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Balancing capship blow-offables

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:46 am

also, does anyone out there know how to make the turrets stay alive when they reach a certain hp, or a fuse starts? for example, in the mod i am workin on, the turrets cost a good sum of money, and if they are "killed" i want them to be jettisond into space for the cap ship piolet to tractor in, incase he/she happens to live thru the fight. also it a liberty dread skid thingy gets destroyed, i want the gun on it to be jettisoned. also, any guns that get destroyed should have some sort of way of not getting killed in the explosion.

Although I don’t know how to make it work in the situations you’re describing there is a fuse entry that may help.
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>[destroy_hp_attachment
at_t = 0.200000
hardpoint = Weapon01 << name of hardpoint, random is valid here
fate = loot << equipment mounted on the hardpoint is ejected as loot, debris and disappear should be valid as well</font></pre>

The problems are that I don’t think I’ve seen any fuses on equipment (even if you can put fuses on equipment I don’t see how you could possibly specify the correct hardpoint), and for some reason this doesn’t seam to work for destructible components. I don’t know why. I hope it’s just been a foolish mistake somewhere on my part, but I can’t get it to work with destructible components.

However, I do have an idea for circumventing first problem. Instead of having a fuse trigger to eject a gun when it reaches so many hp, have a number of fuses trigged by the ship’s hp to eject random weapons. It’s not as neat because the destroyed hardpoints might be on the other side of the hull but it should work.

Edited by - YongeDevil on 10/22/2007 12:48:49 PM

Edited by - YongeDevil on 10/22/2007 12:49:24 PM

Post Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:51 am

the reason your soulting wouldent work is because the whole point of haveing it eject is so theres no chance of a dun "dying" because that would make someone want to suicide.

but thanks for the code example, im sure i could put it to good use.

Post Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:59 pm

Ah well in that case, the solution is much simpler. Make the weapons near indestructible (high hp and full explosion resistance).
Edit: Sorry you will also have to eliminate destructible components with hardpoints attached. Which means either giving them more hp than the root and setting root_health_proxy = true or having them trigger a death fuse. It's a trade off, destructible components or never loosing a gun (unless you can get the component to eject the attached guns, in which case I'd appreciate learning how you did so).

As for this,

i shot at battleship missuri to test it (while facing it head on, so all or most of the shots hit my ship at the nose) and for some reason, my health went down, even though i set its root health proxy to false! also it never broke, just eventullay killed me.

Note: it shouldent have that many hit points, or a price of "1" thoes were just for testing, also i suspect that the problem may be either that the fuse file has _player after it, or something in thoes "simple" entries, as i never touched thoes at all.

I’m afraid I don’t have much helpful to say. I can tell you it is not likely the simple entries, as I’ve never touched those either.

Edited by - YongeDevil on 10/22/2007 2:05:56 PM

Post Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:53 pm

if anyone can give me help with the problem, i would like it. as for the guns thing, it ~should~ be simple, like

[collision group
fuse = normal_fuse_player, 0.0000, 1
fuse = gun01_fuse_player, 0.0000, 15000

and then something like:



[unequip hp attachment
hp= turret_hp01

has anyone ever tried this?


seriousely, now all plaercontrolled ships do not have any targetable parts, has anyone had this happen to them!?!?

Edited by - sona1111 on 10/22/2007 5:42:11 PM

Post Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:53 am


about the gun probs. you said you couldent get the "[destroy hp attachment" thingy to work? in this mod, when the ships death fuse starts (the big explosion one, not the engine one), all but one of the guns come off. this was done so it wouldent shoot back as much (and because all thoes guns exploding looked really cool) like:

name = l_dreadnought_root_death_fuse_player
lifetime = 15


at_t = 0.100000
hardpoint = random <<< change to correct hardpoint
fate = debris <<<< change to loot

^^repeat 13 times^^

effect = gf_whiteflash
at_t = 0.95
pos_offset = 0, 0, -20
ori_offset = 0, 0, 0

at_t = 0.000000
origin_hardpoint = HpMount

at_t = 1.000000
origin_hardpoint = HpMount

at_t = 1.000000


so i was thinking...

obj = Li_port_skid_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 60.0
child_impulse = 10.0
debris_type = debris_vanish
mass = 200.0
fuse = l_dreadnought_port_skid_detatch_weapons_fuse_player, 0.0, 1500 <<< important
fuse = l_dreadnought_port_skid_fuse_player, 0.0, 1
dmg_obj = li_dread_port_skid_cap
dmg_hp = DpPortskid
hit_pts = 8000
root_health_proxy = false


name = l_dreadnought_port_skid_detatch_weapons_fuse_player
lifetime = 0.2

at_t = 0.100000
hardpoint = hp_03
fate = loot

at_t = 0.100000
hardpoint = hp_04
fate = loot

effect = gf_whiteflash
at_t = 0.1
pos_offset = 0, 0, -20
ori_offset = 0, 0, 0

(yes, our skids have 2 weapons each, one on top and one on bottom)

but tell me what you think.


ok , i managed to get the parts working, but now theres another problem. when tring to dock with a base (after parts were destroyed), the game crashed. i have a suspicion that the reason for this is that no "parts" are sold at the repair as i rember from vanilla freelancer, if your fin died it would have its own part in the repair menu aside from the health of the hull. please help me with this, i would greatly appriciate it.

Edited by - sona1111 on 10/23/2007 1:18:33 PM

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