Cold Void,
Any changes in multifire weapons stats: - damage per shot, energy consumption etc.. is multiplied by the number of HPFire points..rate of fire will stay the same, so lets say you use the 5 HPFire point model and set your refire at 0.25 the weapon will still fire at 4 shots per sec, but each time it fires it does so 5 times simultaneously, with 5 shot effects etc.. so you may need to play with the effects a little otherwise they can be overpowering.. a great big blob can result or a neat conelike beamspear, depending on the effect used. If the freelancer models are used since the Hpfire points are fairly close together, the separation of the shot effects is lost a little but the overall effect can look very cool.
For custom weapons it's best to try to separate the barrels a little (say a dual barrel heavy ship turret) then the individual 'tracer' effects are more easily seen.
So far as I know nobody has yet worked out how to stagger the shot effects so there can be a 'ripple effect' with each 'fire' being individual i.e. like a gatling gun.. that I think may be very difficult, however, it can be 'faked' by grouping individual 'invisible' HPWeapon mounts ( ie nomad gun cmps or liberty main gun), then making the exact same weapon in terms of effects and range.
Then let's say you want a doppler or rotary fire effect, simply stagger the refire rates so the sounds are separate, and vary the damage rates per weapon so the overall damage is what you want.. if you want this "weapon" as a main gun on a capship or 'mobile damage platform' .. lol..

, some math and experimentation can result in some very cool effects.. Glock did it for the Mars Flyer for Epsilon about a year ago.. so the thing is not new.. but it has the drawback of needing 'matched' weapons mounted that some droid says "hey!.. this would be really cool with my suber_uber_no energy_use_planet_killer_blaster.." and proceeds to sell the custom weapons and mount conventional ones... so the ship looks 'odd' to say the least with a great cluster of weapons in the same spot .. the only other way I know to prevent this is to premount the weapons via goods.ini and remove the weapons from shiparch.. and that can throw warnings to the console about missing hardpoints.. or model the ship in such a way that the guns are completly hidden inside the ship with the max and min locked so the weapon does not rotate outside the hull and look dumb.. the fact that the 'shots' come from inside the hull can also look odd... depending on your point of view..
Edited by - harrier on 9/21/2005 6:35:38 PM