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bounty hunting

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Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:57 am

bounty hunting

hello im from australia and freelancer is coming out in a few days and i was wondering if any one would ever hire a bounty hunter . i dont know if it would work but i would still like to try.
any suggestions??

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:25 am

I'm really sorry about this, but I just have to semi-slam you because of your name. You see, PS2 is garbage. Sure, it has millions of games that stink and look ugly, but that's not my point. My point? The XBOX is far better and more powerful. And you have to admit it, the PS2 is way too old.

Edited by - smudge on 10-03-2003 08:26:55

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:31 am

Ignore smudge, you're entitled to your own opinion as is he but at least you don't act like an asshat to get yours across. To the question though, the problem with bounties is that it only really applies to the sever you play on. If someone wants someone killed on server x but you're on server y, you have to create an account on the other server to fulfill the bounty (not to mention all your funds can't transfer over.)

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:26 am

hehe, i agree, i never understood why people sometimes almost Religiously prefer a certain piece of machinery over others, i for one prefer the ps2, but still own a xbox and dont use that bulls*** excuse about how its more powerful, its just nitpicking, its not like the graphical difference is so high that its even noticeable by the human eye!. and you know what, even if it is, the xbox has its share of problems too, cheaters on XboXLive and crashes and freezing (its based on a computer chipset). and from what i know, the PS2 is most popular and consumer friendly, plus has some of my favorite games. the xbox is really good in graphics and preformance, and the gamecube im sorry to say is really attractive to oriental people, apparently, it sold horribly in the us but is a best-seller in the asian countries (i dont like it because its all kids games). but i still think the computer dominates all gaming......ever...nuff said. alright, now im gonna stop bickering and answer your question, yes you can hire Bounty Hunters, but many dont, because B-Hunters arent ever really sure if the guy who posted it will go bottom out on his deal and decide not to pay them even after killing the target.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:37 am

Since when has this been a PS2 vs. Xbox forum? If you get in with the Bounty Hunters guild then yeah people will hire you for bounty hunter missions.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:31 pm

What people? Through jobs? How is that different from taking assassination missions in the game?

Regarding the PS2 vs XBOX debate I have a PS2 and a GC, both kick ass. The XBOX doesn't have enough really good exclusive games to make me want to open my wallet for M$. Sure the PS2 doesn't match it for graphics power but the software is where it's at. What's the point of having a great looking game that plays like crap? Witness, DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:29 am

is there any server which would be best for a bounty hunter or r they all the same

about the debate u seemed to have started i reckon the Game cube sucks, the games it has are mainly based at young children who still like mario and those **** characters. some games on the xbox are cool butt the PS2 is allways going to be the best

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:05 pm

Depending on where you take the bounty hunter job on the server, wil ldepict how they are. Some you assassinate, kill ships, blow up outposts, or even entire docks(my fav). But the mission types (not the missions) are the same from server to server.

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