Bah! What''s causing this server error?
I'm getting the following error message and a server crash, when trying to exit Detroit in my mod. I hadn't changed anything about Detroit aside from what it sells, so I was kind've confused... what's going on here?
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CSolar.cpp(109) : *** ERROR: 0xb32d168a is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to
I'm not quite sure (yet) what caused this, but I have a feeling that it's a bad Solararch.ini entry. I did a bunch of find-and-replace operations on this file, to fix docking problems, and I probably screwed something up.
Replacing solararch.ini with the original seems to have gotten rid of this problem... of course, now I have to go re-edit the whole thing... grumble...
I've re-edited solararch.ini, and everything seems to be resolved. Going to do some further fooling about... might as well start looking at what it's going to take to replace the current Solars, which are just about totally not what I need for this mod
Edited by - Argh on 11/12/2004 4:22:05 PM
Edited by - Argh on 11/12/2004 4:22:40 PM
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CSolar.cpp(109) : *** ERROR: 0xb32d168a is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to
I'm not quite sure (yet) what caused this, but I have a feeling that it's a bad Solararch.ini entry. I did a bunch of find-and-replace operations on this file, to fix docking problems, and I probably screwed something up.
Replacing solararch.ini with the original seems to have gotten rid of this problem... of course, now I have to go re-edit the whole thing... grumble...
I've re-edited solararch.ini, and everything seems to be resolved. Going to do some further fooling about... might as well start looking at what it's going to take to replace the current Solars, which are just about totally not what I need for this mod

Edited by - Argh on 11/12/2004 4:22:05 PM
Edited by - Argh on 11/12/2004 4:22:40 PM