Help! I still can''t get my custom cockpit working...
Guys, I've been fighting with this !@*!!*! custom cockpit file dozens of times, and NOTHING seems to make the darn thing visible in the game. Somebody who's made a custom cockpit before... please... take mercy on me and fix this.
You can download the file here.
All I want is a simple crosshair, centered in a player's POV. Pleeeeeeeease help me get this working! It's driving me crazy, and it's a necessary part of my mod- the mod won't be nearly as nice without this feature!
I don't even care why it's wrong, guys... I give up, and I'm disgusted by how annoying this part of building a mod has been. It and custom weapons have both been driving me absolutely nuts. UTF and DLL editing are the worst parts of modding this game- zero fun, and if you do one thing wrong, the game either crashes or doesn't do what you ask... and even when it looks like you've done something right, it doesn't work. Building ships is (relatively) easy, modding game behaviors is downright simple... this stuff is for the birds
I've tried reworking this thing about 30 times in the last 3 weeks, and so far as I know, there aren't any tutorials on this, but I've done my best working from existing custom cockpit files and the ones in the game.
Please, please PLEASE... just fix it and email it to me... I don't even want to know what I'm doing wrong here, I just want it to WORK
You can download the file here.
All I want is a simple crosshair, centered in a player's POV. Pleeeeeeeease help me get this working! It's driving me crazy, and it's a necessary part of my mod- the mod won't be nearly as nice without this feature!
I don't even care why it's wrong, guys... I give up, and I'm disgusted by how annoying this part of building a mod has been. It and custom weapons have both been driving me absolutely nuts. UTF and DLL editing are the worst parts of modding this game- zero fun, and if you do one thing wrong, the game either crashes or doesn't do what you ask... and even when it looks like you've done something right, it doesn't work. Building ships is (relatively) easy, modding game behaviors is downright simple... this stuff is for the birds

I've tried reworking this thing about 30 times in the last 3 weeks, and so far as I know, there aren't any tutorials on this, but I've done my best working from existing custom cockpit files and the ones in the game.
Please, please PLEASE... just fix it and email it to me... I don't even want to know what I'm doing wrong here, I just want it to WORK