Free worlds
does any one here think that the peaple at free worlds have made such an accomplishment ok it only three systems but they had crafted a star destroyer so it looks nice anr like the real thing made new ships planets mineing areas removed jump gates and docking rings and put bouys in to make it fell more real as well as improved cruise speed to 800 and removed tade lanes. made new npc models so the imperials have a uniform that looks like the real thing new species bounty hunters look like boba eacch system as a diffrent feel and is unquie compared with the old ones which where all the same crete malta same london new york same ect. and all the ships have better graphics than the first ones all the missions are harder givining it a feel of a real universe.
Edited by - bob3terd on 14-11-2003 13:17:51

Edited by - bob3terd on 14-11-2003 13:17:51