Mission Problem ASAP
I've been having a problem with the amount of NPC that are showing up during my missions. Now this isn't just in my new systems this is in all systems, I've never had this problem til I frist got the mod tested online.
I've edited the npcship.ini and made every NPC(besides nomad) "ace". That changed a few things but I changed everything back becuase I thought that would change the amount of NPC in the missions, well the missions are easyer, but the amount of NPC are crazy, There is no way a new person could do this. Thios happens on the 2000 credit missions.
I've been working on this for about a week now and have got onlt so far.
I have been thinking that this has to do with mbases, but I do not know at this time.
I will mess with that and find out my self.
But any tips would be a great help and ASAP would even be better becuase I am going to have a server test tommrow and want to get this done by tonight.
Other wise I'll have to fix the missions after the server test and have to wait.....
So anyone who knows how to do this please help.

Thanks anyone who reads.
QuEsTiOn AsKeR
Last Hope MOD