Adding News Logos: impossible?
A typrical News item, in Data\Missions\news.ini looks like this:
rank = base_0_rank, mission_end
icon = faction
logo = news_curacao
category = 56372
headline = 56372
text = 56373
audio = true
base = Iw03_02_Base
Now, there are several ini-files in the game that contain references to image files, like e.g. in Goods.ini :
nickname = commodity_optronics
msg_id_prefix = gcs_gen_commodity_optronics
equipment = commodity_optronics
category = commodity
price = 210
combinable = true
good_sell_price = 3.400000
bad_buy_price = 3.400000
bad_sell_price = 1.328000
good_buy_price = 1.328000
shop_archetype = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\cwire_hightech_1.3db <-- reference to 3db-file that contains an image
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\COMMOD_optronics.3db reference to 3db-file that contains an image
jump_dist = 6
But there appears not to be any file where the News logos and news icons are linked to a file. Also, I haven't found any 3db-files that seem to carry news logos. I guess that both the icons and the reference to them (so that the games knows what image it should show when it reads logo = news_curacao ) are inside a non-ini--file.
Now, I'd like to add a few news logos, and my intuition says it's possible, but I have no idea where to look, what programs I should use etc.
So, if someone could show me the right direction, I'd be very happy

1) What file(s) should I edit?
2) What program(s) do I need for that?
Thanks in Advance!