Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:49 am by Gibbon
One of the more usual ways of getting this to work is to use the JUMP command.
In your SOLARARCH entry for the base amend one of the docking lines (normally a moor) to this,
docking_sphere = Jump, HpDockMountA, 75.000000
Then in your SHIPARCH entry for your ship make sure you have this line amended so it reads like this,
mission_property = can_use_jumps
You will also need to amend the entry in the mShipsProps.ini DATA\Missions\mShipProps.ini, so it reads like this,
archetype_id = yourshipname
prop = can_use_jumps
The fallout from all this is that big ships will now dock at that point. Best not to use it on berths as it looks really stupid if you have a battleship trying to dock in a berth so use one of the moor settings and change that to the JUMP command in SOLARARCH. You might have to vary the distance setting i gave you, maybe raise it, experiment to get the right setting.
That's gonna look silly with a battleship trying to go into a berth, also there's the possibility of the ship getting stuck, other thing is smaller ships will dock so far away from the berth, you're then missing the point of having the berth docking sequence
Edited by - Gibbon on 2/28/2007 2:53:18 AM