VWires are very easy but also very hard

Make sense? Ok let's do this thing...
Essentially they are very simple, being 3d vector drawings generated from the vertex data in one of the cmp's lod sections. What makes them hard is working out *which* -expletive deleted- verts to join up
The structure of VWireData goes as follows :
struct TVWireData {
DWORD header_size;
DWORD vmeshlib_crc_id; // crc of lod to use
WORD unknown1; // offset into vertex buffer? - pretty certain on this
WORD no_vertices;
WORD no_ref_vertices;
WORD highest_ref_vert; // vertex reference for the highest one used
struct TVWireDataLine {
WORD point1;
WORD point2;
So... what we need is a 3rd party program that can make a wire frame of the model or someone unbelievably patient to do it by hand.... In the case of slave1.cmp some 60,000 verts. Oh and to make things better each 3db's VWireData can only hold < 255 verts

It may be less as I have only experimented with low poly models (look out my post in modelling forum which includes a screenie).
edit :
thread here
+++ out of cheese error - redo from start +++
Edited by - anton on 11/15/2005 5:06:33 PM