The turret view camera is defined through the cockpit ini files. To fix the turret view camera, make a file inside the cockpits folder called yourshipname_cockpit.ini. This is an example of what a file looks like,
mesh = cockpits\civilian\models\cv_cockpit.cmp
int_brightness = 0.500000
head_turn = 35, 15
tether = 0.000000, 13.000000, 46
yaw_rotate_speed = 2.000000
pitch_rotate_speed = 1.500000
accel_speed = 5
The top part should remain the same, though you can sub out the mesh for any cockpit model you want. The bottom is what we are focusing on. To get the camera to zoom in or out, edit the tether values. The first number is the X plane, left to right across the ship, the second number is the Y plane, top to bottom across the ship, and the last number is the Z plane, nose to tail on the ship. With some editing of those values (X should remain the same most likely) your turret view should look normal.
After you have created the file, go into your shiparch.ini file and look for your custom ship. Look for the "cockpit =" and direct it to your file, e.g,
cockpit = cockpits\kusari\k_fighter.ini
Save the file and test it out, you will most likely need to play with the values in your cockpit file a couple of times, but you will eventually get the values right. Just takes patience.