@ opwnageo, Ubisoft and Xplosiv have both licensed Freelancer from M$ and sell them in shops, but M$ being M$ they refused to allow anybody access to thier anti piracy software. This means that thier game disks don't have the hidden data and encryption that an original M$ disk has. If they had released them with the normal exe they wouldn't have worked, so they got an altered exe from M$ to allow thier disks to be used. This is what I'm talking about when I said an "official no-cd exe", none of the "budget" versions needs the game disk in the drive to work.
FD I know but from what I've seen on other sites those who have a "budget" version have a CD. They bought a legal licensed version of FL and find that more than half of our mods won't work because we stuck an original exe into the mod.
I know that the original exe is whats called "wrapped", this means it's encrypted, making it harder to hack. At some stage some bright spark has managed to "unwrap" one and gave us the no-cd exe, however I'm pretty sure that you'll find that the budget exe is M$'s own version of the no-cd exe and that it will be "wrapped" to deter hacking. This will mean it's covered by the EULA, as I doubt if M$ would allow Ubisoft or Xplosiv to sell it otherwise.
**shuffles of with a new headache**
You have to have the CD deal.
FD I know but from what I've seen on other sites those who have a "budget" version have a CD. They bought a legal licensed version of FL and find that more than half of our mods won't work because we stuck an original exe into the mod.
I know that the original exe is whats called "wrapped", this means it's encrypted, making it harder to hack. At some stage some bright spark has managed to "unwrap" one and gave us the no-cd exe, however I'm pretty sure that you'll find that the budget exe is M$'s own version of the no-cd exe and that it will be "wrapped" to deter hacking. This will mean it's covered by the EULA, as I doubt if M$ would allow Ubisoft or Xplosiv to sell it otherwise.
**shuffles of with a new headache**