Philosophy: Iconic Gameplay

Basically, I've been thinking, for some time, about various people's attraction to issues of scale in a game like FL. After putting some thought into this topic, here's where I sit on this particular fence.
While making star systems "to scale" is a fairly attractive idea, simply because the Freelancer game engine allows designers to make content that's quite large, I am actively exploring the idea that there are lots of worthwhile alternatives that might produce better gameplay. In short... bigger is not better.
This may sound counter-intuitive, but this assertion is based on my experiences with other mods that have deliberately made scalar issues into a much bigger deal than they were previously.
For example, many mods have removed Tradelanes entirely or in large parts, and at the same time increased the scale of the star systems they have players tooling around in.
This definately results in a much larger sense of scale, but is it good game design? My answer, based on my experience doing practical design and playtesting, is a resounding "no".
Why not? After all, it's a game in Outer Space... and Space, as the late great Carl Sagan liked telling us, is "really, really, really big".
The problem is... Freelancer, ultimately, is not really a game in Outer Space. It just looks like one. Really, Freelancer is an updated version of Autoduel (which, if you're curious, can be found here- emulator required).
For those of you too lazy to just go play a game with ancient graphics for awhile... Autoduel was the first "action RPG" that didn't suck. Basically, you built a character, and that character bought and sold cars, which you could attach various weapons and equipment upgrades to. You could take missions or fight in the Dueling Arena to increase your cash, which in turn allowed you to take harder missions, and so forth and so on. Sound familiar? Yup... well before Privateer, Autoduel (designed by Lord British, no less) showed how this kind've "do it yourself" gameplay might be a lot of fun

Autoduel had a very interesting viewpoint on scale, which I really haven't seen done in a game since then. Basically, to do missions (which mainly consisted of FedEx quests and extermination runs) you drove a fairly lengthy "route" through large swaths of terrain (ok, so we're talking really primitive sprites that looked vaguely like cacti, houses and so forth, but still, they were terrain- running into them stopped your car and did damage)... but when you got to a city, it was very iconic. You "drove" your car or walked your little human stick-figure to a building, which opened up a primitive graphical menu and allowed you to do various things, like upgrade your car, buy new cars, visit a bar to get Missions (sounding familiar again?) and so forth.
At any rate... Freelancer has most of these elements. It's really just Autoduel with laser guns and "spacecraft" which only vaguely act like realistic spacecraft.
After awhile, Autoduel's sense of distance got really, really old. Just like flying from System to System does in FL. Having had to play the SP storyline all the way through more than most people (I have to play it over and over again while playtesting the Toolkit Mod, amongst other reasons, and I don't skip any of it, since the mod affects game-balance in all sorts of ways) I have come to the conclusion that an ideal mod for the Freelancer game engine is probably a lot smaller than the FL universe as originally designed. We could still have "solar systems", but they'd be (very deliberately) much smaller, and they'd all technically be in the same System. Hopping from planet to planet would take less time than it now takes with Tradelanes, and the planets would be smaller in scale, along with everything else.
Why do this? In a word: multiplayer. MP Freelancer has always flourished, but let's face the facts: for the most part, it's been difficult to get a lot of genuine player interaction, aside from newbies in NY and the occasional clan war. And many mods have made the isolation of individual players from one another worse, not better, by making huge, sprawling collections of Systems and increasing Cruise Speed to the point where players only meet "by agreement", instead of by design. I think this is bad game design, and I'd like to explore alternatives.
If anybody would like to explore this further or talk about coding challenges this may present, please feel free to add to this thread. I've been thinking about this topic ever since I built Warriors of the Sky, and I'm convinced that I'm onto something here