Flight Physics... Serious Errors in Current Assumptions... v
Please read through the entire post before commenting... as revealed below, my experiments contained some flaws, and the results discussed below have some errors in them. That said, this article does point out some areas of the FL flight model that weren't previously well-explored, and should be somewhat useful for modders who're interested in tweaking flight models

I just got done looking through the assumptions that are in the Flight Stats sticky, which can be read here
Since I'm working with a lot of these concepts right now, and doing a lot of experimentation with changing values and then testing the results... I have come to the conclusion that many of the assumptions in the article are wrong, and do not match experimental results... and the mod community should do more experiments to verify what I've observed. I have experimentally observed several serious inconsistencies between my results and what the article says it's explaining about the physics of Freelancer.
I know that the authors were trying to help... but for the article to be helpful, it has to be reasonably accurate. I also know that the authors did their work for free, and I appreciate their effort- seriously, it takes time and mental energy to do something like that, and I think it's great that they tried to explain these things. But in this case, I think that the whole community would be better-served if we corrected the things that are just plain wrong.
Here's a list of my observational findings, where they differ sharply with the "Flight Stats Explained" article.
1. Assumptions about the relationship between Mass and acceleration.
The authors of the document assume that Mass has a relationship with Max_Thrust variables, when the Freelancer engine is determining how things accelerate/decelerate.
I tested these assumptions, and I'm sorry to say that the writers of that document are completely wrong

It's easy to prove that my statement here is correct, so please try this yourselves. Simply take a default ship (say, the starting ship)... and go into SHIPARCH.INI and set its Mass to something ridiculous... say... 1000000. Yup, a million, or 10,000X more Mass than it had before... now that ship should accelerate very slowly, according to the authors' math. It won't. In fact, its flight behavior will be unchanged.
All Mass seems to *actually* do is provide an integer when the Freelancer engine is trying to figure out how much force to apply when two mobile objects collide. It doesn't even factor into the damage done when you ram something. Try ramming your Million-Mass Fighter into a space station... if Mass affected this calculation, then you'd just die instantly... you won't. The damage done *does* take velocity into account... and *does* combine velocities, if both objects have velocities > 0. And, of course, there's the COLLISION_DAMAGE_FACTOR. But Mass doesn't do *jack* here. Sad, but true... I was counting on being able to play with Mass in my mod... now I'm going to have to re-think a bunch of things

Edited by - Argh on 10/19/2004 6:00:18 PM