on 3/31/2004 10:11:27 AM