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Gun Cluster
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I created a new ship followed all the tut's and imported my ship by editing the shiparch.ini or whatever and just changed the first (patioit) to my ship... but all I see is a cluster of weapons no ship why?? what do I have done wrong..???
I was being DUMB on that last question... where I had flipped my texture for the mat file it took the upside down versio when I scaled my model. But here is my next question, I have my ship sized peferctly and there are 2 texture files on for the cockpit one for the rest of the ship. the cockpit is textured in the game as for the rest of the ship it's just white, How do I remedy this?
I didn't mean new library nodes, I meant two extra material/texture leaves :
If it's still giving you trouble, I suggest you read this.
Edited by - Nephilim on 13-11-2003 18:08:47
I didn't mean new library nodes, I meant two extra material/texture leaves :

If it's still giving you trouble, I suggest you read this.

Edited by - Nephilim on 13-11-2003 18:08:47
*The texture is not - as per above... I have packed my work in a zip file located here so you can see for yourself to see what I mean.
Found the problem, I think.
Your jet group was located below the hardpoints on MS' component list. That's why it wouldn't show up properly. Here's the patched .ms3d:
Edited by - Nephilim on 13-11-2003 18:03:12
Edited by - Nephilim on 13-11-2003 18:03:12
I have boiled my texture problem down to this, my texture that I made for the body will not appear in the game for some reason I do not know why have manipulated the file many ways trying to get it to work but know dice, but when I take a graphic like the skin for the cockpit and change the colours etc. It appears in the game has this ever happen to any one can I fix this, Can you us a compressed tga file? does your graphic have to be a tga?
There is no such thing as a compressed tga, last I checked
. When this happened to me, I used the .mat file from the Dralthi included with the CMP exporter, imported my texture in to this, and all was well. No idea why.
the seeker
"Yes, I found them. They were on display at the bottom of a locked filing cabinet, stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door that said 'Beware of the Leopard'" - Arthur Dent, Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy

the seeker
"Yes, I found them. They were on display at the bottom of a locked filing cabinet, stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door that said 'Beware of the Leopard'" - Arthur Dent, Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
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