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How do i delete a mod?

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Post Sun Jun 15, 2003 12:59 am

How do i delete a mod?

Ok, i'm new to this so it may be a problem with an obvious answer and i'm just to stupid to see it.
I just installed a mod i got from this site, the GSF Server mod, it works ok, i've just decided that i want to get rid of it as the MP server i use wont allow it. I've tried deleting it but can't, and there does not appear to be a way of disabling it. Any help would be apprecited,

Post Sun Jun 15, 2003 12:30 pm

if ur using FLMM just click once on the mod then just click delete in the top right corner of the window (deavtivate the mod first). then go to tools and open mods folder and if the folder is there just right click on it and delete it.

if u dont use FLMM ur gonna have to replace all of the backups urself ( that is if u backed up the files bfore u installed the mods folders)

hope this helps

I think therefore i am....i think

Post Sun Jun 15, 2003 1:23 pm

"if u dont use FLMM ur gonna have to replace all of the backups urself ( that is if u backed up the files bfore u installed the mods folders)"
Backups? dont know what they are..LOL... so i definatly didn't do anything with them.
If i un-install the game, i presume that will get rid of it, or is there another way, as i rather do this as a last course of action.

Post Mon Jun 16, 2003 9:09 am

You can also delete the mod manually the same way you delete any other file or folder. By default the mod manager is in
c:/program files/freelancer mod manager/mods/mod name
the GSF mod is a zip file so unless you added .flmod to the files name I assume that you either extracted the zip to your freelancer directory or manually installed the mod. There use to be a set of ini files here for download but I cant find them so uninstalling and reinstalling might be your best option unless someone has a better idea.
found the original ini set you can download them

right here

Edited by - bakedpotato on 16-06-2003 10:15:09

Post Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:31 pm

Thanks for the help bakedpotato, i've got a problem though. Now I've downloaded the file and used it to replace the one in the game folder, but now everytime I start the game I get the Freelancer Server set up screen and I can't get to the game.
Now I admit i'm clueless about this sort of thing, so in case I messed up somewhere this is what I did:-
1)Deleted the origanal mod
2)Deleted all game saves
3)Extracted the original ini files to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer
4)Deleted the existing DATA folder at this location
5)Re-started the computer.

As for un-installing and re-installing, i've tried this to no success.
Any ideas?

Post Tue Jun 17, 2003 2:29 am

If you deleated the data folder you deleated almost everything in the game thats why it didn't run again. You dont need to put the ini files into the game directory after an install or reinstall, those files are for the people that make the mods, or need to compare them with edited files. What I would do is uninstall freelancer, delete the My Games folder in My Documents and do a fresh install of freelancer again but this time dont add or modify anything. Hope this helps I dont know if I answered your question. If I didn't understand what you were saying please try again.

Post Tue Jun 17, 2003 6:28 pm

Ok, done what you've said, have un-installed game and done a search for Freelancer and GSF Server mod and deleted everything I found. I then re-installed game and still have mod.
Borls has emailed me a file - Originalv1.0INIs (same file as you found on last post, except not a Zip file, i think), saying I need to replace my files with this. Oh, have also deleted my windows temp. folder in case there was anything there.

Edited by - Andy G on 18-06-2003 00:37:26

Post Tue Jun 17, 2003 7:53 pm

Edited by - Andy G on 18-06-2003 00:36:22

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