need some help here:
i was able to change the screen after the movies but before the menu, easily done by editng startupscreen.tga (using photoshop CS
but i cannot seem to edit the screen for the menu.
i know that thorne files are used for the animation stuff in the background, but the words (freelancer) are done with the startupscreen.tga. at least i think so.
i looked at the freeworlds mod, and in the data\interface\intro\images\ i found what i was looking for: front_freelancerlogo.tga.
i copied one to my mod folder, and it worked fine, i loaded the menu and there it was, all the words.
so then i tried to change the image. nothing happened at all. it stayed the same.
now this is the interesting part: i used an eraser tool and erased all the freeworld words stuff. so that all i saw again was white. i loaded it in, and when it came up the words were still there! except now they were white. the 'shadow' was white as well. very odd.
so now here is my question: is there some kind of hidden layering in TGA files that adobe cant access? It would make a lot of sense, since the normal front_freelancerlogo.tga appears completely white. is there some kind of good full TGA editor taht i can download or something?
i was able to change the screen after the movies but before the menu, easily done by editng startupscreen.tga (using photoshop CS

i know that thorne files are used for the animation stuff in the background, but the words (freelancer) are done with the startupscreen.tga. at least i think so.
i looked at the freeworlds mod, and in the data\interface\intro\images\ i found what i was looking for: front_freelancerlogo.tga.
i copied one to my mod folder, and it worked fine, i loaded the menu and there it was, all the words.
so then i tried to change the image. nothing happened at all. it stayed the same.
now this is the interesting part: i used an eraser tool and erased all the freeworld words stuff. so that all i saw again was white. i loaded it in, and when it came up the words were still there! except now they were white. the 'shadow' was white as well. very odd.
so now here is my question: is there some kind of hidden layering in TGA files that adobe cant access? It would make a lot of sense, since the normal front_freelancerlogo.tga appears completely white. is there some kind of good full TGA editor taht i can download or something?