ok, this is the solution for the problem that the Excelcia mod will have in the next patch:
kinda everything is destructable. almost.
nondockable station modules and the like can be blown up without being worried about crashes. however, blowing up bases where players or NPCs can dock causes trouble. here is how i solved this:
i made a custom fuse entry or the "destructible" stations.
i set its trigger to 1 hitpoint.
they key is to make the station invulnerable just before it blows up. in the same way as wrecks do.
for the fuse:
turn_on = true
this will block the destruction of the base inthe last second.
after a short while (as weaponplatforms and tradelanes do) the station will be back at full health.
what i did to simulate the "destruction" of the base is this:
1st a large shockwave will go through all station hardpoints, small explosions, then a final big blast that will damage things in the area, also with a kinetic effect. (the station's dockable module will remain there).
during this sequence i strip the base of all weapons (and those will hurt in the next patch

i disarm the base with the fuses - it will lose all weapons and can be considered as "disabled". you can still dock with it.
at_t = 0.5
hardpoint = HpTurret_S1_01
fate = debris
... (for all possible station turret mount names)
its a bit tricky, but it works
Excelcia Mod Leading Developer