Glock... my answer to your concerns are actually pretty simple (and maybe simple-minded, but I think not):
1. FLMM is being used in just about every mod around.
2. You can build a server-side mod that can be used to compare against suspect clients very easily- simply install the mod, copy the files that have been altered, and use them as the basis of the hash. I *think* that will work.
At any rate, I'm not super-worried about security at this point- I have a lot've obstacles sitting in my way... like the fact that making things like game-balance variables (notably, weapons) easier for people to mod is pretty nasty stuff... DA's code makes a teenager's room look clean. I am beginning to understand why revamp mods take so darn long to develop, and when I'm done... they won't.
I've finally bit the bullet. I'm going to totally revamp the weapons ramps. Basically, I'm going to build a set of FLMM scripts that will:
1. Create guns and turrets, level 1-5 for each of the main types, with appropriate labels, replacements in the Loadouts so that everybody's using the new guns... etc. I'm going to do some of this on the INI side of things, because I'd rather have FLMM modifying a tight INI that accurately reflects the manifest in the XML scripts, rather than have a half-dozen <dest> tags replacing a half-dozen guns that can hardly be told apart, stat-wise.
2. Rebuild the shields, so that they make some sort've sense for once. DA's original stab at it was incoherent at best- there were a lot've shields that simply weren't worth buying.
3. Rebuild Market_Misc, again with the same reasoning behind it as rebuilding Loadouts... there's simply no reason not to clean house.
I didn't really set *out* to create a new mod here, darnit. But what I'm going to end up with, more or less, will resemble a heavy-handed reworking of FL's game-balance from top to bottom. I doubt if anybody will want to *play* it, mind you... I'm not making new FX, ships or other toys... this is just about the fundamentals, and making a codebase that actually makes sense for once, as a newbie modding kit.
It's just looking like the best way to attack these problems is to hit them head on, and revamp DA's work from the ground up... as usual. Sorting out the guns is zero fun, but once I'm done, anybody should be able to adjust game balance to whatever they want to, with a lot less pain. When I get this completed, the old guns can all go bye-bye, and nobody will miss them very much, because the new ones will be stealing their art and sounds, and will be functionally similar. At least that's the plan, hehe...
I'll keep it nice and organized and well-labeled, so that people can, say... find the Plasma IV and make it more deadly and more expensive... and not wonder whether it was the fc_lr_plasma_is_good, or the fc_lr_plasma_for_dummies... sheesh... if there's anything that's irritating about tackling this, it's the sheer stupidity of the naming conventions, and the incredible lack of organization... it drives me a wee bit nuts here. It's like they just made stuff up by Faction, and then dumped it all into a common INI at the end. And people wondered why I decided to do a TC as my first mod, instead of making a regular space-simmie thing- I knew I wasn't going to do this unless I could actually clean this mess up for once and all
Still, I'm just about done with the tough issues- I'm down to pure, boring slog.
I think that I'll just rebuild Market_Misc and Market_Ships so that they actually make sense- surely, in the far future, you don't have to travel across the Galaxy to buy a gun you want- that's what UPS is for. People can tweak them to *not* make sense later, if they want to- they can just use a <filereplace> to comment things out, or whatever.
Edited by - Argh on 4/14/2005 12:21:21 AM