evade_dodge_interval_time in pilots_population.ini
Anyone know what this controls, as opposed to the evade_dodge_interval value? If anyone could post a short list of what the following values mean, it would be very much appreciated
evade_dodge_style_weight = waggle, 1.000000 (a factor in whether they choose to waggle or do another move?)
evade_dodge_cone_angle = 90 (??)
evade_dodge_interval_time = 2 (? always a fraction of the next)
evade_dodge_time = 4 (? time between moves to let you shoot them?)
evade_dodge_distance = 200 (? how does this work with next)
evade_activate_range = 300 (figured this out)
evade_dodge_roll_angle = 0 (?)
evade_dodge_waggle_axis_cone_angle = 0 (?)
evade_dodge_slide_throttle = 0 (the amount of slide?)
evade_dodge_turn_throttle = 1 (the amount of regular throttle in turn?)
evade_dodge_corkscrew_turn_throttle = 0 (?)
evade_dodge_corkscrew_roll_throttle = 0 (?)
evade_dodge_corkscrew_roll_flip_direction = False (?)
evade_dodge_interval_time_variance_percent = 0.800000 (factor to vary internal move timing by each time)
Thanks for any help! Instead of bumping up the pilot difficulty to make the game harder, I'm trying to bump up the evasive moves, so all pilots evade you better. Even the best of them really do s*ck at getting away...

evade_dodge_style_weight = waggle, 1.000000 (a factor in whether they choose to waggle or do another move?)
evade_dodge_cone_angle = 90 (??)
evade_dodge_interval_time = 2 (? always a fraction of the next)
evade_dodge_time = 4 (? time between moves to let you shoot them?)
evade_dodge_distance = 200 (? how does this work with next)
evade_activate_range = 300 (figured this out)
evade_dodge_roll_angle = 0 (?)
evade_dodge_waggle_axis_cone_angle = 0 (?)
evade_dodge_slide_throttle = 0 (the amount of slide?)
evade_dodge_turn_throttle = 1 (the amount of regular throttle in turn?)
evade_dodge_corkscrew_turn_throttle = 0 (?)
evade_dodge_corkscrew_roll_throttle = 0 (?)
evade_dodge_corkscrew_roll_flip_direction = False (?)
evade_dodge_interval_time_variance_percent = 0.800000 (factor to vary internal move timing by each time)
Thanks for any help! Instead of bumping up the pilot difficulty to make the game harder, I'm trying to bump up the evasive moves, so all pilots evade you better. Even the best of them really do s*ck at getting away...