flight stats explained

I think I have a good explanation of the flight dynamics in freelancer
If anything is wrong, shout out
**********linear flight*******************************************
-------------------------------General rules-------------------------------------------------
First some Laws of Physics
Law 1 when flying in a linear direction (i.e. straight ahead)
Force = Mass * acceleration
Force is what’s needed to get something to move forward.
Mass is defined as a measure of an objects inertia
Inertia means the amount of resistance something has to being moved
This has nothing to do with weight
For Flight we have to take Drag into account as well.
Drag is the force resisting our forward movement.
Our ship wants to go forward but it’s being pushed back by Drag
For linear movements, the drag coefficient is found in the engine equip.ini
You also can find the force an engine applies to the ship to move it forward there too.
The drag coefficient is the figure to be mutliplied by a ships current velocity in order to calculate the current linear drag (see the drag table below for details)
the drag coeffiecient is for all ships
linear_drag= 599 from the engine_equip.ini file plus 1 from the shiparch.ini
max_force = 48000 is from engine_equip.ini
For ships we need to define the excess force (the force needed to go fwd over and above drag)
Law 2 Excess Force = Force – Linear Drag
And we then restate Law 1 as
Excess Force = Mass * acceleration or
Acceleration = Excess Force / Mass
Let’s get some figures:
(assume the velocity is 1 in these examples so the drag is the coefficient * velocity of 1 i.e. (600* 1 - 600)
For an Eagle:
Mass = 150
Our Excess force = (48000-600) = 47400 (from the engine equip.ini)
Acceleration (using engines) = 47400 / 150 = 316 m/s
In st_equip.ini the thrusters all have a max_force of 72000
Excess Force with a thruster = (72000-600) = 71400
Acceleration (using thruster) = 71400/ 150 = 476 m/s
For a Sabre with mass of 75 the results are
Acceleration (using engines) = 47400/ 75 = 632 m/s
Acceleration (using thruster) = 71400/ 75 = 952 m/s
So yeah, Sabres accelerate better in a straight line than Eagles
Proof of velocities in freelancer (why all ships have the same top speeds)
Law3 states
Max Velocity (of a ship) = Force/Linear Drag
Let’s prove this:
When accelerating with your engines from 0 you can get to a speed of 79/80
Our force = 48000 (from the engine equip.ini)
Our Linear Drag = 600 (from the engine equip.ini and shiparch.ini)
Max Velocity = 48000/600 = 80
If we accelerate from 0 with our thrusters we get to a speed/velocity of 120
In st_equip.ini the thrusters all have a max_force of 72000
Excess Force with a thruster = 72000
Max Velocity = 72000/600 = 120
So because all the engines/thrusters have the same Max force/linear drag we get the same top speeds for all ships.
Incidentally the top speed of 199/200 is reached by adding the two together (80+120) =200
(why? because you can activate the thrusters when flying at the max velocity with your engines)
********************** Angular flight (turning)******************************
Ok now let’s look at flight dynamics when turning:
Ok we know from Law 1 restated that
Excess Force = Mass * acceleration
when turning or rotating its slightly different
The physics guys say:
Excess Force is replaced by Excess Torque
Mass is replaced by Rotational Inertia
Acceleration is replaced by Angular acceleration (we are moving at an angle cos we are turning)
So for angular flight we have a new Law 4
Excess Torque = Rotational Inertia * Angular acceleration
How do we get these?
In shiparch.ini we can see for an eagle the following:
Pitch Yaw Roll
Steering torque 55000 55000 48000
Angular drag 41000 41000 35000
Rotation inertia 8400 8400 1000
What are Pitch, Yaw and Roll?
Pitch is a movement of the nose of the ship up and down
Yaw is a movement of the nose of the ship side to side
Roll is a movement of the ships wings up and down (i.e. drop one wing for a banking turn)
Let’s get Excess Torque (0nce again assume velocity of 1 so we are just using the drag figures)
Excess Torque = (55000-41000) = 14000 for Pitch
Excess Torque = (55000-41000) = 14000 for Yaw
Excess Torque = (48000-35000) = 13000 for Roll
Angular acceleration is a restatement of law 4
Angular acceleration = Excess Torque/ Rotational Inertia
So for an Eagle
Angular acceleration = (14000/8400) = 1.67 for Pitch
Angular acceleration = (14000/8400) = 1.67 for Yaw
Angular acceleration = (13000/1000) = 13 for Roll
For a Sabre the figures are:
Pitch Yaw Roll
Steering torque 43000 43000 63000
Angular drag 41000 41000 41000
Rotation inertia 8400 8400 2400
Excess Torque = (43000-41000) = 2000 for Pitch
Excess Torque = (43000-41000) = 2000 for Yaw
Excess Torque = (63000-41000) = 22000 for Roll
Angular acceleration = (2000/8400) = 0.24 for Pitch
Angular acceleration = (2000/8400) = 0.24 for Yaw
Angular acceleration = (22000/2400) = 9.17 for Roll
Therefore, an Eagle turns quicker (note the Roll figures) than a Sabre, with a result of 13 compared to 9.17.
********************** Strafing Flight ******************************
We all know and love strafing, where our ship does that side to side thing when going head on at someone
So we are going in a linear direction but moving a bit from side to side
In shiparch.ini all the ships have a strafing force of 20000, yet we know the Sabre is better than an Eagle at this
How does this work?
Well we can use Law 1 restated again
Excess Force = Mass * acceleration
We will replace Force from the engine with the Strafe force from shiparch.ini
We will keep the same linear drag figures as before (600) so velocity is one.
Law 5
Excess Strafe Force = Mass * Strafe acceleration or
Strafe acceleration = Excess Strafe Force/Mass
From Law 2 we know
Law 2 Excess Force = Force – Linear Drag
Restate this as Law 6
Law 6 Excess Strafe Force = Strafe Force – Linear Drag
Law3 states
Law 3 Max Velocity (of a ship) = Force/Linear Drag
Therefore we can also get the Max Strafe velocity by restating this law
Law 7 Max Strafe velocity = Strafe Force /Linear Drag
Proof of above Laws
For all ships:
Strafe Force = 20000
Max Strafe velocity = 20000 / 600 = 33.33
For an Eagle (mass 150) assume velocity of one
Strafe acceleration = (20000- 600) =19400 / 150 = 129.34 m/s
For a Sabre (mass 75)
Strafe acceleration = (19400) / 75 = 258.68 m/s
Therefore a Sabre accelerates to the maximum strafe velocity twice as fast as an Eagle because its mass (75) is half that of an Eagle (150)
Edited by - bane42 on 9/12/2004 7:16:51 PM