Post Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:52 am

help unique problem in mission 8

hello everyone,
i am having this unique problem on mission 8.the objective is to destroy the 2 weapons platforms.. to proceed. but everytime i destroy one... i get the pop up message of level failed!!! and the message says i failed to destroy the weapons installation...!!! i tried finishing the fighters first, and let juni finish the platforms... but it did not work!! everytime one is destroyed i get mission failed pop up and i have to load a savegame. i tried loading a previous savegame and declining the mission,, but juni keeps calling me again and again and i keep declining... the story does not go ahead...

somebody please help.. do i have to edit something?? is this a bug?? or should i reinstall ??


'F R E E L A N C E R'