Here's some utilities you need:
HCl's UTF editor
Milkshape + cmp exporter plugin (shareware) modeling
Deep Exploration (shareware) converts stuff
Paintshop/Photoshop (demos available) textures
for Freespace 2:
VP view(freeware) extracts models & textures from FS2 data files
pof2cob (freeware) converts FS models to Truespace .cob
-pen up sparky_fs2.vp with VPview and extract the model in the MODELSdirectory and its corresponding textures in the MAPS directory. Make sure you have them both in the same directory. Or you could just dump everything into a folder, which takes up about 60mb.
-use pof2cob and choose LOD 0 to extract since this is the most detailed.
-use Deep Exploration to convert the .cob into a format Milkshape can import. I usually use Lightwave .lwo since it comes out the best.
-Import the converted model into Milkshape and rotate it x=90, y=0, z=180.
Then zoom out and scale it by 60-80%. Make sure to select all and FLIP THE VERTICES. You can merge it with HCl's dralthi model to see if it's the right size.
-Add some hardpoints (I just loaded up HCl's dralthi model, deleted the dralthi, then saved the hardpoints. Every time I do another model, I just merged it with the hardpoints file, then moved them around to suit the model) and make sure the material name for the texture is unique. Load up the texture and flip it upside-down. Resize it so its sides are a power of 2. Make sure to save it as an UNCOMPRESSED tga.
-Export it as a Freelancer CMP and use the UTF editor to create a .mat file. YOu can use one from my FS2 ships mod as a template, then change the names around so the node name in the material library node matches the material name in Milkshape. Finally, import the tga textures.
That should about finish it. There's probably enough in this forum to tell you how to bring a new ship into the game.
A sig? Bah[! Who needs a sig?[!
Edited by - Garion on 08-04-2003 20:52:36