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I think these are all good ideas, along with buying bases, mabye creating your own faction could be an option? One that would somehow fit with all onther factions in the frelancer universe. You would be able to control ship buying, and mabye AI's would join as well? probally just a dream, but I think it would be cool.
as Skaleus posted
"Fighter Differences - Light fighters should be more agile, and heavy fighters should be less agile. Just a few little tweaks here and there should make a good light fighter be able to compete with an Eagle."
now thats not really true, a light fighter is still very much more agile than a VHF, but, there are no lvl 10 light/heavy fighers - this should be included, and a lvl 10 freighter too.
"Fighter Differences - Light fighters should be more agile, and heavy fighters should be less agile. Just a few little tweaks here and there should make a good light fighter be able to compete with an Eagle."
now thats not really true, a light fighter is still very much more agile than a VHF, but, there are no lvl 10 light/heavy fighers - this should be included, and a lvl 10 freighter too.
I have a lot of experience in the mod community. The number one rule is to not aim too high. Controlling bases, creating new factions, walking around in bases/ships, and quite possibly even capital ships are way too complicated, and mods that plan to add them will never get off the ground. Focus on the things that you CAN change first, like ship/item properties.
On the other hand, I love it when people post that they want to be able to fly capital ships like no one else has ever thought of it.
On the other hand, I love it when people post that they want to be able to fly capital ships like no one else has ever thought of it.

Mining Asteroids:
I once heard about it then heard it would not be possible. I think it would be great to do so but corresponding to the speed and the kind of raw material you mine you would have to buy and install different mining tools.
For example you get a laser for melting ice out of an asteroid but if you want to get steel you have to use different ways
so that in the end you get 20+ different minig tools
(i _hate_ it if i don't find the right words damn my english)
hope everyone can follow ....
I once heard about it then heard it would not be possible. I think it would be great to do so but corresponding to the speed and the kind of raw material you mine you would have to buy and install different mining tools.
For example you get a laser for melting ice out of an asteroid but if you want to get steel you have to use different ways
so that in the end you get 20+ different minig tools
(i _hate_ it if i don't find the right words damn my english)

hope everyone can follow ....
To make it simple enough:
1) More balance among ships, different speed/handling etc. to make them more suited for certain tasks.
2) Flying those big transports. Not sure about capitals unless ppl in your group could dock with them (somehow I just can't imagine a battleship docking on a planet).
3) Automated turrets, especially on freighters. Not too accurate but I'd love to be able to actually pilot my ship while my turrets would fend off any attackers.
4) Ability to take down bases, not permamently but taking them out of commision for a specified time untill repair crews arrive (there're special repair ships already in game). This would also include making bases really tough (finally a use for torpedo launchers hehe).
5) Prices raising/falling dependant on player actions/special events, but of course slowly going back to their standard level.
6) Making those drifting ships appear in random location and dissapear after being destroyed (now that just could be a bit harder to code...or would it?).
7) Cloaking device.
Making pirating more profitable, like transports dropping a % of their cargo when destroyed, no matter NPC or player transports.
That's about when it comes to things that I think could be done in a mod. Yea I'd love many other changes but some of them just call for a new game not modding hehe.
PS. Sorry for my spelling/grammar.
It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree.
1) More balance among ships, different speed/handling etc. to make them more suited for certain tasks.
2) Flying those big transports. Not sure about capitals unless ppl in your group could dock with them (somehow I just can't imagine a battleship docking on a planet).
3) Automated turrets, especially on freighters. Not too accurate but I'd love to be able to actually pilot my ship while my turrets would fend off any attackers.
4) Ability to take down bases, not permamently but taking them out of commision for a specified time untill repair crews arrive (there're special repair ships already in game). This would also include making bases really tough (finally a use for torpedo launchers hehe).
5) Prices raising/falling dependant on player actions/special events, but of course slowly going back to their standard level.
6) Making those drifting ships appear in random location and dissapear after being destroyed (now that just could be a bit harder to code...or would it?).
7) Cloaking device.

That's about when it comes to things that I think could be done in a mod. Yea I'd love many other changes but some of them just call for a new game not modding hehe.
PS. Sorry for my spelling/grammar.
It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree.
Well Everything that Ravenwing has mentioned i fully agree with. I was actually write virtually the same thing but he beat me to it (I think he's reading my mind
Still one more thing i would like to see changed, and thats the difficulty for raising money. I've mentioned this b4, going by the demo, its far to easy to get cash if it was made harder to get the cash, or the cash limit to go up to the next rank was made much higher, it would make things more interesting. And with people finding a way to create high pay high risk missions, it would be more team work and at the same time backstabbing into the game.
heres a thought, how about politcal missions from the clans (they may all ready have this i dont know) which will help with ur rank, but at the same time there is a counter mission for someone else to take.
One more thing, is it possable to add other ranking systems to the game? This game is ranked on ur wealth right. but how about other clans ranking u, weather they hate u or not they would still think of you at a certain lvl, be it skill or what ever. so can u add other ranks to the game. That way ur goal isn't just making money, but to be famous. (i'm sure thats the point already now i come to think of it, but being given a rank as well as them liking or hateing you makes alot of difference to me.)
The Beast said "Be you Angels?" and we said "Nae. We are but men. ROCK!"

Still one more thing i would like to see changed, and thats the difficulty for raising money. I've mentioned this b4, going by the demo, its far to easy to get cash if it was made harder to get the cash, or the cash limit to go up to the next rank was made much higher, it would make things more interesting. And with people finding a way to create high pay high risk missions, it would be more team work and at the same time backstabbing into the game.
heres a thought, how about politcal missions from the clans (they may all ready have this i dont know) which will help with ur rank, but at the same time there is a counter mission for someone else to take.
One more thing, is it possable to add other ranking systems to the game? This game is ranked on ur wealth right. but how about other clans ranking u, weather they hate u or not they would still think of you at a certain lvl, be it skill or what ever. so can u add other ranks to the game. That way ur goal isn't just making money, but to be famous. (i'm sure thats the point already now i come to think of it, but being given a rank as well as them liking or hateing you makes alot of difference to me.)
The Beast said "Be you Angels?" and we said "Nae. We are but men. ROCK!"
But of course I'm reading your mind Arumin, how else could I have come up with such brilliant ideas?
But I just couldn't get to this part about other ranking systems heheh, it'd be nice to have both money and kill rating
As for other modding ideas I've seen and liked/disliked enough to write about them.
1) Posting job offers in the bar (not my idea, forgot whose it was), that would be really sweet for taking down some of your human enemies or getting some escorts etc.
2) Making game a bit harder, come on, I know it's just a shooter with buying weapons but many ppl (including me) think that game is too easy. So changes might include the following:
a) Making trade a bit less profitable and more dangerous, hmmm make it far more dangerous.
b) Making equipment and ships far more expensive (well, wasn't that your idea Arumin?
c) Including a landing fee in stations and on planets (well, not much of making game really harder but nice and hopefully easy to implement).
d) Imposing some real penalty for dying. Maybe not character deleting (sometimes you just die because of lag
), but maybe loosing some extra money, some part of your equip and not being able to respawn for a set time.
2) Making some real bounty hunters that would be hired by factions that dislike you a lot... I mean some really tough guys that'd really hunt you, not just shoot because you just happened to be close. (it isn't my idea either, it's sweet but I don't know how about coding it).
3) Adding some extra equip to get on your ship, like better engines, reactors etc.
4) Making missiles a bit more deadly, now almost noone uses them
1) Wngmen - now this could take some time but... what do we need computer controlled wingmen for in multi? I really prefer to fly with my friend escorting me
Now that was a long one, and I skipped many things that I feel are unmoddable with the current level of knowledge about the game. Maybe in time I'll post more when some new info shows up.
Btw. before someone starts to flame in a usual fashion of: "Stop whinning, if you want this in game do it yourself", I must say that I'm no coder and really don't know how to or even where to start even with so much info on these boards, but I'll try to do my best to help any mod in the ways of making ship models etc when it becomes possible.
PS. nce again sorry for my spelling/grammar.
It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree.

But I just couldn't get to this part about other ranking systems heheh, it'd be nice to have both money and kill rating

As for other modding ideas I've seen and liked/disliked enough to write about them.
1) Posting job offers in the bar (not my idea, forgot whose it was), that would be really sweet for taking down some of your human enemies or getting some escorts etc.
2) Making game a bit harder, come on, I know it's just a shooter with buying weapons but many ppl (including me) think that game is too easy. So changes might include the following:
a) Making trade a bit less profitable and more dangerous, hmmm make it far more dangerous.
b) Making equipment and ships far more expensive (well, wasn't that your idea Arumin?

c) Including a landing fee in stations and on planets (well, not much of making game really harder but nice and hopefully easy to implement).
d) Imposing some real penalty for dying. Maybe not character deleting (sometimes you just die because of lag

2) Making some real bounty hunters that would be hired by factions that dislike you a lot... I mean some really tough guys that'd really hunt you, not just shoot because you just happened to be close. (it isn't my idea either, it's sweet but I don't know how about coding it).
3) Adding some extra equip to get on your ship, like better engines, reactors etc.
4) Making missiles a bit more deadly, now almost noone uses them

1) Wngmen - now this could take some time but... what do we need computer controlled wingmen for in multi? I really prefer to fly with my friend escorting me

Now that was a long one, and I skipped many things that I feel are unmoddable with the current level of knowledge about the game. Maybe in time I'll post more when some new info shows up.
Btw. before someone starts to flame in a usual fashion of: "Stop whinning, if you want this in game do it yourself", I must say that I'm no coder and really don't know how to or even where to start even with so much info on these boards, but I'll try to do my best to help any mod in the ways of making ship models etc when it becomes possible.
PS. nce again sorry for my spelling/grammar.
It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree.
i don't think it's a good idea to be able to pilot battleships.
gunboats would do fine though,
and i think players should be able to "order" their own space stations.
you have like:
small outposts
slightly bigger outposts (ithaca sized)
medium sized outpost.
asteroid base.
and then the larger bases.
small outposts should be bough from +/- 100k, but then they get really expensive...
and the owner(s) decide who can enetr and who not.
and of course, they are indestructible.
to prevent lame level 20 dudes, blowing up your hard earned outpost with their starkiller torpedoes :/
should eb soemthing like: you order a station at a "factory".
it is build, and after a couple of hours, it's where you want it (must be friendly system, so no easy hideout in omicron whatever system)
gunboats would do fine though,
and i think players should be able to "order" their own space stations.
you have like:
small outposts
slightly bigger outposts (ithaca sized)
medium sized outpost.
asteroid base.
and then the larger bases.
small outposts should be bough from +/- 100k, but then they get really expensive...
and the owner(s) decide who can enetr and who not.
and of course, they are indestructible.
to prevent lame level 20 dudes, blowing up your hard earned outpost with their starkiller torpedoes :/
should eb soemthing like: you order a station at a "factory".
it is build, and after a couple of hours, it's where you want it (must be friendly system, so no easy hideout in omicron whatever system)
I like the idea of taking a bigger penalty for dieing, but how about instead of having to wait a certain amount of time b4 u can respawn loose ur ship and have to start with a basic ship and maybe even start back at liberty sector or where ever u began the game (depending on mods).
Now i have nothing against owning a space station, but other than making a nice bit of cash if landing fees are implimented, what would you do with it?
oh another thought, when u die you loose ur space station. I could go up for sale or somthing. I havent really thought this bit through, it just popped into my head.
The Beast said "Be you Angels?" and we said "Nae. We are but men. ROCK!"
Now i have nothing against owning a space station, but other than making a nice bit of cash if landing fees are implimented, what would you do with it?
oh another thought, when u die you loose ur space station. I could go up for sale or somthing. I havent really thought this bit through, it just popped into my head.
The Beast said "Be you Angels?" and we said "Nae. We are but men. ROCK!"
about outposts: i like the idea (its been mentioned before) and good job on the diferent kinds of stations (whohoo! asteroid station
But i think there should be a central command in giving stations. or else you get station-wars with people crowding stations next to eachother or stations in central places (like in front of manhattan). iMO it should be handeld like the Ultima Online system of building houses. You get a "deed" from an architect and you get to place your base in a specified area. Also Maybe, the base could be the Clan HQ? (also liek in Ultima Online).

But i think there should be a central command in giving stations. or else you get station-wars with people crowding stations next to eachother or stations in central places (like in front of manhattan). iMO it should be handeld like the Ultima Online system of building houses. You get a "deed" from an architect and you get to place your base in a specified area. Also Maybe, the base could be the Clan HQ? (also liek in Ultima Online).

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