Go to tutorials forum - i have a sticky there which is a fixing bugs for system modding.
it is probabily due to several things. There are spelling mistakes in the tutorial for a start.
here is an example of a custom entry for you (ie - one that i made up)
nickname = Li02_to_Li07
ids_name = 261833 ;custom ids name for me
pos = 23702, 0, -68750
rotate = 0, 180, 0
Archetype = jumpgate ;jumphole or jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li07 ;means the message they say - silence
ids_info = 66145
jump_effect = jump_effect_elite3 ;Custom effects
reputation = li_p_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 1
goto = Li07, Li07_to_Li02, gate_tunnel_elite3 ;custom effects
loadout = jumpgate_li_01
pilot = pilot_solar_easiest
nickname = Zone_Li02_to_Li07 ;zone for what object
pos = 23702, 0, -68750
shape = SPHERE
size = 1000
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 0
The zone is for the jumpgates exit / entry point stuff (so you jumpout right next to it rather than other side of universe).
The highlighted lines are the points of interest. Why? Cause they are what are really important.
Now then - the nickname is important - must be unique in your system. The goto bold line has the system that you are heading to, and the part of the system you are heading too - which is the nickname of the jumpgate the other end. Take a peek okay.
nickname = Li07_to_Li02
ids_name = 196610
pos = 52500, -4000, -48500
rotate = 0, 90, 0
Archetype = jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li02
ids_info = 66145
jump_effect = jump_effect_elite3
reputation = li_p_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 1
goto = Li02, Li02_to_Li07, gate_tunnel_elite3
loadout = jumpgate_li_01
pilot = pilot_solar_easiest
nickname = Zone_Li07_to_Li02
pos = 52500, -4000, -48500
shape = SPHERE
size = 1000
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 0
Okay - notice that the goto line is pointing at this. They could just be called myjumpgate if you wanted, so
nickname = myjumpgate
goto = li07, myjumpgate .........
get it? Okay - the other things - the message prefix is the pre-recorded message for the system they are going to - like 'buckle up boys, we are heading to the texas system'.
My li07 one means i just get 'buckle up boys, we are heading to the........(silence)......
Zone is necessary - just make it on top of your existing jumpgate reference.
Now - systems shortest paths yes?
Open systems shortest path. Example of how it works for the connections.
Example of them here though:
Path = Li01, Hi01, Li01, Li03, Iw06, Ku02, Ku03, Bw08, Ew01, Hi01
Path = Li01, Li01, Li01
Path = Li01, Li03, Li01, Li03
path = ~~~~~~~lots of entries dammit!~~~~~~
Path = Li01, Li07, Li01, Li07
Now - Path = Li01, Li07 - this means the way to li07 from li01 okay. If we were going to honshu from manhatten, it would say:
Path = Li01, Ku04.........
The entries after that are the WAY THERE.
So - for mine it is :
Path = li01, li07, Li01, Li07
This means Li01 to Li07 passes from Li01 to Li07
For the honshu example you will get
Path = Li01, Ku04, Li01, Li03, Iw06, Ku02, Ku01, Ku04
So you go Li01 to Ku04, from Li01 to Li03 through IW06 Through Ku02 Through Ku01 and into Ku04 okay??
Now here is my systems entry.
Why do they have the path to themselves? Well - they just do........LOL
Its for the nav map i assumes (amongst other things!). So you can also make internal jumpholes too!
Path = Li07, Li07, Li07
Path = Li07, Li01, Li07, Li01
Path = Li07, Bw03, Li07, Bw03
Path = Li07, Iw03, Li07, Iw03
Path = Li07, Li04, Li07, Li04
Path = Li07, Li02, Li07, Li02
As you can see, mine is linked up to alot of other systems. Well - its no longer linked to manhatten actually - that was just for testing (jumphole was right outside of planet manhatten - so i don't have to go anywhere

Do the same for systems_shortest_legal_path for a jumpgate as well.
Now - the only thing left is whether you have somethign at the other end causeing crashes methinks. Well - at that point, remove the [Asteroids and the [Nebula entries - as they aren't being used yet are they? I strongly suggest you take a look through my thread on systems crashes, you would have found this out without me spending 20mins typing it out again! Go check - its stickied in the tutorials forum