Guns that say "Whoosh"
The reason why I thought this one up was that I had a custom set of Missile sounds I did for Toolkit 1.2. I'm not happy with them at all. They were nice, meaty sounds and stuff, but the FL engine's a pain in the buttocks- it'll keep playing a sound associated with a firing event even if the shot no longer exists. While at the same time, I wanted a nice long sound for missiles, because you never can hear anything but the "tone lock" sound in default FL- you NEVER hear the "missile launch" sounds.
Aaaaanyways... the *point* is that while thinking over how to solve that problem, I came up with something that I think might be very, very cool.
Basically, what I'm going to do is attach a sound to every shot in the game in their FX listing. This isn't much different, per se, from the sounds that we have to attach to multi-barreled guns' Flash FX to get them to play a sound btw... the difference here is that the sound will be attached to the FX entries for the shots themselves.
The sounds will be various hums and hisses, short in duration and designed for looping, so they (hopefully anyhow) won't be a big annoyance in terms of FL's performance.
Each sound, just like Music, will be set to loop, and will have their attenuation, etc. set up so that they doppler, with a relatively small sphere where they'll play. So you won't hear them unless shots are passing right by you, which ought to create that "bullet-whizzing-by-my-head" effect that some games (Max Payne, or The Specialists Mod, for example) have used to great effect.
In addition, I'll alter the attenuation parameters of the current sound effects for shots, so that instead of playing at essentially full volume over their entire decay distance, they'll ramp much more strongly as you get closer. The combined effect should be that if you're at, say... the max distance from a Cap Ship firing its Gigantic Guns of Doom... you won't even *hear* it firing... and perhaps the first sound you hear, as you pass 2000 meters and it starts shooting... is a very scary WOOOSH as the "plasma shells" streak past your ship. If I can get this working right, it should really improve the atmospheric qualities of FL's sound