Like pheonix said, you have to have an idea on WHAT you want to change, add and or modify.
but like what was stated on the last post, try making a new system by downloading Freelancer Explorer or as we all call it here (FLE). If you want to make custom ships download Milkshape 3d and Dritzz (i think thats how it is spelt) tutorials on ship construction and texturing...a great turorial

, finally when you want to do advanced modding..IE making weapons, custom encounters and such look through the forums everyone has gone over just about everything.
Making a mod is a long process, filled with aggravation and total enjoyment. When it all works and flies straight, it is awesome, when it fails it can be frustrating as hell. All and all jsut gotta learn those .INI's and what everything does and the mechanics of how freelancer is set up, learn the physics (ships additions and modifications only), and learn basic programming.
have fun, if ya got Q's don't hesitste to ask. But like others will tell you, make a good search through the other threads and you'll 80% of the time discover what you need.
on a final note...Chips' thread.."This has it all" has what every INI file does and basic steps for 90% or so of what you'll need to make a mod...Have fun!!

"To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"