id of body files
my first post. wasn't sure where to put it. people always seem to want to change trents clothes. it's one of the first things i figured out how to do. back up your pl_trent_body file. copy one of the files below (all end with _body). these are in freelancer\data\characters\bodies. paste somewhere else (my docs.?) rename file pl_trent. copy back into above bodies directory. simple.
original = pl_trent
LSF = li_scrote
liberty navy = li_male_elite
liberty police = li_male_ guard
bretonian armed forces = br_male_elite
bretonian police = br_male_guard
kusari navy = ku_male_elite
kusari police = ku_male_guard
rhienland navy = rh_male_elite
rhienland police = rh_male_guard
samura = sh_male3
daumann = same file as IC and GMG, haven't figured out the color change
kishiro = sc_scientist1
BMM = pi_pirate6
DSE = sc_scientist3
bowex = br_brighton OR br_quigley (bowex has 2)
republican = rh_reichman
agiera = sc_scientist2
synth foods = see daumann
kruger = see daumann
planetform = sc_scientist4
interspace commerce = li_rockford
universal = li_tilton
cryer = see daumann
ALG = rh_wilham
orbital = rh_deidrich
gateway = pl_male2_peasant
corsairs = pl_male1_journeyman
outcasts = pi_pirate3
red hessians = pi_pirate2 (I think, not sure about this one)
blood dragons = pl_male3_journeyman
junkers = pl_male3_journeyman (same as blood dragons)
hogosha = pi_pirate1 (same as Mollys)
mollys = pi_pirate1 (same as Hogosha)
xenos = pi_pirate5
bundschu = pi_pirate2 ( not sure here either, this is the unioner file)
gaians = pl_male3_peasant (same as LW
lane hackers = pi_pirate7
unioners = pi_pirate2
G. C.'s = for trent? forget it.
LWB = pl_male3_peasant ( same as gaians)
farmers alliance = pl_male1_peasant ( same as zoners )
liberty rogues = pi_pirate8
GMG = li_rockford (same as IC )
IMG = sh_male1
zoners = pl_male1_peasant ( same as farmers alliance )
bounty hunters = sh_male2
extra unused one = pl_male2_journeymen (gateway type jacket but nicer, black shirt, black pants with tan chaps)
Edited by - richard7254 on 26-10-2003 21:42:19
Edited by - richard7254 on 27-10-2003 02:37:23
original = pl_trent
LSF = li_scrote
liberty navy = li_male_elite
liberty police = li_male_ guard
bretonian armed forces = br_male_elite
bretonian police = br_male_guard
kusari navy = ku_male_elite
kusari police = ku_male_guard
rhienland navy = rh_male_elite
rhienland police = rh_male_guard
samura = sh_male3
daumann = same file as IC and GMG, haven't figured out the color change
kishiro = sc_scientist1
BMM = pi_pirate6
DSE = sc_scientist3
bowex = br_brighton OR br_quigley (bowex has 2)
republican = rh_reichman
agiera = sc_scientist2
synth foods = see daumann
kruger = see daumann
planetform = sc_scientist4
interspace commerce = li_rockford
universal = li_tilton
cryer = see daumann
ALG = rh_wilham
orbital = rh_deidrich
gateway = pl_male2_peasant
corsairs = pl_male1_journeyman
outcasts = pi_pirate3
red hessians = pi_pirate2 (I think, not sure about this one)
blood dragons = pl_male3_journeyman
junkers = pl_male3_journeyman (same as blood dragons)
hogosha = pi_pirate1 (same as Mollys)
mollys = pi_pirate1 (same as Hogosha)
xenos = pi_pirate5
bundschu = pi_pirate2 ( not sure here either, this is the unioner file)
gaians = pl_male3_peasant (same as LW

lane hackers = pi_pirate7
unioners = pi_pirate2
G. C.'s = for trent? forget it.
LWB = pl_male3_peasant ( same as gaians)
farmers alliance = pl_male1_peasant ( same as zoners )
liberty rogues = pi_pirate8
GMG = li_rockford (same as IC )
IMG = sh_male1
zoners = pl_male1_peasant ( same as farmers alliance )
bounty hunters = sh_male2
extra unused one = pl_male2_journeymen (gateway type jacket but nicer, black shirt, black pants with tan chaps)
Edited by - richard7254 on 26-10-2003 21:42:19
Edited by - richard7254 on 27-10-2003 02:37:23