*see whats looming on the horzion* could it be, could it???? Is that the terra empire mod phase 1 I see......oh no it's just squal blowing up more battleships *lol* But seriously phase 1 is close guys *i promiss!!!!* I mean heck were about to start beta 2, and if you wondering why I don't release phase 1 now, simple, IT"S NOT READY!!! Thats why I beta test this stuff, granted the entire mod is a huge work in progress, but I want to make sure each part is 1 stable enough to release, 2 balanced enough for everyone to enjoy, 3 has everything the phase is supposed to have in and implmented, and 4 to hear everyones ideas, oppinons etc on it so I can make it better/more ballanced before it's acutally out there
Speaking of phase 2

keep an eye on the website after thanksgiving, the beta 2 sign-up is looming, and this is a 5 day period to sign up *first 10 peeps to sign up are guarnteeded in the rest are of course done via lottery* so stayed tuned. As to the extact date hour, time phase 1 will be out? Well pending any more bloody distasters, by the end of the year to early next year. I know it's wide, it could be sooner, it could be latter, just never know. Time will tell so keep your fingers crossed and if you want to help and can't wait, then look for that sign-up soon. *should be a news item on it here at the reactor as well* Hope that gives you all something to look forward to, I simply can't wait to get phase 1 out so I can start work on phase 2 *grins*
James "Quickshot14" Greenwood<br>
QSD (Quickshot14's Domain
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