.... lol a new system would take a while to type out

but oh well

might as well
Ok first you'll need:
A text editor (My favorites are
Context and
FL SDK 1.5 to decode the .ini files in FL
And if you already downloaded the stuff from the last post you got everything you need.
Ok open up your text editor and put the following in it (Note i'm also explaining what everything does(that is if i understand it

[SystemInfo;<---- close this with another square bracket
space_color = 0, 0, 0; donno
local_faction = li_p_grp; donno again
[EncounterParameters;<---- close this with another square bracket
nickname = area_defend; the nickname of the encounter
filename = missions\encounters\area_defend.ini; where the encounter is located
[EncounterParameters;<----close this with another square bracket
nickname = area_assault; the nickname of the encounter
filename = missions\encounters\area_assault.ini; where the encounter is located
[TexturePanels;<----close this with another square bracket
file = universe\heavens\shapes.ini; donno
[Music;<----close this with another square bracket
space = music_omega_space; the music you hear while your flying around
danger = music_omega_danger; the music you hear when theres enemys nearby
battle = music_omega_battle; the music playing while your in a fight
[Dust;<----close this with another square bracket
spacedust = Dust; donno
[Ambient;<----close this with another square bracket
color = 20, 50, 60; the background color (Not sure)
[Background;<----close this with another square bracket
basic_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_stars_noband.cmp; part of the background
complex_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_bw02_stars.cmp; another part of th background
nebulae = solar\starsphere\starsphere_bw02.cmp; last part of the backgroud
[zone;<----close this with another square bracket
nickname = Sys01_Sun1_death; it's nickname
pos = 0, 0, 0; the location in the system
shape = SPHERE; the shape of the zone
size = 9000; how big the zone is
damage = 1410065408; how much damage it does

LOTS of damage

sort = 99.500000; donno
density = 0; it's density
relief_time = 0; relief time
[Object;<----close this with another square bracket
nickname = Sys01_Sun1; it's nickname
ids_name = 458756; it's ids name
pos = 0, 0, 0; it's location in the system
ambient_color = 255, 255, 255; it's color
archetype = sun_2000; it's archetype
star = Ku01_sun; the type of star effect
atmosphere_range = 10000; it's atmosphere range
burn_color = 255, 255, 255; the burn color
ids_info = 66162; it's info card
[Object;<----close this with another square bracket
nickname = Sys01_to_Bw02_hole; it's nickname
ids_name = 260665; it's name
pos = -74999, 0, -74999; the location in the system
rotate = 0, 140, 0; how much it's rotated
archetype = jumphole_red; it's archetype
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Bw02; donno
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole; it's jump effect
ids_info = 66146; it's infocard
visit = 0; donno
goto = Bw02, Bw02_to_EW07_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia; the first part after the = sign is the system it goes to the second part is the object it come out of, and the last part I donno
Ok you can make your names and infocards useing FLEd-ids as you probally figured out
It's just a really basic system

ok now create a folder inside of the SYSTEM folder called Sys01 and save that inside that folder as Sys01.ini
ok now open up Bw02.ini and put this at the bottom:
[Object;<--- don't forget to close this tag
nickname = Bw02_to_Sys01_hole
ids_name = 458755
pos = 16734, 0, 17000
rotate = 0, 140, 0
archetype = jumphole_red
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_EW07
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
ids_info = 66146
visit = 0
goto = Sys01, Sys01_to_Bw02_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
Ok save that up and open up systems_shortest_path.ini and put this in the bottom:
[SystemConnections;<--- don't forget to close this tag
Path = Sys01, Hi01,Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Ew04, Hi01
Path = Sys01, Li01, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br02, Iw04, Li02, Li01
Path = Sys01, Li03, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br02, Iw04, Li02, Li01, Li03
Path = Sys01, Rh05, Sys01, Bw02, Bw04, Rh05
Path = Sys01, Rh01, Sys01, Bw02, Bw03, Rh03, Rh01
Path = Sys01, Rh03, Sys01, Bw02, Bw03, Rh03
Path = Sys01, Br06, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br04, Br06
Path = Sys01, Br04, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br04
Path = Sys01, Br02, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br02
Path = Sys01, Ku06, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Ew04, Bw06, Bw07, Ku04, Ku06
Path = Sys01, Ku04, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Ew04, Bw06, Bw07, Ku04
Path = Sys01, Ku02, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br04, Bw10, Bw08, Ku03, Ku02
Path = Sys01, Iw06, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br02, Iw04, Li02, Li01, Li03, Iw06
Path = Sys01, Iw04, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br02, Iw04
Path = Sys01, Iw02, Sys01, Bw02, Bw03, Rh03, Rh01, Rh02, Iw02
Path = Sys01, Bw10, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br04, Bw10
Path = Sys01, Bw08, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br04, Bw10, Bw08
Path = Sys01, Bw06, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Ew04, Bw06
Path = Sys01, Bw04, Sys01, Bw02, Bw04
Path = Sys01, Bw02, Sys01, Bw02
Path = Sys01, Ew06, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Hi02, Ew06
Path = Sys01, Ew04, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Ew04
Path = Sys01, Ew02, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Ew04, Hi01, Ew02
Path = Sys01, Hi02, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Hi02
Path = Sys01, Li04, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br02, Iw04, Li02, Li04
Path = Sys01, Li02, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br02, Iw04, Li02
Path = Sys01, Rh04, Sys01, Bw02, Bw04, Rh05, Rh04
Path = Sys01, Rh02, Sys01, Bw02, Bw03, Rh03, Rh01, Rh02
Path = Sys01, Br05, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br05
Path = Sys01, Br03, Sys01, Bw02, Br03
Path = Sys01, Br01, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01
Path = Sys01, Ku05, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br04, Bw10, Bw08, Ku03, Ku05
Path = Sys01, Ku03, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br04, Bw10, Bw08, Ku03
Path = Sys01, Ku01, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Ew04, Bw06, Bw07, Ku04, Ku01
Path = Sys01, Iw05, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br02, Iw04, Li02, Li01, Li03, Iw05
Path = Sys01, Iw03, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br02, Iw03
Path = Sys01, Iw01, Sys01, Bw02, Bw03, Rh03, Rh01, Rh02, Iw01
Path = Sys01, Bw09, Sys01, Bw02, Br03, Br01, Br04, Bw10, Bw09
Path = Sys01, Bw07, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Ew04, Bw06, Bw07
Path = Sys01, Bw05, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Ew04, Bw06, Bw05
Path = Sys01, Bw03, Sys01, Bw02, Bw03
Path = Sys01, Bw01, Sys01, Bw02, Bw01
Path = Sys01, Ew05, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Ew04, Hi01, Ew05
Path = Sys01, Ew03, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03
Path = Sys01, Ew01, Sys01, Bw02, Ew03, Ew04, Hi01, Ew01
Path = Sys01, EW07, Sys01
Ok save that up
Ok now open up UNIVERSE.INI and put this at the bottom:
[system;<-- don't forget to close this
nickname = Sys01; it's nickname
file = systems\Sys01\Sys01.ini; the location of the system file
pos = 6, 16; location of the system of the universe map
visit = 0; donno
strid_name = 458754; it's name
ids_info = 66106; it's info cards
NavMapScale = 1.360000; the system scale
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_EW07;donno
Gawd i wrote a freaking tutorial lol
If i I missed something please tell me
and if your on dial up sorry lol