Concerning cloaks!
Seeing that some people are having trouble understanding the rules here at TLR, I feel the need to post something that will maybe help things along. I am getting tired of seeing it and am sure that the Moderators here at TLR are too. I don't believe that people are reading the rules for the forums and so a direct thread about it MAY get some more attention. So I think this should be stickied so it will remain at the top of the list of threads. It should also be closed ASAP to avoid any discussion. I also feel that the subject line should remain in all caps, because at this point some "yelling" is probably justified.
TLR forbids ANY (no exceptions) attempts to request, distribute, talk about, ask questions pertaining to, or about Cloaking Devices. That means ALL subjects pertaining to Cloaks will be locked and the person that brought it up MAY be BANNED from TLR! There are absolutely NO exceptions!
P.S. Moderators, feel free to delete this line and the first paragraph to avoid "misunderstanding or distractions"!!!
Edited by - Sanic on 4/15/2004 10:12:20 AM
EDIT: NO CAPS, few exceptions. I understand your desire to get the word out. Believe me, if this thread gets into the ins and outs of the cloak I live for finding them and dealing with them. We will IP ban idiots that can't get the no so subtle hint.
Edited by - Stinger on 4/15/2004 2:29:12 PM
TLR forbids ANY (no exceptions) attempts to request, distribute, talk about, ask questions pertaining to, or about Cloaking Devices. That means ALL subjects pertaining to Cloaks will be locked and the person that brought it up MAY be BANNED from TLR! There are absolutely NO exceptions!
P.S. Moderators, feel free to delete this line and the first paragraph to avoid "misunderstanding or distractions"!!!

Edited by - Sanic on 4/15/2004 10:12:20 AM
EDIT: NO CAPS, few exceptions. I understand your desire to get the word out. Believe me, if this thread gets into the ins and outs of the cloak I live for finding them and dealing with them. We will IP ban idiots that can't get the no so subtle hint.
Edited by - Stinger on 4/15/2004 2:29:12 PM