Ship question
Ok I have just got myself a powerful Alienware laptop so that I can go2 LAN partys. I am bringing along Freelancer so that I can have some fun against alot of peeps. I want to add as many ships to the game as possible and as many new systems as possible. I dont want to make the ships fly faster or make stupidly powerful weapons etc. How would I go about doing this? I see alot of ship packs out for FLMM but when I activate one mod then it wont like me activating another. I dont want large cruisers just small fighters, dont want any unfair advantage. How would I go about combining all the ship packs? My local LAN group have about 40 peeps there! So I want a large variety of ships so we can all be unique in our own ships. Who can help me out with my problem? Cheers
Its better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees.

Its better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees.